Peer Learning Activity Poitiers, 25 th -27 th November 2015 consortium workshop – Friday the 26 th of June2015 Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología , Salamanca, Spain

Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

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Page 1: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

Peer Learning ActivityPoitiers, 25th-27th November 2015

consortium workshop – Friday the 26th of June2015 Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Ciencia y la

Tecnología , Salamanca, Spain

Page 2: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco


• ESÉN : National College for Education Management, Higher Education and Research

• ESÉN is in charge of training of managers and executives from French Secondary and Higher Education and Research Systems.

Page 3: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco


Page 4: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

IntroductionGAIHE expertise has been particularly focused on the new forms organization facilitating the innovations. The first research findings allow considering the following assumptions: • The development of innovations between HEIs, business

and policy-making can be made at different scales of governance. In France, some Grandes Écoles (colleges) have developed national and international networks, universities are encouraged by the Conference of Presidents of Universities (CPU) to implement public-private partnerships at regional level.

• The shift from a managerial organization of universities, focused on the efficient use of resources, to leadership enhancing innovations.

Page 5: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

IntroductionThese first research findings inspired the conception of the Poitiers meeting around two objectives: 1. Capitalizing knowledge between the

members of the GAIHE project2. opening the discussion with policy-

makers, academics and executives trained by the ESEN.

Page 6: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

Draft AgendaWednesday 25th November• 14:00 Welcome• 17:00 Meeting of

the GAIHE members • 19:30 Diner

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Draft AgendaThursday 26th November

9:00-9:30 Welcome • Jean-Marie Panasol, Head of the ESENESR• Cecile Mc Grath, RAND Corporation

Europe• Jo Ritzen, University of Maastricht, School

of Governance

Page 8: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

Draft AgendaThursday 26th November

9:30- 12:30 Plenary session Chair: Roger Grenet, Directeur Général de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la recherche

• 9h:45-10:30 Adam Tyson, Higher Education DGEAC An Agenda for modernising European higher education

• 10h30-11h15 Guy Haug, Expert of the European Higher Education Area,Advisor to the Valencia University of Tecnology. The Future of Higher Education and the place of Innovation in Europe

Page 9: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

Draft AgendaThursday 26th November

11:30-12:30 Round-Table with the

stakeholders• The recommendations of the French CPU: the

regional governance, a source of innovations for Higher Education? • Jacques Comby, president of the Committee

“International relations” at the CPU, a representative of business (to determine), Philippe Meirieu, Vice-président Region Rhône-Alpes

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Draft AgendaThursday 26th November

14:00-17:00 Plenary session Chair: Jo Ritzen, University of Maastricht, School of

Governance • 14:00-15:00: Romuald Normand, University of

Strasbourg. From management to leadership. A new strategy for innovation?• 15:30-17:00: Peer learning activities with policy-

makers and executives from universities and Grandes Écoles (colleges).

Page 11: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

Draft AgendaThursday 26th November

14:00-17:00 Plenary session At least two workshops in parallel on the

following topics: • Regional governance and development of

innovation (Chair: Marko Marhl, University of Maribor)• Leadership, innovation and creativity (Chair:

Nicole Pellegrin ESENESR)

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Draft AgendaFriday 27th November

9:00-12:30 Plenary session Chair: Ellen Hazelkorn, Institute of Technology,

Dublin• 9-9:30 : Indra Dredze (University of Latvia), Case

studies as the detector of agents of changes in higher education• 9:30-10:30 : First Workshop. The Queen Mary

University of London, United Kingdom• 10:45-11:45 : Second Workshop. University of

Alicante, Spain

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Draft AgendaFriday 27th November

14:00-17:00 Plenary session: how to assure quality, manage and sustain

innovative practices?

Chair: Jean-Paul de Gaudemar, adviser of Minister of Higher Education

• 14:00-15:00 : Peter J. Wells, Director of BPTC, former Head of UNESCO. CEPES: Quality Assurance and Quality Management Issues Regarding Innovative Modes of Higher Education Provision

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Draft AgendaFriday 27th November

14:00-17:00 Plenary session: how to assure quality, manage and sustain

innovative practices? • 15:00-16:30 Round-table: the management of innovation at

the University: what challenges for the future? Clara Danon, Head of Digital Technologies Department, Ministry of Higher Education and Research; Michel Deneken, vice-chancellor for training at the University Strasbourg; François Germinet, president of the committee “Digital Technologies” at the CPU

• 16:30-17:00 Conclusion. Cecile Mc Grath, RAND Corporation Europe

Page 15: Peer Learning Activity, by Jean-Llouis Deruet & Ramón Pacheco

Peer Learning ActivityPoitiers, 25th-27th November 2015

consortium workshop – Friday the 26th of June2015 Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Ciencia y la

Tecnología , Salamanca, Spain