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Olympic Friednship #5

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  • 1. Reading p217
    • After the competition had ended for the day, Jesse met Lutz in his room. They talked late into the night.

2. Reading p217

  • They discovered that they shared many things. Their backgrounds were similar. Both were from poor families.

3. Olympic Friendship Lesson #5of Five 4. Reading p217

  • Like Jesse, Lutz had a wife and a child. Jesse learned that Lutz didnt believe in Hitlers ideas and prejudices.

5. Reading p217

  • If Germany went to war, however, Lutz told Jesse, he would have to fight for his country-not because he agreed with Hitler, but because, he loved his country.

6. Reading p217

  • Jesse and Lutzs friendship endured long after the 1936 Olympic games had ended. In a letter to Jesse from Africa, shortly before Lutz was killed in action, Lutz asked Jesse to visit him and his family in Germany after the war.

7. Reading p217

  • Somehow, sensing that he would not survive the next battle, Lutz asked Jesse to tell his son about their Olympic friendship and about the kind of man his father had been.

8. Reading p217

  • In 1963, Jesse returned to Berlin and met Karl Long, Lutzs son, fulfilling the promise that he had made so many years before.

9. Comprehension Questions

  • What were some of the things Jesse and Lutz shared?
  • Jesse and Lutz shared similar backgrounds. They were from poor families, and they both had a wife and child.

10. Comprehension Questions

  • 2) In his last letter to Jesse, what did Lutz ask Jesse to do?
  • In his last letter, Lutz asked Jesse to visit him and his wife in Germany. Lutz also asked Jesse to tell Lutzs son about their Olympic friendship, and the kind of man Lutz was.

11. Words and Expressions p217.

  • Prejudice: To judge someone or an idea without knowledge.
  • Jesse learned that Lutz didnt believe in Hitlers ideas or prejudices.(p217)

12. Words and Expressions p217.

  • Fulfill: To bring to an end. To complete .
  • Jesse returned to Berlin and met Karl Long, Lutzs son, fulfilling the promise. (p217)

13. I want to fulfill my dream, and live in a house, next to the water. 14. WORD POWER Page 220 15. Word Power

  • Out-
  • Distance-OutdistanceLive-Outlive
  • Shine-OutshineGrow-Outgrow
  • 2) Re-
  • Measure-RemeasureRead-Reread
  • Arrange-RearrangeWrite-Rewrite

16. Word Power

  • 3) ition
  • Compete-CompetitionRepeat-Repetition


  • .
  • 1) Mark grew too tall for his clothes. He _________ them. (grow)
  • 2) Please correct your essay. Try to avoid the _________ of slang words.
  • (repeat)
  • 3) You must _______ your report. There are too many mistakes in it. (write)

outgrew repetition rewrite 18. Useful Expressions P220. 19.

  • 1. Walk out on.
  • Is it true that Hitlerwalked out onyou?
  • 2. Late into the night.
  • Jesse and Lutz talkedlate into the night.
  • 3. Fight for.
  • If Germany went to war, he would have tofight forhis country.

20. .

  • 1.The Korean people began tofight to achievethe independence of their country.
  • 2. You cant leaveme suddenlylike this!
  • 3. Worried about the competition, I couldnt get to sleepuntil it was late at night .

to fight for walk out on me late into the night 21. Structure in use! p221 22.

  • 1. Jesse shrugged,not knowingwhat to say.
  • = Jesse shrugged because he did not know what to say.
  • 2.No soonerhad the final long jump competition begun than it became a hard-fought duel between them.

23. .

  • 1) He turned on some music because he did not find anything else to do. (not finding-)
  • _____________________________________
  • 2) As soon as I spoke, the audience broke into laughter. (no sooner-than)
  • _____________________________________

He turned on some music "not finding"....... No sooner had I spoken than the audience.... 24. .

  • 3)No sooner had she given the tree a shake than a bird flew off the top branch. (as soon as)
  • _____________________________________

As soon as she gave the tree a shake.... 25. Structure in Context P221 (help me!) 26.

  • Long was ready to fight for his country, not because he agreed with Hitler but because he loved his country.
  • .


  • I decided to become a member of the swimming club, not because I was a good swimmer, but because _______________.
  • My father usually rides his bicycle to work instead of driving, not because_________________________________
  • _____________________________

I love to swim. he can't drive, but because he loves to ride his bicycle. 28. The End! Yeah!