Non-Using Green Products

Non using green products

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Non-Using Green Products

IntroductionGreen products, sustainable products or environmentally

responsible products cause minimal harm to people and the environment.

The manufacturing or consumption of these goods have a minimal impact on the environment.

Production process in eco friendly In a factory or on a farm, working conditions

should be fair and protect human rights like in production of eco friendly.

If the product is a type of crop like produce or grains, soil pollution something to consider.

Negative effects of the production The product being produced in a big factory

using a lot of electricity handmadesoaps or unprocessed foods require fewer diminishing natural resources than those being produced in a plant.

Unless the plant is being powered by renewable sources like wind power or solar energy.

Is the company using recycle materials including recycled building materials, office supplies and compostable plastic.

Compostable PlasticCompostable plastic are actually

environmentally friendly plastics which are made from renewable raw materials.

They are compostable and therefore able to break down.

It’s important to note that not all compostable plastic qualify as bio plastic.

Compostable plastic are made from corn or potato starch,latic acid and soy protein.

Traditional plastic are made from petroleum never decompose. Moreover during the manufacturing process, petroleum based plastics emit harmful toxins into air and put an additional strain on the dwindling oil supply.

Three categories of bioplasticCompostable bioplastic as defined by the

American Society for Testing and Materials are those that can break down into water, biomass or carbon dioxide. The rate of it’s decompostion must be like other compostable materials such as paper and it must not leave any toxic residue.

the next category is biodegradable bioplastics; these are plastic which will biodegrade when exposed t decomposers.

These decomposers include bacteria,microscopic organisms, and fungi. The material does not necessarily need to have a zero-rating toxic residue.

Degradable bioplastic must have the capacity to undergo chemical structural changes.

These changes are not required to be natural causes and will likely require interevention though they are considered a degradeable plastic. Bear in mind that this type of plastic is also likely to leave a toxic residue.


Advantages of Compostable plastic and BioplasticUsing compostable plastic and bioplastic help

to reduce reliance on petroleum and landfills.When selescting a plastic product, supporting

eco friendly choices will help both the environment and the people living in this world.

Recycling 27% of all plastic get recycled.The biggest problem with plastic recycling is

that it is labour intensive. This because difficult to automate the sorting process.

Containers are usually made from the single type plastic.

New research and development programmes are being set up to improve dissembling technologies and to increase the recovery and recyclying rates of plastic products.

Bioplastic cycle

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