Portfolio Assessment Chapter 7:

Portfolio Assessment

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AssessmentChapter 7:

Portfolio Assessment

• Is a comprehensive pusposeful

collection of student’s


It ranges from most significant

achievement or best work to

expanded work record in

academic performance like in

Mathematics, Science, English,

Filipino and extra curricular

activities wherein he excels.

• For students, portfolio

assessment is more accurate,

reliable and valid compared

to transcript of records since

all of the student’s

performances are recorded.

Contents of Portfolio

1.Best work of students

Example: The students

won 1st prize in the local,

regional and national

invertigatory projects.

2. Individual student’s work

Example: The student is the

President in the class and

the Supreme Student


At home, the student help

her mother at with washing

clothes and cooking.

3. Group work activities

Example: The group work

activity is Income

Generating Project on

Seaweed Muffins as a

requirement fro thier

interprenueral project.

4. Extracurricular activities

This serves as bases for the

future teachers of the

learner to indentify the

specific extra curricular

activities he participated

in and exelled.

5. Religious Activities

• It’s important especially

when a student enrolls in a

religious institution.

• It serves as bases for being

active spiritually.

Kinds Of Portfolio

1.Working Portfolio

• Refers to daily activity

of the learner in the

particular learning


• This provides and identifies the

learner skills to be developed

in order to determine if there’s

progress on the learning task.

• The teacher determines if his

teaching is effective through

working portfolio.

2. Developmental Portfolio

• Presents the development or

progress of the directed tasks

performed by the student

based on the instructional

objectives to determine the


• It helps develop process


• It identifies strength and

weaknesses of the student.

• It keeps track the

development of more tha

one process-product


3. Documentary Portfolio

• Is gathering the best work of the

student for assessment purposes.

• Provides evidences that

instructional objectives have

been attained.

• States the student’s progress and

weaknesses frm one learning task

to another.

4. Showcase Portfolio

• The best work or award winning

feats of the student must be


• If possible, it must be published in

the school paper, research

journal, regional and national


• Serves as show window to other


5. Evaluation Portfolio

• The best work or any

task/activity of the student

with progress or

developemnt must be

recoded in the portfolio for

grading purposes.

• The student is assessed or

evaluated at his own rate.

• His performance is not

compared to others.

Portfolio Process1.Goal Setting

• Must be vividly and

clearly stated to

determine the purpose

and give direction in

preparing the portfolio.


To conduct research on

utilization and

commercialization of milkfish

into fish value added


2. Selecting

• It must be relevant to the goal

of instruction set by the


• Example: Milkfish bones burger

and luncheon meat

3. Performing

• After selecting the entry, the student has to perform the activities based on the goal of instruction.

• Also known as conducting research.

4. Data Gathering

The write-up contains the format as


A.Short abstract

B. Introduction

C.Review or Related Literature

D.Materials and Methods

E. Methodology

F. Results and Discussions

G.Summary, Conclusion and


5. Reflecting

• The coginitive, psychomotor

and affective domians must

be stated in the portfolio in

relation to the goal set.

6. Exhibiting

• The research write-up must be exhibited or displayed in school.

• The viewing public must be guiven a chance to view the learning activities of the students in school.

7. Evaluating

1.Write-up of the research


2.The portfolio

Criteria for the Write-up of the

reseach project:

a. Originality 15%

b. Uniqueness 15%

c. Socio-economic impact 30%

d. Significance of the study 15%

e. Relevance to Government’s thrust 25%


The Portfolio is evaluated by self,

peer, subject teachers and

teacher adviser.

The distribution of thier evaluation is as


a. Self 5%

b. Peer 5%

c. Subject Teachers 50%

d. Teacher-Adviser 40%


The criteria in evaluating the


a. Content 50%

b. Format/Style 15%

c. Originality 15%

d. Reflection 10%

e. Punctuality 10%


Format and Style of a


1.Title page

Is the first page of the

portfolio, but the page

number is not indicated.

It presents:

a. the title


c. faculty to be submitted

d.name and place of school

e. The submission of statement

f. The grade/year granted

g. Full name of the student

h. Month and year the grade/year to

be granted.

2. Acknowledgments

• A section in the portfolio that student expresses his gratitude to different persons who assisted, facilitated and guided him to make the portfolio a reality.

• The student must recognize and appreciate the selfless effort and wise counsel of his teacher/adviser.

3. Contents

The contents of the portfolio

must contain:

a.Title page


c.Tables and figures

d.The part title

e. Page numbers

f. The main and subheadings in

the text

1. recommendations

2. implications

3. bibliography

4. appendix

5. curriculum vitae

4. Tables

• The list of tables must follow the “Contents”

• “Tables” or “List of Tables”

• Contains the Table numbers, tables captions and page numbers from the text.

5. Figures

• It follows the list of tables

• The title is encoded as “Figures”.

• Figures includes: Paradigms, chart, graphs and flow sheets.
