Occupational Stress ALAN PETER LAL

Occupational Stress

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Occupational or work related – stress “is the

response people may have when presented with

work demands and pressures that are not matched

to their knowledge and abilities and which

challenge their ability to cope”

Stressor - event which causes stress

Stress - Body’s physiological response to the stressor

Strain – Body’s longer term reaction to chronic stress

Causes Of Stress

Shift work/Rotating schedules


Contigent work

Work Load/Time Pressure


Mandatory Overtime

Lack Of Job Security

How Stress Affect You.?Early Symptoms Of Stress Related Problem Include

Physical Symptoms


Stomach Problem

Eating Disorder


Muscle Ache

Psychological Behavioral



Low Morale

Depression Alcohol & Drug Use

Feeling Powerless

If Exposure To Stressors Continues

Physical Condition Heart Disease




Immune System Disfunction

Gender Influence

Both men and women are prone to same amount of stressors at workplace

But the influence of stress is more upon females.

Stress related outcome can be seen more in women.

Causes of Stress in Women Dual responsibilities of professional as well as family


Decimation on basis of gender at workplace

Inability to take up better or different jobs due to family pressure

Mentally weak


Managing the Occupational Stress

New Technology

Stress due to introduction of new technology can be greatelyreduced by training of the employees in the new technology so that they are comfortable and can easily adjust to the new machines and work procedures

Shift Work

Allocation of shifts to employees making sure that all employees are awarded shifts in rotation to avoid monotony in work timings and conditions

Working Conditions

Organizations need to provide with good lighting, ventilation, washroom facilities, rest rooms, first aid, canteen etc to ensure hygienic and safe working conditions.

Queen Bee Syndrome

It is best to create a balance with fun, humor, and compassion

with your co-workers and intermingle this with your

enthusiasm of strong work ethics to gain respect and guide

others to mimic your enthusiasm.


Set realistic goals and targets which are achievable in the given

time frame with optimum effort.

Commuting to Work

Try to move in closer to workplace or find work near to

residence. Travel with a friend to work. Take train to avoid

frustration of traffic jams.

Job Satisfaction

Try and identify what u like in your job and what you don’t. Try and

chalk out possible solutions. Talk to superiors and try and change

the characteristics of the job to make it more satisfying.

Job Security

The threat of losing a job makes life generally very stressful.

Workers also put up with more hassles just to keep a job.

Changing occupations is far more common now days - this can

be one of the most stressful times in a persons life.


Try and induce various activities and variations in work. Lack of

enthusiasm and boredom are mainly due to monotony in work

and the elimination of this monotony will greatly reduce stress.

Longer Working Hours

Try not to work long hour and ask whether flexible working hours

are available. Enough sleep is essential.

Accepting New Jobs

Look out for only those jobs which you are actually interested in.

Being the Boss

Develop good rapport with employees and subordinates

Lack of Enthusiasm

New challenges and responsibilities should be taken up to

maintain enthusiasm.

Methods to Combat Occupational Stress

1. Individual Basis

Balance between work and family or personal life

Create support network of friends and coworkers and talk out openly

Maintain relaxed and positive outlook/attitude

Have realistic expectations

Have a balanced diet

Practice relaxation and meditation

Have thorough medical check up at frequent intervals

2. Corporate Basis

Praise and appraisals for employees.

Opportunities for career development

Talk to individual employees, if possible or else to their first supervisors

Carry on group discussions with employees

Measure employee perceptions of job, working conditions, stress, satisfaction for the employees

Analyze the data and identify the problem

Find out remedial measures

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