EUMIND PROJECT Medical Facilities Pawar Public School , Chandivali Regions 11 Article 2

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  1. 1. EUMIND PROJECT Medical Facilities Pawar Public School , Chandivali Regions 11 Article 2
  2. 2. INTRODUCTION In our region Powai, there are hospitals for every strata of the society. We have the Powai hospital, Nahar Medical Center and the Dr. L. H. Hiranandani hospital. The Nahar Medical Centre is at a distance of 1km from our school and it takes about 3 minutes to reach. Whereas the Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital is at a distance of 4km from our school and it takes about 15 minutes to reach. We conducted a survey in the Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital and our findings are compiled in this PowerPoint Presentation.
  3. 3. OUR GROUP - GNOSIS Aayushi Kumar Chief Editor Jyotsna Raman Editor Siddharth Shetty Interviewer Sparsh Sood Photographer & Videographer Suheet Shetty Report Writer
  4. 4. DOCTORS Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital has one of the best teams of doctors. They are very well equipped with the best equipment and training facilities. The hospital is facilitated with doctors specialized in various fields such as cardiology, dermatology, neurology, gynecology, physiotherapy, urology, paedriatics, oncology, orthopedicatics to mention a few. This ensures that the patients case is treated with the right measures and precautions. The 24 hour hospital has a team of doctors to consult the patients with emergencies at any time. The doctors are very hygienic and they sanitize their hands before and after they treat a patient.
  5. 5. NURSES At Dr.L.H.Hiranandani Hospital, they have high quality nursing care that treats all patients with dignity and respect. The Nursing department is continually upgrading nursing skills through continuous training. Here, the nurses have high level of clinical knowledge and technical skill. They have a systematic approach to individualized nursing care. They provide quality support and preventive healthcare services at the patients place of residence, and assist the patient and family to maintain as normal a lifestyle as is possible. The qualified Nurses provide both routine and specialized nursing care.
  6. 6. EQUIPMENTS According to the survey we also concluded that the facilities and amenities in the hospital are completely up to date. There is a vast difference between the technology used today and the technology used 19 years ago. The hospital has a small fleet of very well equipped ambulances. The basic task here is to retrieve emergency cases from the proximity areas of the hospital. The ambulances are equipped with advanced life support systems and carry a doctor on board for cardiac and other life threatening emergencies.
  7. 7. FACILITIES Dr.L.H.Hiranandani Hospital offers the facility of Gymnasium located on the second floor of the hospital. There is a professional trainer to help you. The membership cost is Rs. 1300/- per month. Days: Monday to Saturday Timings: 11am to 3pm ,7pm to 9pm
  9. 9. DR.RAMESH IYER A PAEDIATRICIAN Dr.Ramesh Iyer (M.D. (Paed), D.C.H. ) is a child and new born specialist working in Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital. Q)During which season are the children more prone to disease? A)Most children fall ill during the monsoon season. Q)What do you love most about the hospital? A)The N.I.C.U of the hospital is the most advanced and well equipped part of the hospital. It does its best to increase the infant morality rate.
  10. 10. DR.ANITA SONI A GYNAECOLOGIST Dr.Anita Soni (MBBS ,MD,DNB,DGO, FCPS) is a full time doctor in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. She is also one of the doctors who laid down the foundation of the hospital. She informed us about the various problems faced by the youngsters and senior citizens of this generation. She also permitted us to view the N.I.C.U. and delivery room of the hospital.
  11. 11. DR.SANJANA - AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST Dr. Sanjana (MBBS,MS),a member of the International Council of Ophthalmologists (ICO) is a well known doctor of Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital. Q)A major part of society suffers either from myopia or hypermetropia. Can we prevent this? A)Optical power is hereditary. So,one cannot avoid acquiring spectacles But we can prevent increasing the power in our eyes by eating foods rich in vitamin A like carrots, mangoes, tomatoes and spinach.
  12. 12. Q)What are the various common diseases affecting the population of India? A)Cataract and Glaucoma are the most common diseases affecting the population. Cataract is a disease in which a cloudy image is formed in the eye. Glaucoma damages the optic nerve and diminishes the field of vision. Emphasizing on glaucoma, she explained how it is a 'silent killer of the eye'. It slowly darkens the image from the sides towards the centre.
  13. 13. Q)Can anything be done to restore vision? A)Blindness is caused by various factors. One can restore vision with the transplantation of the damaged part such as the that of the cornea and amniotic membranes. She permitted us to see the various machines used to view a 360 degree look at the eye, the various organs of the eye, etc.
  14. 14. HEAD NURSE Q)How does you staff work in case of an emergency medical situation? A)The head nurse told us that the nurses and ward boys of the hospital are always alert and are ready to face any emergency situation. They see to it that no patient is left unattended. They assist doctors and surgeons while treating their patients. They also play a role in increasing the patients morale. They try to maintain a positive atmosphere and keep the patient and their familys spirits high.
  15. 15. PROBLEMS FACED DURING THE INTERVIEW We faced a lot of problems in conducting our survey. At first they refused us from interviewing the doctors and the hospital staff. Later through special acquaintance our school arranged the interview for us. They took special permissions and allowed us to interview the doctors and the hospital staff.
  16. 16. DEFINE YOUR REGION WITH A SHORT EXPLANATION. Powai a community that works like a family. We help each other to make our region a better place. Problems are discussed and sorted out to maintain the region. The region has many medical facilities to ensure the well-being of its people. Workshops are held and free health check-ups are done to keep the people healthy and safe. The regions most renowned hospitals are Nahar Medical Centre, Dr.L.H.Hiranandani Hospital and the Powai Nursing Home.
  18. 18. Nahar Medical Centre and its location Dr.L.H.Hiranandani Hospital and its location
  19. 19. WHAT ARE THE VARIOUS TYPES OF MEDICAL FACILITIES IN YOUR AREA? The Powai region is provided with well-qualified pharmacies, clinics and hospitals. The following are the most renowned ones: Pharmacies - Clinics - Hospitals - Wellness Forever (24 hour pharmacy) Noble Chemist (24 hour pharmacy) Star Medico Dr.Ramesh V. Iyer - Child and New Born Specialist The Desai Clinic Eyes First Clinic Dr.L.H.Hiranandani Hospital Nahar Medical Centre
  20. 20. IS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE EASILY AVAILABLE DAY AND NIGHT? Many pharmacies and hospitals are available 24 hours a day such as the Wellness Forever Pharmacy and Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital. The hospital has a separate casualty section with well-qualified doctors and nurses to attend to the patients. The section has the various machines necessary during emergencies. The concerned family doctor is informed if the patients case is serious or fatal. If an individual is victim to an accident at night, he is sure to receive help form the hospitable people of Powai and the experienced doctors of the hospital. One need not worry about the necessity of any medicine at odd hours. There are many pharmacies in Powai providing day-and-night delivery service such as the Noble Chemist Pharmacy.
  21. 21. ARE THERE HOSPITALS WHICH SPECIALIZE IN THE TREATMENT OF DIFFERENT AILMENTS? The Powai region has many clinics with doctors specializing in various fields of medicine. The Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital itself has various doctors with specialization in a specific field of medical study such as dermatology, oncology, urology, gynaecology, neurology, dentistry, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, to name a few. The following are a few clinics situated in Powai , specializing in a specific branch of medicine: Eyes First Clinic (Ophthalmology) Dr. Bipin Patwardhans Clinic (Dentistry & Orthodontics) Dr. Ramesh V. Iyers Clinic (Paediatrics) The Padmalaya Nursing Home (Gynaecology)
  22. 22. IS FREE TREATMENT AVAILABLE FOR THE POORER SECTIONS OF SOCIETY? The poorer sections of society are welcome to take part in the free health check-up workshops initiated by Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital. These check ups are usually specialized in various common health problems faced by the present generation. It alerts the patient whether they are victim to some disease , spreading awareness of it in the process. The backward classes of the society do not prefer visiting the large hospital due to its unaffordable fee. Free treatment is unavailable to this section of the society. However, there are various medical facilities available to them. The Powai Nursing Home offers a lower fee. On asking the more fortunate people of Powai, we found that they are always ready to lend a helping hand.
  23. 23. WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS FACED BY PEOPLE DURING TIMES OF EMERGENCY OR IN CRITICAL CONDITIONS? During a medical emergency, not a lot of problems are faced in Powai. There are various medical centres spread all over the area. So, time is usually not a problem. Most of the people in Powai are kind and are willing to help in case of an emergency. Only a few of the people in Powai may not want to take the responsibility.
  24. 24. The medical experts of Powai do their best to help their patients. They try to instill in the patients, a sense of optimism. The various medical facilities together allow the people of every strata of society to receive medical help at any given time. The area has many doctors specializing in specific branches of medicine. Thus allowing a concentrated study on the problem and ensuring a better solution. The constant free medical check-up camps set up Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital helps in spreading awareness and reducing cases of the specific disease. The 24 hour hospitals and pharmacies and the hospitable Powaiites prevent the worsening of serious injuries. In all, it can be concluded that Powai, a small suburb nestled in the heart of hillocks and a serene lake, is self- sufficient in terms of medical facilities.