Oedipus the king

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The Script

The script to be used was written by

Sophocles around 420 B.C.

Language has since been revised

for a more modern audience.

Revisions performed by Ian

Johnston of Vancouver Island


“Spine” of the Play


Prophecy will play a large part in this play.

There is a central prophecy that is seen in the

play (Oedipus kills his father and bears children

with his mother). It serves as the main idea of

the play.


Truth is a main theme in the play. The truth is

constantly thrown around throughout the play.

However, Oedipus and Jocasta are oblivious to

that fact. They constantly try to look past it and

come up with excuses of how it can be false.Oracle at Delphi


The play will be presented in an arena setting.

Actors are to portray the ancient greek nature

of the play.

As seen in many Greek themed movies, a somewhat English accent will be used.

Costumes are to reflect the clothing of that in

ancient greek times.

Casting Actors

Oedipus… Sam Worthington

Both of these actors have portrayed characters similar to those in Oedipus the King. Sam

played Perseus in “Clash of the Titans” which is a movie set in the Ancient Greek times. His

knowledge of this acting style would prove beneficial if chosen for this role of Oedipus.

Chris is highly recognized for his role as Thor. This would prove benefical if chosen due to

similar natures of Thor and Creon. Both of them have noble personalities, which fit Chris’

acting style very well.

Creon… Chris Hemsworth


Jocasta… Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman would be phenomenal as Jocasta. She has the elegance of a

queen but the attitude of a ruthless mother who would kill her own son. She also

has a more mature look which would be very appropriate being that she is the

mother of Oedipus.


Tiresias… Ian McKellen

Ian McKellen would be a great choice for

the Tiresias due to the fact that he has the

appearance of an older man who would fit the character of Tiresias. He also has a

history in Theatre as that is where he had his

start. He performed in reparatory theaters

for four years and then made his West End


Directional Concept

The story line will build very quickly. As

events such as the argument with Tiresias

and Oedipus and the argument with

Oedipus and Creon occur one after the

other, the tension will build very quickly.

As the truth regarding Oedipus’ birth

parents begin to unfold, the climax of the

play is reached. With the dialogue between

the messenger and the servant finally

revealing the truth, Jocasta kills herself and

Oedipus takes his eyes out.

As the climax ends, the resolution occurs

with Oedipus losing all power he once had

in the city of Thebes.


Oedipus loses all power he once had in the city of Thebes

Falling Action

Oedipus desires to be exiled as he has been cursed


Messenger from Corinth shares the true story of Oedipus’ Birth

The truth of Oedipus’ being Laius’ killer is revealed

Jocasta kills herself and Oedipus takes his eyes out

Rising Action

Truth of Laius’ killer is slowly coming out


City of Thebes is plagued with sickness

Set Design

Oedipus the King takes place in the 5th century around 430 B.C, in

the city of Thebes, near Athens, Greece in front of a palace.

Set Design As one attends the play Oedipus the King the first thing they will

encounter is the environment, as they walk into the theatre. The spectator will quickly get this feel of Ancient Greece because of

what they will see, similar to the picture below.

Set Design

However, A set is not a picture, but an image. Sets signal the tone,

style and the degree of reality or fantasy in the play. Below is a

different set of Oedipus the King.

Set Design

Good scene design sets the tone

and style of a production, letting

the audience know where and

when the action takes place and

whether the play is a tragedy , a

comedy, or some other type of

drama. Oedipus the King is a

tragedy and it will arouse pity and

fear in the audience as they

witness the action.

Set Design

Oedipus the King falls under the category of having a realistic set. It

is detailed with pillars, steps, plants, sculptures and more. There are

many things that bring us to our understanding of the special effects of the play, such as the scenery, lighting, sound and props present

throughout the play and on the set. Special effects include, fog,

knives or swords that appear to stab victims, walls falling apart, and

much more. The dramatic play Oedipus the King has knives and

swords in it that give us a special effect. However, from the Greeks

on, theatre has tried to suspend natural laws and create an illusion

or miraculous or extraordinary effects.

Set Design

Most Ancient Greek plays where held at places that resemble a thrust type of stage and an arena type of stage. The audience was

in front of them but not on all sides and there was one big entrance

to the stage. The ground plan for Oedipus the King is shown below.

Set Design

A ruling metaphor of Oedipus the

King would be the image of

Oedipus and Sphinx, the guard of

the entrance to the Greek city of

Thebes. After finding out that King

Laius had been killed, the city was

at the mercy of the Sphinx (a lion

with a human head).

Set Design

Lastly, the scene or set designer works closely with the director and

other designers to create a final stage picture. The technical

director and his or her staff supervises the construction of scenery, special effects etc, to meet the designers specifications. A scenic

charge artist and additional scenic artists must translate the look

shown in models, renderings, and paint elevations into full-scale

version of the design. Everybody's ideas are then put together to

portray an excellent set.

One of the best sets of Oedipus the King

What is the Light

Designers Job?

To provide visibility.

Reveal shapes and forms.

Provide a focus onstage and create visual compositions.

Assist in creating mood and reinforcing style.

Help establish time and place.

Establish a rhythm of visual movement.

Reinforce a central visual, establish visual information, or both.

Lighting creates mood and style of a production.

Oedipus The KingOedipus the King by Sophocles was set in Thebes during Ancient Greece and was written around 430 b.c.

In order to set the mood onstage for the audience to believe it was set during Ancient Greece, the lighting has to reinforce the seven primary functions and objectives of stage lighting.

VisibilityWe must first and foremost be able to see the actors and actresses faces and their actions onstage. The accomplished designer will establish a balance that allows for visibility while meeting other design objectives effectively.

The lighting is bright and directly on the actors providing visibility for the audience.

Focus and


Focus refers to the fact that beams of light are aimed at (focused on) a particular area. The director and light designer collaborate to create a continually moving visual that keeps the audience focused on the central action of the play.

Shape and formThe lighting designer must enhance the visual world of the play by revealing the objects in that world as interestingly as possible. The designer must enhance the actors and other visual elements of the world of the play with lighting and color from side, top and behind.

Mood and style

Theatre combines all areas of a production to establish the mood and world of a play. Once that mood is established for the audience the individual production areas can manipulate mood throughout the play. Action, scenery and words, in conjunction with light tell us exactly what the mood is. Lighting can indicate whether a play is realistic or nonrealistic.

Time and placeBy its color, shade, and intensity, lighting can suggest the time of day, giving us the pale light of dawn, the bright light of midday, the vivid colors of sunset or the muted light of evening. Light can indicate specific times of the year such as weather.


Light occurs on a time continuum, they establish a rhythm running through a production. It is extremely imperative that the supposedly simple lighting changes from scene to scene to develop the rhythm and timing needed for the audience to be drawn into to stage play.

Reinforcement of the

central image

Lighting must be consistent with the overall style and mood of a production. Our contemporary plays tend to be written in a style that also frequently cuts from location to location. The wrong lighting can distort or destroy the effect of the play.

Lighting Used for

Oedipus the king

Automated or moving lights is the best

lighting for this play because of all the

all the dramatic mood changes and

scenery. From a man who feels as if he

can save his entire city to a man who is

exiled from the city he once ruled. This

type of lighting can help incorporate

the changes needed in one setting with

the click of a switch, allowing for

smooth transitions throughout the play.

The fixture can alter focus, change

color, project many patterns, change

the beam size and can act as an

ellipsoidal spotlight.