Pit ch Little Boy A thriller opening sequence Treatment Sheet. By Grace Stubbings. (named after the nuclear bomb ‘little boy’)

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Little Boy

A thriller opening sequenceTreatment Sheet.

By Grace Stubbings.

(named after the nuclear bomb ‘little boy’)

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Synopsis(August 6th, 1945) (August 9th, 1945) (April 26th, 1986)Rema (a young girl effected by the nuclear warfare) is alive but has major defects to her health and appearance after these events. The whole plot is to show us how the environment andpeople were affected by Hiroshima, Chernobyl and Nagasaki as a whole, how war destroys us. It’s set in various locations so that the surroundings all contrast with each other and to show all thedifferent imagery of the aftermath of these disasters. Rema is in the baron land to show the loss of the disaster and how she was physically effected. You get ideas of her having nausea, vomiting, loss of weight, appetite, bleeding and discoloured spots on skin from the clothes and acting of the film. The contrasting facial expressions show us how different people were effected as when many people become depressed they show a lack of motivation and emotion so she will have a black face but then sometimes hold her head to portray the amount of emotions which people may have had because of shock, loss, death and illness which surrounded them. Not only were they effected in the short term but also in the long term which led the people to be tested on for years after. This full plot is to show the horror of the real world and to show people what they didn’t get to see from these disasters which took place. If I see any dead wildlife, I will video this to show the death which it caused on the animals as well as the humans.

Sequence length – 2:00Props – white contact lenses, bloody clothes, ribs (dead animal bones), part of a ripped photograph or a burnt object.

TitlesI will edit the titles subtly into the opening sequence into the corners of the screen so thatthe main focus is still on Rema, the text with will either black or white depending on which oneis more visible as I may edit the film to be black and white. So it’ll be laid over the top of the original/ actual footage of the opening sequence. I will mention the theatrical distributor, production company, film Creators and title lead actors supporting actors/ cameos, technical roles (sound, casting, production designer etc.) senior technical roles (directors of photography, special effects, music and film editor etc.), producer/director

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Opening SequenceI will use locations which may resemble the aftermath of Hiroshima and Chernobyl. I would use places which show images to do with radioactivity and nuclear power or a bomb.It’ll begin with shots of a TV screen in a dark room of the news which were airing the disaster at the time.It’ll then be followed by Rema (a young girl effected by the nuclear warfare) is alive but has major defects to her health and appearance after these events. She is there to portray everyone effected and to not only think about the short term and physical effects but how it effects people in the long term and mentally allowing the audience to analysis what went wrong and it wasn’t the success of defeat that we should have focused on. Rema will be stood in various locations which resemble how the nuclear disasters effected the environment so I will start off near seal sands because you can see the chemical plants here which relates back to Chernobyl. There will be various shots of her and pan shots of the location so they audience are fully aware to where she is and can embrace the eerie surroundings. This will be followed by close ups and extreme close ups of her stood in these places, of her faces, eyes, wounds and body. I could use a high frame angle to reflect the lack of power in which she has in this situation. I will then change the settings to woodlands (which are bare) and Steetley (baron lands) which may have rubbish there. These images show misery and horror created by science and the decay of the human race because of this power which we have given ourselves but this power will effect us in mass killings. It’s a nightmare/ view of a post-apocalyptic world after the atomic bomb hit. In this post apocalyptic world, Rema will show the mental illness which surrounds this event.Power Plant - I could take pan shots of the power and chemical plants to introduce the topic as the story line could be based on the effect of it 'blowing' up and not so much just focused on the atomic bomb also this is were the idea of the Chernobyl power plant disaster could be included into the story line so it's not just focusing on one disaster to do with nuclear but numerous ones. I could try and involve nature, depending on the quality of the camera, I could zoom into birds, seals and insects in the nature reserve because this lets the audience think about how not only humans were effected, other animals were too.At night when you drive through Teeside and the nature reserve, all the different factories make it look like a city/ town which sky scrapers.Seal Sands - Because seal sands is located in the middle of the chemical plants, it could be a good location to shoot it as you are able to see them in the background. As it's a very secure, private property this may be limiting me on filming up close to them.Steetley - Because steetley is quite baron, this could be a good location to resemble the loss and the damage and destruction, depending on how much rubbish is there this could also resemble the actual scenes of Hiroshima and the idea of what happened to people's belongings and homes.Woodland - Depending on the season (October/ November) I'd like to shoot images of someone in bare woodland so there isn't many leaves on the trees so it creates a quite dark atmosphere. I could capture the floor to show that the leaves have fallen this is because the atomic bombs would have killed off the trees and the environment was fully burnt down. I could try and find a place were they chop down trees to resemble them and contrast it with woodland which is still standing, this could portray the effect of what nuclear and bombs have on the environment and the damage.

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Appeal to the target audienceThis movie will appeal to a wide range of people as not only does it appeal to teenagers but adultsmay take an interest to the plot. This is because they may have witnessed the atomic bomb airing on the news, the may know someone who was affected or they may take an interest into the science of it. As the actress is 16, this may appeal to the younger audience because they are more likely to relate to someone who is their age but because of the type of film (surrealism), theremay not be a large target audience who appreciate these types of films because of the fact the viewer interprets the film for themselves making it their own. Because of psychological idea to this film, it may disturb viewers depending on the graphics so it may not appeal to young teens as they may not be mature enough. As there is no violence in it, this may not appeal to teenagers because of the lack of action, but I’m hoping to appeal to people who are into the idea of the mind and art. From looking at age ratings, this film may be a 12A – 15 because of the dark, unsettling tone which may disturb the audience. There will be no speech in the film therefore language doesn’t affect the censorship of this film. I went for a 12A because this gives the power of adults to decide whether a 12 year old is mature enough to watch the film as they are more likely to know how they are affected by movies and these situations.

Creative IdeasI gained my idea of this film from artists such as Salvador Dali, David Lynch and older films like the original Dracula because of the graphics involved, I think they always seem more thrilling in a darker sense because of the visuals, how they are in black and white and lack of speech, the idea of music setting the overall feel is an aspiration for this piece of film because of how much music can effect people, composers such as Schoenberg and Alpha Twin have influenced my ideas. Within David Lynch’s films, like ‘The Alphabet’ and ‘Eraserhead’ I like how it really questions the audience and the props involved like the baby. The wailing of the baby is really unsettling and I like how strange the characters look and act. This makes the storyline seem much more strange than it is. By doing this it really allows you to think on what the director is thinking, why he done and what he want’s to achieve (how he effects the audiences thoughts or feelings). The main story line of this film was influenced by the nuclear power plants and seal sands as I spend a lot of time there and it reminds me of a totally different place which I’ve never been before at night as it looks like a separate town/ city. This then gave me the idea of the science behind it and how it relates to the real horror of the atomic bomb and Chernobyl in general.