Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the history of France terrorist attack

Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the history of France terrorist attack

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Page 1: Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the history of France terrorist attack

Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the

history of France terrorist attack

Page 2: Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the history of France terrorist attack

Late in the evening of Friday, November 13, in Paris there was a series of terrorist attacks, which killed at least 120 people. Targets of attacks have become places of mass congestions of people: the suicide bombers made a bombing near the Stade de France in the Northern suburb of Saint-Denis, where at that time there was a match between France and Germany. From automatic weapons were fired at a popular cafe in the Eastern part of Central Paris, there was captured a concert hall "the Bataclan" (Bataclan), where a rock

concert come up to 1.5 thousand people. The French police say about eight coordinated attacks.

Page 3: Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the history of France terrorist attack

The first attack happened at about 21:30 Paris time (23:30 GMT): automatic weapons were shot the visitors of Le Petit Cambodge ("Little Cambodia") and Le Carillon. Both venues were in the 11th district of Paris and were popular among local residents. According to eyewitnesses, the attackers were few, perhaps wielded by a suicide alone, but, as he told one of the survivors, "the firing continued about half an hour". According to the newspaper Le Monde, the victims of this attack were 12 to 14 people, several dozen were wounded.

Page 4: Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the history of France terrorist attack

Almost simultaneously in another part of Paris in the Northern suburb of Saint-Denis, near the Stade de France there were three explosions. At the stadium in the time of the attack were present including the President of France Francois Hollande, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier. One of the explosions was so strong that it was heard in the stadium, the moment was captured on television broadcasts. The head of state and senior officials was immediately taken to a safe place, immediately began the evacuation of spectators. In these explosions, in addition to the three suicide bombings killed two and injured nine people.

Page 5: Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the history of France terrorist attack

The scale of the terrorist attacks in Paris — they were the most bloodiest in Europe since the bombings on commuter trains in Madrid in 2004 stunned the world community. With condolences and offers of help were made by among others Prime Minister of great Britain David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama. Last spoke to reporters, calling the attacks "an attack on all humanity, the threat to universal values". Both Obama and the Chinese President, XI Jinping, spoke to Hollande on the phone, offering assistance.

Page 6: Night of terror in Paris was the largest in the history of France terrorist attack

France remains a state of emergency, which implies that the country or any part of its territory can be placed under curfew, the authorities get the right to unlimited access to the residential areas day and night, any mass event is prohibited. Counteracting these security measures can be arrested for up to two months or fined up to 3750 euros. All schools, lyceums, universities will cease work on Saturday, all school trips cancelled.

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