Establishing shots of the bar/pub, chairs still upon tables, empty plates. Radio plays jazz. We see a miserable man, around the age of 65. He has a whiskey and a pack of cigarettes. After a brief moment, another man, younger (around 40) sits besides him. Hi, I’m Will’… he offers his hand to George, George looks at it and sighs, ‘What do you want get it…’ After a sequence of small talk, shot reverse shot, close ups. Will recognises George. GEORGE CROW’ Will states, and he goes on to assume that G’s life must be amazing now. Gangster Shit?’ ‘Are you a faggot?’- George. He is getting agitated from Will’s remarks. Will feels awkward. ‘Didn’t mean too come across weird…’ Will makes an assumption… You must be living the high life with all that money!’ etc etc George is by now rather agitated. He insults Will intentionally, ‘You’re one annoying little shit you know that’… He storms off out. Will is left at the bar with the bar maid. She states that he’s always in here the ‘miserable git’ (or similar) ‘What can I get you?’ CUT TO Int of George’s house. Establishing shot of wealth and belongings, flat tv; wealth, records; still in the old.

Old git storyboard as media 2016

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Page 1: Old git storyboard as media 2016

Establishing shots of the bar/pub, chairs still upon tables, empty plates. Radio plays jazz.

We see a miserable man, around the age of 65. He has a whiskey and a pack of cigarettes.

After a brief moment, another man, younger (around 40) sits besides him.

Hi, I’m Will’… he offers his hand to George, George looks at it and sighs, ‘What do you want get it…’

After a sequence of small talk, shot reverse shot, close ups. Will recognises George.

GEORGE CROW’ Will states, and he goes on to assume that G’s life must be amazing now.

Gangster Shit?’ ‘Are you a faggot?’- George. He is getting agitated from Will’s remarks.

Will feels awkward. ‘Didn’t mean too come across weird…’ Will makes an assumption…

You must be living the high life with all that money!’ etc etc

George is by now rather agitated. He insults Will intentionally, ‘You’re one annoying little shit you know that’… He storms off out.

Will is left at the bar with the bar maid. She states that he’s always in here the ‘miserable git’ (or similar) ‘What can I get you?’

CUT TO Int of George’s house. Establishing shot of wealth and belongings, flat tv; wealth, records; still in the old.

Page 2: Old git storyboard as media 2016

George is on a white leather sofa. He is bored (lonely), playing around with his hand gun.

He sees a news report of ‘Billionaire Will Black’ donating £1m to charity, the ‘annoying little shit’ is very rich and successful

George is jealous.. ‘Fucking prick’.. He races up off the sofa and storms out of the room.

We see George storming through the hallway towards the door, gun still in hand.

He aggressively opens the door and storms out, even leaving it open.

All that can be seen is the door slowly closing. Car screeches are then heard. What is he going to do next?