On set Experience

On set experience

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On set Experience

Page 2: On set experience

In this PowerPoint I will talk about the importance of experience on set and tell you how I learned by doing.

Experience is important in any field of work, especially when it comes to making a film. You can plan all the shots, the dialog, the character movement, but there are also things, which you have no control of. For example weather conditions, diseases, broken equipment and so on. In this situations you have to come up with a solution really quickly.

Time management is another very important aspect in filmmaking. You have to move quickly and get the shots you want as fast as you can. The only way to do this successfully is to get experience.

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How do you get on set experience? The way I got it was by working on smaller productions before I started shooting the actual short film.

This was the perfect way to test the equipment, practice scheduling and learn how to work with my team members together.

We first did our Demo Reel. Through this experience I learned how to improvise shots on the fly, because of the tight schedule there was no way we could have planned all the shots before.

After that we also did a Channel Trailer for our YouTube channel. This gave us a lot of scheduling practice and we used props for the first time and realised how important attention to detail is.

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The YouTube channel film riot has made 2 short films so far and made a lot of behind the scenes episodes, which are really helpful for us students. We see how they had to overcome obstacles and how they dealt with tight schedules and basic problems which you always get on a film set. You can also watch the short film and see how certain shots were taken in the making of, which is great because you see how difficult it can be to film a shot or scene.

The First short film they have made is a psychological thriller which is called “Tell”. This series not only shows the behind the scenes, but also the jobs on set.Enjoy.

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The second short film is called “Proximity”, which is a sci-fi action film. On this project Ryan Connolly and his team finished a whole short film in less than a month and shot it in less than a week.


Behind the scenes:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0UFSjIzb7M




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Indy mogul is another YouTube channel, which show simple tricks and hacks to apply to low budget films.

They have made 2 short films so far, but unfortunately the haven't been released right now, but the behind the scenes

are very educational.

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City of angel will be a short thriller by Russell from Indy mogul. The film hasn’t been released yet but he has done a sort of Vlog thing for his

behind the scenes. Enjoy






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We used these videos to give ourselves an idea what it is like to be on a film set.

It inspired us to do some Vlogs as well.