Population Pyramids Waves of humanity…

Population Pyramids Decoded: Waves of Humanity

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Page 1: Population Pyramids Decoded: Waves of Humanity

Population Pyramids

Waves of humanity…

Page 2: Population Pyramids Decoded: Waves of Humanity

What are population pyramids?A population pyramid shows the history of the

country’s population growth. Governments use these graphs to make

predictions about the future needs of their people.

Example 1- A high growth rate will mean more schools and daycares, while a slow rate might mean fewer will be needed.

Example 2- a large elderly population will mean more nursing homes and more pharmacists to sell their medicine.

Page 3: Population Pyramids Decoded: Waves of Humanity

Parts of a pop pyramid


Y axis- Age of people

Oldest people on top

Youngest people on bottom

X axis- # of people of a certain age* Men are usually on the left side, women on the right.

* *

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Types of pyramids

Rapid Growth - a broad base, indicating a high proportion of children, a rapid rate of population growth, and a low proportion of older people.

It has a general shape of a triangle.

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Types of pyramids Slow

Growth/Stable — a structure with bars that even out and reflect stable or slow growth over a period. A even proportion of elderly and children that reduces in number as the people become older.

It has a general shape of a pentagon.

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Types of pyramids

Negative Growth — a high proportion of elderly persons and declining numbers.

It has a general shape of a hexagon.

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Here come the problems

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Rapid Growth High Birth Rate-

overcrowding, shortages of resources.

High Death Rate- a young population, a shortage of working adults to care for children. Pressure for even larger families to replace large number that die.

Low Life Expectancy- People do not live very long. Poor health and tough living conditions will keep the country ‘young’. The real problem starts when death rate decreases…

*All of this is a recipe for instability!

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Slow Growth/StableFewer problems than

other pyramids, however, governments must prepare for an constantly expanding population.

Ever larger elderly population and young population means that priorities may be divided=not enough schools or retamas.

Low Birth rate- more kids survive and grow.

Low Death rate- Kids survive to be adults.

High Life expectancy-more workers and retirees. Fewer job openings makes education even more important. Also, adults more productive as their working lives are extended. Healthcare costs go up as they age.

*Stable, but changing society.

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Negative Growth The worst long term

consequences of any pyramid.

Very Low Birth Rate- Young children are less common=less schools needed. Population will shrink as fewer babies offset the elderly who die.

Low Death Rate- excellent living conditions and healthcare allow people live a long time.

High Life Expectancy-Elderly population become majority in a country. Government must boost spending on healthcare and other programs to help the older population.

We need people!- Fewer job openings= higher unemployment for younger adults. Ironically, as the pop. decline grows, there will be fewer people to fill those jobs.

*Immigration needed, but some instability as the new arrivals change the culture.

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Where they happen…

Red and orange areas


Rapid Growth

Why here?

• Low GDP

• Low Standard of living

• low literacy

• High Infant mortality

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Where they happen…

Some Blue/light blue areas


Slow Growth/Stable

Why here?

• High GDP

• High Standard of living

• High literacy

• Low Infant mortality

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Where they happen…

Some Blue/light blue areas


Negative Growth

Why here?

• High GDP, in decline

• High Standard of living, maybe in decline

• High literacy

• Low Infant mortality

Usually caused by political, economic, or societal decline

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Other factors?Personal choice

and changing gender roles may play an increasing role in population growth change.