Karen Young February 2, 2010 Hour 1A Personality Project Family My family consists of me, my three brothers – Jack, Will and Ian – and my parents and we like to have a lot of fun together. On the family slide, I have a picture of all of us together along with my uncle. Another part of our family is our two very playful dogs, Oatmeal and Jelly. They are both poodle mixes, but the larger dog weighs seventy more pounds than Jelly, making Jelly seem like a mini version of Oatmeal. My parents both went to Duke for college and met there, so we are very big Duke basketball fans. One of our traditions is to watch every NCAA tournament game they get into, and last year we even got to visit North Carolina and watch one of their league games! Inherited Features I have inherited many different characteristics from my mom and dad. My blue eyes come from my dad’s side of the family which consists of many people from the Norwegian and Irish background. Most of my facial features come from my dad, including my nose, cheek bones, and eye shapes. Blonde hair also runs on his side of the family, he had it when he was my age too, but my hair might turn brown since his did. There are also some characteristics I get from my mom’s side of the family and this includes my light skin. Both my mom and I have very fair skin and lots of freckles, so we have to put on a lot of sun screen in the summer. Outer Appearance

Personality Project

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Page 1: Personality Project

Karen Young

February 2, 2010Hour 1A

Personality Project


My family consists of me, my three brothers – Jack, Will and Ian – and my parents and we like to have a

lot of fun together. On the family slide, I have a picture of all of us together along with my uncle.

Another part of our family is our two very playful dogs, Oatmeal and Jelly. They are both poodle mixes,

but the larger dog weighs seventy more pounds than Jelly, making Jelly seem like a mini version of

Oatmeal. My parents both went to Duke for college and met there, so we are very big Duke basketball

fans. One of our traditions is to watch every NCAA tournament game they get into, and last year we

even got to visit North Carolina and watch one of their league games!

Inherited Features

I have inherited many different characteristics from my mom and dad. My blue eyes come from my

dad’s side of the family which consists of many people from the Norwegian and Irish background. Most

of my facial features come from my dad, including my nose, cheek bones, and eye shapes. Blonde hair

also runs on his side of the family, he had it when he was my age too, but my hair might turn brown

since his did. There are also some characteristics I get from my mom’s side of the family and this

includes my light skin. Both my mom and I have very fair skin and lots of freckles, so we have to put on a

lot of sun screen in the summer.

Outer Appearance

There are many different stores and brands that I like, but I also have a few favorites. I enjoy running for

fun, so I go through a lot of running shoes. I have used many different types, but my favorite by far is

Asics. They are very comfortable and make running farther distances not so hard on my feet. The store

that I like to go shopping in for a lot of my nicer clothes is Aeropostale. I like to get my jeans there also

because they have small sizes that actually fit, unlike other stores. I use Bumble shampoo and

conditioner since I have very thick hair. It smells very nice and helps get all the tangles out of my hair.

Inherited Traits

So many things that affect my daily life come from my parents. Neither of my parents have good vision,

so I have inherited my bad vision from them. This results in me wearing contacts every day. My crooked

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Karen Young

February 2, 2010Hour 1A

teeth also didn’t happen by themselves. Both of my parents wore braces in order to fix their teeth for

multiple years; this explains why I have had braces for 4 years already. One trait that I didn’t inherit from

my parents is being right handed. Ever since I was little, I’ve always written with my right hand;

sometimes I try to use my left, but all the words end up messy and backwards.

Social Behavior

During the week, I am very busy due to my many different groups and teams. I am on student council,

and enjoy helping out our school through fund raisers and volunteering. I play soccer during the spring

and fall, and basketball during the winter. I love being able to play with a team and work together and

win games. Even when we lose, it’s still fun since we did it together. When I’m not at a practice or some

other type of meeting, I enjoy playing Monopoly and other board games with my brothers.

Talents, Skills, Abilities

In order to keep busy, I have many different hobbies that I do. One of these includes playing the oboe. It

is one of the most difficult instruments, but that just gives me more incentive to practice. I enjoy running

with my dad and sometimes we’ll go up to 6 miles. One day I hope to be able to run a marathon! This

year, I started going swimming with some of my friends once a week, and have improved a lot. Now, I

can actually do the butterfly without getting a mouthful of water.

Future Plans

In the future, I have many goals laid out for myself. For college, I want to attend Duke University in

North Carolina; this is why I have a picture of the Duke logo. I am a big fan of the Duke basketball team

and it’s usually warm there, so this would be a cool college to go to. After college I plan on going to

medical school and becoming a sports medicine doctor. I have a logo of the sports medicine group for

the U.S.A. ski team since I would like to be the doctor for some type of sports team. Then I could help

them and be able to watch sports at the same time! There is also a picture of a family with two kids

since I want to have a boy and a girl when I grow up. They would be very fun to take care of.

Eating Habits

Most foods are very good, but some are better tasting than others. Strawberries are one of my favorite

foods, which is why I put a picture of them on my project. I love how sweet they are and how juicy they

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February 2, 2010Hour 1A

can be. This is also the same with watermelon, which is another one of my favorite foods. Although I

have many foods that I do like, there are also many I don’t like; this includes mayonnaise. It’s too gooey

and I don’t like putting anything on my sandwich. I have a picture of the logo of Pizzeria Picola because

that is my favorite place to eat. It’s my favorite since I love pizza!

Fears and Pet Peeves

There are many things that bother me, but they are rather small. One of my pet peeves is being late,

that’s why I have a clock on my project. I really hate being late, but my brothers usually make me late

since they have a hard time getting ready and going out the door. Another pet peeve I have is when

people ask me my age, they usually guess wrong. This is since I’m short, and people usually think I’m

younger than I actually am. I have a picture of a centipede because they are very gross bugs and creep

me out very easily. I don’t like how they have so many legs, it’s very gross!


My favorite season is summer since I get to go to a bunch of camps. One of these is Good Times, which

is why I have its logo on my presentation. I get to see all of my friends there that I haven’t seen all year

long, so it is a lot of fun. Another thing I like about summer is that I get to go barefoot everywhere and

don’t have to wear shoes. My favorite number is three since I was born on September third. My favorite

song is Don’t Stop Believing. I also like many other songs by Journey, they are all very fun to listen to.

Emotions and Feelings

My friends are very nice and understanding, talking to them always makes me feel better, so I put a

picture of them on my slide show. I have pictures of each of my three brothers since they cause many

different feelings for me, some good, some bad. Sometimes they’ll be really nice and make me feel

happy and calm, other times they’ll annoy me for a long time and make me feel angry and mad. I also

have a picture of a sunrise because in the morning, I like to watch the sun rise because it calms me down

if I am annoyed with my brothers.

Life Experiences

There have been many times in my life that I will never forget, and I included a few in this presentation.

One is when my mom, grandparents and I went to Paris for a week. I loved walking up the Eiffel tower

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February 2, 2010Hour 1A

and seeing the city lit up at night, it was very pretty. Another trip that I will never forget is when my

family and I traveled to Lutsen, Minnesota. We went on hiking trips every day, and went canoeing in

Lake Superior. I have a picture of Lake Superior in Lutsen on my presentation to show how pretty it was.

One last experience that I will never forget is going to leadership camp with Taylor and Emma. I put the

logo of Wisconsin Association of School Councils to represent that camp. That was so fun and I learned

so much, I won’t ever forget about it!


I thought that this project was much better than doing boxes. Being able to put pictures of your own

family on it instead of a fake family is much better. Plus, you have many more options for pictures since

you can use the internet. Since I am not a very artistic person, doing it on power point made it easier to

complete a nice, organized project. For next year, however, I think you should have us do an

introduction so that we can explain the project a little bit more. This way it won’t be so confusing to how

we organized it or what kind of project we did. All in all, I think this is a very fun project and I would

recommend you do it next year.