Pope Francis started with a prayer for a girl who accidentally died during the preparations for the mass. She is as young as 27, an only child, and according to those who knew her, she is a very good woman. People sympathized for her and for her parents. God, indeed, has unique plans for everyone. Maybe this accident is making us realize, “life is something that we only borrowed from God, so we should live our lives to serve him well, do good to everyone for his greater glory and live life to the fullest.” Maybe, t hese things are something what Kristel did. She died in the service to God. Most who attended the mass are young people or youth because the mass was held in a university. Pope’s speech mostly, is intended for them. After the solemn prayer for Kristel, the pope started his speech by expressing his happiness and said. “I greet each of you from the heart.” This simple and brief greeting already touched most of us. He made us feel that we are special to him. Afterwards, he gave inspirational words for every young people in the Philippines, gave thanks to certain youths that he met and shared their realizations during their meetings. First, he gave thanks to Jun. Jun asked the pope “why do children suffer so much?” The pope replied that the question has no reply, only when we cried with them we tend to be closer to answering that question. Here, I realized that there are really situations where silence and understanding are the only ones needed, where these are much appreciated than any material things that often, most of us overlook. The pope is inviting us to learn how to sincerely weep. I believe that this genuine sympathy will lead us to the right thing to do for every difficult situation that we, as a group, will encounter. Secondly, Leandro Santos II posed a question about a world full of information. The pope said, “We don’t need young museums but we do need holy young people” museums are places that stocks in a lot of information but will not reach us to be informed. What the pope means of not being a museum is, by not being a person who only accumulates knowledge, who only observes who only learns information but also who imparts the knowledge to others, who solve problems, and who helps others by doing well with the information they learned. According to the pope, love is the best thing that we all need to learn and be shared, because through that love the information will bear fruit. He is right; through love we will sincerely do actions with our knowledge for the benefit of others and even for self. To summarize this all, the pope said, “What you think, you must feel and put into effect. Feel what you think and feel what you do. Do what you think and what you feel. To think. To feel. To do. And all in harmony...” Lastly, the pope expressed his gratitude to Rikki and his friends for doing good things, but the pope asked them “you and your friends help others but do you allow yourselves to receive?” What the pope points out here is that most people these days are already becoming arrogant. They give a lot, yes it is a good thing to do but they are already doing it in vain. They feel that as if they are self-sufficient, that as if they don’t need God anymore. I think what the pope wants us to realize is to find humility. To acknowledge that we are lacking something and that we need help from others. Pope’s messages are really striking. His message, just like in his greetings is from the heart. He prepared a script for his speech that day, but he chose not to read it. He chose to speak about what he is really feeling that moment. This is exactly what he said, “reality is superior to ideas. The reality that you have is superior to the paper i have in front of me. Thank you very much. Pray for me!”

Popes message for youth in phil reflection

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Page 1: Popes message for youth in phil reflection

Pope Francis started with a prayer for a girl who accidentally died during the preparations for the mass.

She is as young as 27, an only child, and according to those who knew her, she is a very good woman. People

sympathized for her and for her parents. God, indeed, has unique plans for everyone. Maybe this accident is

making us realize, “life is something that we only borrowed from God, so we should live our lives to serve him

well, do good to everyone for his greater glory and live life to the fullest.” Maybe, these things are something

what Kristel did. She died in the service to God.

Most who attended the mass are young people or youth because the mass was held in a university.

Pope’s speech mostly, is intended for them. After the solemn prayer for Kristel, the pope started his speech by

expressing his happiness and said. “I greet each of you from the heart.” This simple and brief greeting already

touched most of us. He made us feel that we are special to him. Afterwards, he gave inspirational words for

every young people in the Philippines, gave thanks to certain youths that he met and shared their realizations

during their meetings.

First, he gave thanks to Jun. Jun asked the pope “why do children suffer so much?” The pope replied

that the question has no reply, only when we cried with them we tend to be closer to answering that question.

Here, I realized that there are really situations where silence and understanding are the only ones needed, where

these are much appreciated than any material things that often, most of us overlook. The pope is inviting us to

learn how to sincerely weep. I believe that this genuine sympathy will lead us to the right thing to do for every

difficult situation that we, as a group, will encounter.

Secondly, Leandro Santos II posed a question about a world full of information. The pope said, “We

don’t need young museums but we do need holy young people” museums are places that stocks in a lot of

information but will not reach us to be informed. What the pope means of not being a museum is, by not being a

person who only accumulates knowledge, who only observes who only learns information but also who imparts

the knowledge to others, who solve problems, and who helps others by doing well with the information they

learned. According to the pope, love is the best thing that we all need to learn and be shared, because through

that love the information will bear fruit. He is right; through love we will sincerely do actions with our

knowledge for the benefit of others and even for self. To summarize this all, the pope said, “What you think,

you must feel and put into effect. Feel what you think and feel what you do. Do what you think and what you

feel. To think. To feel. To do. And all in harmony...”

Lastly, the pope expressed his gratitude to Rikki and his friends for doing good things, but the pope

asked them “you and your friends help others but do you allow yourselves to receive?” What the pope points

out here is that most people these days are already becoming arrogant. They give a lot, yes it is a good thing to

do but they are already doing it in vain. They feel that as if they are self-sufficient, that as if they don’t need

God anymore. I think what the pope wants us to realize is to find humility. To acknowledge that we are lacking

something and that we need help from others.

Pope’s messages are really striking. His message, just like in his greetings is from the heart. He prepared

a script for his speech that day, but he chose not to read it. He chose to speak about what he is really feeling that

moment. This is exactly what he said, “reality is superior to ideas. The reality that you have is superior to the

paper i have in front of me. Thank you very much. Pray for me!”

Page 2: Popes message for youth in phil reflection