Horror Poster Analysis Emma Marshall

Poster Analysis

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Horror Poster Analysis

Emma Marshall

Film: Let Me In (2010)

Denotation/ Connotation

One girl

Window/ glass (something along these lines)

She’s by herself, suggesting she’s alone in the movie too.

She could be looking at a victim, an attacker or maybe even at her past self

Character RepresentationClose up shot is used so we can see her facial expression which looks distressed. Also it highlights the fact there is blood smeared across her lips, which has also been rubbed onto the glass. Perhaps she is hurt, or she has hurt someone. Her facial expression is serious which represents her as a serious person, suggesting the film is going be based around quite a serious topic. The lighting is generally quite bright, however there are still dark shadows cast on her face suggesting a mystery or a secret.

Setting & Location

The location or setting is not given away in the poster as the background is just white. However the fact that she’s looking through glass and that there is no location could suggest that the character is isolated.

Colour Symbolism

The black shading on her face suggests mystery.

The blue tint adds a cold feeling to the poster.

The red text could imply danger is coming, or maybe something dangerous has already happened. Red is usually used as a warning sign.

The white background could imply isolation but also that this character is innocent.

Text AnalysisThe title of the film is in red. Red represents danger and warning, and also ties in with the blood shown on her lips and the glass. If the character is not let in, something bad might happen, or perhaps something bad might happen if she is let in.

Framing and CamSAMCIt’s a close up shot of the character to accentuate her distressed look and the blood on her hands, lips and the window.

The fact she is the only person in the shot could imply isolation.

The framing also captures her hand on the glass, depicting her desperation or desire to be ‘let in.’