Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process Lauri Aesoph, Manager, Open Education, Bccampus Okanagan College, Vernon campus Webinar: May 12, 2016 Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

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Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Lauri Aesoph, Manager, Open Education, BccampusOkanagan College, Vernon campusWebinar: May 12, 2016

Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Page 2: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Open Education encompasses resources, tools and practices that are free of legal, financial and technical barriers and can be fully used, shared and adapted in the digital environment.

What is Open Education?

- SPARC, http://sparcopen.org/open-education/

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Page 3: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Open Education is part of an Open Ecosystem

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The Open Ecosystem by Clobridge Consulting is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 License.

Page 4: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

What are Open Educational Resources?

• Open textbooks• Videos• Course materials• Lesson plans• Software• Games• Simulations• Wikis• Blogs• Adaptive tests

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Page 5: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Textbooks are expensive

Image credit: Beyond Textbooks by Thomas used under CC-BY license. Text credit: Open Textbook Network used under CC-BY license.

• Tuition and Fees

• Room and Board

• Books and Supplies

• Personal Expenses

• Transportation

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Page 6: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

How much students in Canada say they spend on textbooks per term

Source: Data on Textbook Costs, Higher Education Strategy Associates, 2015.

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Page 7: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Source: Data on Textbook Costs, Higher Education Strategy Associates, 2015.

How many students buy all required textbooks per term

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Page 8: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

“My textbook is……back-ordered…in the mail…out of stock…the wrong edition…on hold until my student loan arrives…not needed until I decide I want this course”

How often do students start the term without the resources they need?

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Page 9: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Textbook Costs vs Student Success

Source: 2012 student survey by Florida Virtual CampusSlide: CC-BY Cable Green, Creative Commons via http://www.project-kaleidoscope.org (modified)/

Textbook Costs vs Student Success

64% do not purchase books at some point due to book cost

49% take fewer courses due to book cost

31% choose not to register for a course due to book cost

23% regularly go without textbooks due to book cost

27% have dropped a course due to book cost

21% have withdrawn from a course due to book cost

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Page 10: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Worry York University U.S. Colleges & Universities

Have some sort of debt 72% 62%Worry about paying monthly expenses

61% 51%

Neglected studies or reduced course load because of debts

48% 30%

Expect to be unable to repay student debt after graduation

32% 18%

Source: Globe and Mail, November 1, 2015

How students feel about their debt

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Page 11: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Average student debt difficult to pay off, CBC, March 11, 2014Student Debt in Canada, Canadian Federation of Students, Fall 2013

After three years of post-secondary schooling in Nova Scotia, Verge graduated in 2008 with about $25,000 of debt — just about the national average. More than five years later, she has only managed to pay back about $2,000.

For people like Verge, high debt loads are not only a financial stress but can delay the time it takes individuals or couples to reach certain milestones, such as having children, getting married or owning property…

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Page 12: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Why are we doing this project?

To increase access to higher education by reducing student costs To give faculty more control over their instructional resources To improve learning outcomes for students

Annie Lennox campaigns with Oxfam at the AIDS Conference by Oxfam used under CC-BY-NC-ND license

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Page 13: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process


BC Open Textbook Project

40 free & open textbooks for highest enrolled 1st & 2nd year post-secondary subjects in BC2013 – 20 for skills & training

First province in Canada2013 – AB & SASK MOU

$1 million2013 - $1 million

Visual notes of John Yap announcement, Giulia Forsythe Used under CC-SA license

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The Project

Don’t reinvent it by Andrea Hernandez released under CC-BY-NC-SA and based on Wheel by Pauline Mak released under CC-BY license

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Faculty Reviews

291/365 by thebarrowboy used under a CC-BY

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Faculty have full legal right to customize & contextualize open textbooks to fit their pedagogical needs

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open = free + permissions• Make and own a copyRetain

• Use in a wide range of waysReuse

• Adapt, modify, and improveRevise

• Combine two or moreRemix

• Share with othersRedistribute

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11 Peer Reviewed Studies


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48,623 Students


93% Same or Better Outcomes

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Normal Market Textbook Market

• Competition in the market forces prices down

• Consumer choice rewards companies that compete on price and quality

• Five major publishers control 80% of the market, locking out competitors

• The student- the consumer- has no choice in which textbook they’re assigned

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HOW do I adopt an Open Textbook for my course?

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4 Easy Steps


Page 24: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Step 1: Find an Open Textbook

Start Here: http://open.bccampus.ca

Open Textbook Library: https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/

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Page 25: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Connect with your library, department, colleagues and T&L Centre

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Page 26: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Step 1: Find an Open Textbook

Still not satisfied? Look at your institutional Library’s OER guide for more mega sites of open textbooks.

Feeling lucky? Do an internet search of your course with open textbook in the search string.

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Page 27: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Read Reviews

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Page 28: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Step 3. Supplementary ResourcesConsider what ancillary resources you have found most helpful to use in your course. Are they…

• Publisher PowerPoints• Testbank Questions• Image banks• Videos• Student Exercises

Take a moment to think about the following:• How much of that publisher content do you usually change to suit your course?

Now let’s go find Ancillary Resources.

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Page 29: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Supplementary Resources- OTB Collection

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Supplementary Resources- OTB Collection

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Advanced Google Search


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Page 32: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Advanced Google Search

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Page 33: Open Textbooks: How to begin the adoption process

Step 4: Distribute the textbook and supplementary

resources with students

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1. Provide the link to the textbook to your students.


2. Download copies of the book and put them on another site, e.g. LMS, Dropbox Google Documents (and share that link)


3. If you have a faculty website put copies of the files on your faculty site and send students to your website to download the copy.


4. Connect with your bookstore or print to make print copies available for your students.

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Making ancillary resources available

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1. Provide the link to the OER to your students.


2. Download copies of the OER and put them on another site, e.g. LMS, Dropbox Google Documents (and share that link)


3. If you have a faculty website put copies of the files on your faculty site and send students to your website to download the copy.

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How to find other OER: Repositories

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Creative Commons Search



MIT OpenCourseWare

NCLOR: The North Carolina Learning Object Repository

NSDL: National Science Digital Library

OER Commons

Open Course Library




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How to find other OER

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• Connect with the Library

• Get your students to find open resources, have them do a content review and post to your course website or LMS.

• Ask your colleagues what they currently use

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Looking ahead…1.Ancillary Materials Development

2.OER Resource Grant

3.Adoption Workshops