Playing Games with History AASLH 2013 Wendy Jones Director, Museum Education and Lifelong Learning Minnesota Historical Society

Play the Past mobile game app presentation at AASLH 2013 - Minnesota Historical Society

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"Playing Games with History" session at 2013 American Association of State and Local History (AASLH) conference in Birmingham, AL. Presentation is about the Play the Past mobile app developed by the Minnesota Historical Society for its "Then Now Wow" exhibit at the Minnesota History Center in Saint Paul. www.mnhs.org/playthepast

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  • 1. Playing Games with History AASLH 2013 Wendy Jones Director, Museum Education and Lifelong Learning Minnesota Historical Society

2. Mission 3. The path to transformation . . . 4. About MHS Target audience: Students grades 4-6 and their teachers 5. If we want to be vital educational partners tomorrow . . . How do we creatively engage 21st Century Learners today? 6. Play the Past Video 7. Audience: 21st Century Engagement Prefer graphics, sound and video before text Like to parallel process and multi-task Thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards Rodgers et al, Teaching the 21st Century Learner, 2006 8. Outcomes: 21st Century Skills Partnership for 21st Century Skills www.p21.org 9. Cross-Disciplinary Design Team Play the Past Education Exhibits Interpretive Staff IT Teachers Game Designers Graphic Designer Media 10. Play the Past Video 11. Design team - interal 12. Iterative Design Process Iterative Design 13. History in Our HandsOrientation 14. History in Our HandsInventory 15. History in Our HandsPhysical Interaction 16. Feedback 17. Good design is hard! 18. Integration is essential Collaboration is when you are willing to work with other students Students can be given a collaboration badge when you observe that : A student asks another student to help solve a challenge together A student records an audio component or takes a photograph with another student. Youve just received a Collaboration Badge! 19. Be clear - illustrate! 20. Play the Past Standards Logistics of large numbers of students The 4 Cs: Critical thinking, collaboration Limits of our game design software Connection to the classroom Social engagement between students, chaperones, and teachers Emotional response Fun! History content Other challenges 21. Evaluation Front End: 7 teacher focus groups 4 student focus groups 4 parent chaperone focus groups Formative: Tested with over 1,200 students 4 partner schools Parent chaperone focus group Teacher camp Summative: Audience Viewpoints Data collected this fall and early winter Final report spring of 2014 22. $1 million and counting 23. The Future 24. History Quest Camps I enjoyed being able to collaborate with other teens to create an awesome game. History + Game = Fun! 25. Skills 26. Keep on learning! http://www.instituteofplay.org/ 27. www.mnhs.org/playthepast