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Planning question 4, 2

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Planning #2

Page 2: Planning question 4, 2

I Will SinSo we had a very short amount of time left to come up with a

new concept for our trailer. So we came up with of a girl who is bullied by people at school and beaten up when invited to a fake party, who then takes revenge on the bullies.

We first of all started the planning of this concept by going back to our research on trailers and one that stood out to us was the trailer ‘I spit on your grave’. So our storey line had similarities to this film, but in our own interpretation of it.

We began by making a storyboard and again taking pictures of each clip and putting them into order as a video on iMovie.

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To work out the age of our target audience we had to research into what content was suitable for what ages. Since our film would include swearing, violence and death; our research showed that the film would be rated as a 18 certificate.

This was one of the first stages of finding our target audience, this gave us a base of where to stat when figuring out who are film would be suitable for and be viewed by.

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Target AudienceWe then had to get more in-depth with who our target audience

was. So I made a target audience profile on Prezi.

I also uploaded our so far product of the poster and magazine front cover, and the unfinished trailer; which had only had a bit on editing done on it, but we wanted to find out what our target audience though of it so far. These were all uploaded onto facebook, in a group called the ‘I will sin campaign’, which invited people of our target audience to join. And then they could comment on our products. I then screen grabbed the comments and posted them onto my blog.

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My fellow classmate Louisa, who is in my group for the making of these products researched into health and risk assessments. She done this by looking at the BBC website.

By looking at there health and safety risk assessment, Louisa was able to make one for the filming of our trailer, so that we would be aware of the risks.

She showed this assessment in the form of filling out a grid, which had the different areas of risk and then took a picture of it to present it on the blog.

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As I edited the trailer, I had to slowly go through it to write the script and shots onto a piece of paper. Which I then gave to Louisa who made into a slideshow on slideshare.

This was so that they would look more interesting on the blog, then just being written out.

We also had to write a synopsis for this new concept of our trailer. Just so that the story was outlined and all characters were noted, including protagonist, antagonist and stock characters.

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The poster that promoted our film ‘I Will Sin’ was produced on Photoshop.

The image on the poster was taken with a canon camera by Louisa.

The font used for the title was found on dafont.com.

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The magazine front cover was also made on Photoshop by Dolly.

Also the font that she used was found on dafont.com.

And the image was taken with the same canon camera, along with the smaller images at the bottom of the front cover.

The barcode was taken from Google.

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I done the editing for the trailer on iMovie.

This technology worked very well for the editing because I was able to edit shots, make adjustments with sound and add effects. The only problem that I found with the technology was when I added a photo, with something such as the production details, when playing the trailer it would only show up delayed and for a short amount of time.

I found the music for the trailer on the internet, whilst going through many site that had un-copyrighted music.

I made the production details on Photoshop, which show up at the beginning of the trailer.