Open, Connected Education Dr Mark McGuire, Design, University of Otago Voices from Tertiary Education TEU Symposium Wellington July 22-23 2016 #LTHEchat Twitter Visualisation 5 May 2016 http://goo.gl/KRlmwP

Open, Connected Education (NZ Tertiary Education Symposium, Wellington July 22-23 2016)

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Open, Connected Education Dr Mark McGuire, Design, University of Otago

Voices from Tertiary Education TEU Symposium Wellington July 22-23 2016

#LTHEchat Twitter Visualisation 5 May 2016 http://goo.gl/KRlmwP

Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones. — Herbert Simon

Two people standing on opposite hills look into the same valley.

One sees

shadow, the other

sees light. Both are right.

Innovation is about exceeding current expectations through the application of new technologies. 

The nature of digital artifacts In crossing the threshold from analog to digital, an artefact exchanges a single, traceable past for unlimited possible futures, solidity for malleability, and financial value for social value.Photo by gottanew CC-BY-NC-SA http://goo.gl/lL6vJ 22 June 2012

Chris Anderson. “Free: The Future of a Radical Price”, Hyperion (2009) Business models based on variations of “free” http://goo.gl/5BZoM

Paying for the form (of the experience),

not for the content.

Nicholas Carr “The Big Switch”, W. W. Norton & Co., (2009) http://goo.gl/5nNn4

The nature of digital networks In the change from physical to virtual, networks change from

> centralized to dispersed, > fixed to fluid, > and hierarchical to flat.

“the networked environment makes possible a new modality of organizing production: radically decentralized, collaborative, and nonproprietary, based on sharing resources and outputs among widely distributed, loosely connected individuals who cooperate with each other without relying on either market signals or managerial commands. This is what I call commons-based peer production.”

– Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedoms (New Haven: Yale, 2006), 60. http://goo.gl/e0fOf Free PDF download: http://goo.gl/KCru3

Teaching and Learning Paradigms Locus, Mode, Temporality, Structure, Objective

PUSH teacher, broadcast, synchronous, hierarchical, teach 

PULL resource, download, asynchronous, nodal, learn

SHARE network, co-create, continuous, distributed, knowledge network


Graphic by Tom Downs @Downs4S Feb. 21 2016

School Pyramid http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2144108627991085401

Square Dance CC BY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9d46BSqRLI)


Artwork: Freegums, Celestial Plane, 2010, Fully Tileable Ink Drawing, 24″ X 36″

Deloitte. Human Capital Trends 2016: The new organization: Different by design http://goo.gl/gm5lMP

Deloitte. Human Capital Trends 2016: The new organization: Different by design (p. 60 http://goo.gl/gm5lMP)

Buckminster Fuller (Dan Lindsay CC BY 3.0) https://goo.gl/uxo0HJ

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Tony Bates: “Transforming teaching and learning through technology management” Change11 MOOC Live Session 16 October, 2011 http://change.mooc.ca/recordings.htm Bates, A. W. T., & Sangra, A. (2011). Managing Technology in Higher Education: Strategies for Transforming Teaching and Learning: Jossey-Bass.

We accept the status quo, not because it is optimal, but because it is familiar.  

The first lecture in every course should be about the lecture theatre.

Advanced Image Search for “lecture theatre” (CC BY-NC)

“The medium is the message” — Marshall McLuhan

Whatever else we teach at University, we’re all teaching history.


Moxi car by Wayne Thume (CC BY-NC-ND)https://www.flickr.com/photos/waynethume/154109994/

You can’t run new apps on an old operating



Follow the incentives.

Research Teaching


No one is not going to pull the rug out from

under themselves.

“Companies often fail because the very management practices that have allowed them to become industry leaders also make it extremely difficult for them to develop the disruptive technologies that ultimately steal away their markets.” Christensen M. Clayton. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. 1997


Ryan Craig, 2015, College Disrupted: The Great Unbundling of Higher Education






Network weather “The network weather argument suggests that changes in your environment are occurring because of other people’s use of these technologies and the behaviour they facilitate, even if as an individual you are not engaged with them.”

+ Remote participation + Backchannel + Amplified events + Socialisation + Changing formats

Weller, M. (2011). Network Weather. In The Digital Scholar: How Technology Is Transforming Scholarly Practice (pp. 114–127). London: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved July 15, 2016, from http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666275.ch-010

Weller, M. (2011). The Digital Scholar: How Technology Is Transforming Scholarly Practice

“Thursday, July 14th 4.15pm ADT – Helen DeWaard will connect us with Audrey Watters and Jesse Stommel. This hangout has space for virtual participants.”


Sept.26, 2012 http://www.stevehargadon.com/2012/09/tonight-true-history-of-mooc.html

http://ds106.us/ Accessed 22 July 2016

#Phonar accessed 15 July 2016 https://phonar.org/

#docc14 (Distributed Open Collaborative Course) (accessed 15 July 2016) https://vimeo.com/channels/femtechnetdialogues/videos Also see http://femtechnet.org/docc/


#LTHEchat Twitter Visualisation 5 May 2016 http://goo.gl/KRlmwP

#edchatNZMOOC Coordinated by Danielle Myburgh (@MissDtheTeacher) https://edchatnz.iqualify.com/course/-KGxyoPfhyRUA4J-USMM/#/courseoverview


RNZ Accessed 22 July 2016: http://www.radionz.co.nz/


Just because it works,

doesn’t mean it can’t be


Just because it doesn’t appear to be bro ken, doesn’t mean it’s still fit for purpose.