Unit G321 – Foundation Portfolio in Media – Photo-shoot Plan Project Description: For this project I will be taking photos of people to use in my punk magazine. The people will be 17/18 year olds to appeal to the teen and young adult target audience. I will make sure that the teenagers I photograph fit the punk look and appear like they would belong in a punk band to highlight the magazine genre to my audience. I will make it clear what genre the magazine is through use of props like headphones and clothing like black skinny jeans and bandannas. The verbal code of the title ‘[PUNKED]’ denotes the punk genre of the music magazine, the use of the word punked connotes rebelliousness and an out there attitude as it is a word typically used to describe playing a prank on someone. The word punked is typically used by Americans and therefore is appropriate for the magazine as the punk genre is strongly influenced by American artists and culture. Photographer: I will be taking the photos for my magazine front cover, contents page and DPS myself. I will mainly be using mid shots and full shots. This is because it shows the persons clothing as well as body language and figure expression, which allows me to create the attitude I aim to create in my front cover. I will use high key lighting for the photos; this is because it creates a clear and attractive image. I will edit the photos in Adobe Photoshop CS6 once I have taken them. I will adjust the images using curves, saturation, brightness and contrast,

Photography Plan

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Unit G321 – Foundation Portfolio in Media – Photo-shoot Plan

Project Description:

For this project I will be taking photos of people to use in my punk magazine. The people will be 17/18 year olds to appeal to the teen and young adult target audience. I will make sure that the teenagers I photograph fit the punk look and appear like they would belong in a punk band to highlight the magazine genre to my audience. I will make it clear what genre the magazine is through use of props like headphones and clothing like black skinny jeans and bandannas.

The verbal code of the title ‘[PUNKED]’ denotes the punk genre of the music magazine, the use of the word punked connotes rebelliousness and an out there attitude as it is a word typically used to describe playing a prank on someone. The word punked is typically used by Americans and therefore is appropriate for the magazine as the punk genre is strongly influenced by American artists and culture.

Photographer:I will be taking the photos for my magazine front cover, contents page and DPS myself. I will mainly be using mid shots and full shots. This is because it shows the persons clothing as well as body language and figure expression, which allows me to create the attitude I aim to create in my front cover. I will use high key lighting for the photos; this is because it creates a clear and attractive image. I will edit the photos in Adobe Photoshop CS6 once I have taken them. I will adjust the images using curves, saturation, brightness and contrast, the spot healing tool, and the sharpen filter. I will also use the quick selection tool

Reference images and ideas:

Unit G321 – Foundation Portfolio in Media – Photo-shoot PlanThese 3 pictures are my photos of inspiration for my magazine front cover and double page spread photos. I chose these photos as they are a style which would attract my audience as the people appear rebellious and dress to conform to the genre. The dark clothing and styled hair in the group photo as well as the swearing causes the band to appear cool and mysterious. The photo of the woman appears attractive and sexy because of her glowing skin and messed up hair, her bright hair colour is shocking and vibrant causing the girl to appear loud and like a rebel which is the tone I aim to achieve in my magazine. Finally the last picture of the male is attractive which will attract an audience, the dark background makes him stand out and his clothing is fashionable and stereotypical of the genre, the figure expression of a slight smirk with his hands in his pockets causes him to appear casual and relaxed but attractive and approachable.

Model requirementsCasting:

I will be photographing these people as they are stylish, attractive, and have a punk look so will fit the style of my magazine. The people I want to use are friends and acquaintances of mine so I am able to photograph them easily.

Wardrobe and Look:

These images show the costumes which I aim to use in my photographs as they are the typical fashion of punk bands and appear rebellious and cool. Furthermore the clothing colours conform to the house style whites, reds and blacks.

Unit G321 – Foundation Portfolio in Media – Photo-shoot Plan

Hair and Make up:

I will be styling the hair of my models similar to these images as it appears rebellious and is in fashion at the moment. This will help enforce the tone I aim to create in my magazine and the use of fashionable style will keep the magazine modern and therefore appeal to a young audience

Where and When:I will be taking the pictures in a well-lit corridor against a white wall which has a large window facing it allowing for lots of natural light, this allows for a high quality professional looking image which is easily editable. I am going to take these pictures on the 22nd of December at midday as it is convenient to the people I want to photograph and means that I can get the best possible lighting. I have contacted and spoken to the people I want to photograph to get their permission.