1 Newsletter about the 4 th Comenius meeting of the project The Secrets of Newton's Apple Slava Klavora Maribor Primary School, 29 th of September - 4 th of October 2013

Newsletter about the 4th Comenius Meeting at Slava Klavora Maribor Primary School

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Sunday, 29th of September 2013

Teams from Germany, Estonia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey arrived to Maribor on

Sunday, 29th of September 2013.

Host students and their parents accepted the guest students on the day of arrival.

Monday, 30th of September 2013

The visiting students were at the school

on Monday morning. They participated

the lessons in classes (8.30 to 14.00). In

the afternoon and in the evening

students had a free time spent together

with their host families. The whole

Monday the guest teachers had a free

time for resting, sightseeing of the city

Maribor, shopping,...).

Because the Turkish team left Maribor a

day earlier, we changed the time of

Turkish workshop. The workshop with

the topic "Experiments with the plastic

soda bottles" took place between 10.25

and 11.15. The workshop was guided by

the experts Seval Yilmaz and Silvo

Muršec. Students realised some basic

natural phenomena, such as: how to

make a fog, how to make a tornado in

the bottle, hydrostatic pressure,

buoyancy,... Students had a lot of fun and

the lesson has passed very fast.

At 7 PM

Meeting of all visiting teachers in front

of the Hotel Piramida

From 8 – 10 PM

Dinner for all visiting teachers and for

teachers of the Klavora’s Comenius

project team at the restaurant “Pri

Matevžu” (“At the Mattew”).

Slovene dish.

At 0.30 AM

The Italian team arrived. Host students

and their parents accepted the guest


Video about

the Seval's



Tuesday, 1st of October 2013 - Activities at the school, workshops, city

sightseeing, networking,...

At 8.30 in the morning we had an official

oppening of the meeting for all guests at

school. The reconstruction of

administrative part of our school had

some organization problems but we

prepared official ceremony in the hall of

higher level students.

At the opening ceremony we have

presented the Slovene history, culture,

geographical features, some famous

Slovene people and greeted our guests

with a warm welcome.

After the ceremony the host students

showed the school and the surroundings

of the school to the visitors.

From 10.00 till 11.30 AM we were

working in the workshops which were

completely prepared by the science

teachers of our school. We had two

workshops for the teachers and for the

student who were splitted into the two

groups. The participants from each

country were included in the both

groups. The main idea of both

workshops was the presentation of using

of ICT equipment at the lessons of


1st workshop:

Video analysis of the movement of water

bottle rocket using a Tracker


In the first workshop we prepared a

water bottle rocket. Each country

prepared her own rocket. Outside the

school the missiles took off.

The took off of the rockets was recorded

on the digital video cameras. After that,

we went to the PC classroom where we

made a video analysis of the rockets take

off. With the use of the programme

Tracker we determined the highest

speed of the rockets and the height,

which were reached by

the rockets.


Video about the

1st workshop.

2nd workshop:

Geophysical measurements in the forest

“Stražun” using an ICT equipment.

In the second workshop we made

geophysical measurements in the forest

Stražun which is located near our school.

With the use of the Vernier data logger

device and of some digital probes we

measured the temperature and the

velocity of the water stream. With the

illuminance meter we defined the

illumination of the forest and compared

it with illumination outside the forest.

We used a microscope connected to the

PC for investigating of the plants

(leaves) and the insects.

The time at workshops passed quickly

by. Maybe we weren't able to make all

the planned experiments, but we

achieved the main goal. We showed, how

easy we were be ableto use the ICT

equipment at the science lessons.

Both workshops were recorded on the


After that we had lunch at school.

Our cooks prepared a delicious food

from slovenian cuisine.

In the afternoon we went to the city

centre by bus. We made a tour around

the city. The sightseeing was guided in

English language by the students of

Secondary School for Tourism Maribor.

The weather was sunny and we took a

lot of nice photo memories.

In the late afternoon guest students

stayed with their host students at the

city centre.


The teachers went to the vineyards in

the neighbourhood of the city of


Because there was a time of grape

vintage, we went to a touristic farm. We

were able to enjoy the beautiful sight of

the vineyards, we were able to see the

compression of grapes with computer

controlled press.

In the company of good food, good wine

drops and Slovene national music,

performed live by Mihael Muršec on

acordion, we continued our networking

till evening hours.

Wednesday, 2nd of October 2013 - Excursion in Slovenia

The time for the expert excursion!

Because our Comenius project is a

science project we prepared an

excursion according to that.

Early in the morning we went to the

capital of Slovenija, Ljubljana by bus.

The weather was fantastic, so everyone

on the bus was in the good mood. We

enjoyed the driving on the highway

through the beautiful landscape, hills

and the valleys.

The time on the bus passed by fast and

after one and half hour we arrived to


In Ljubljana we were divided into two

subgroups. The first one went to the

"House of the experiments"

and the second one went on the guided

tour in the old city centre.

House of the


The House of the experiments is a house,

where we can make experiments by

ourselves. There is a plenty of different

experiments which are suitable for

children between 1 and 99 years.


Almost all of them are interactive and

they are well described in English


The experiments cover various fields

from physics, mathematics, optics,

geomechanics, etc. Students and the

teacher had a lot of fun.

The guided tour around the old city

centre of Ljubljana was performed by

the students of Secondary School for

Tourism Ljubljana. We saw the

architecture by Plečnik, the river

Ljubljanica with the Three Bridges,

Prešeren's monument, Cathedral,…

At the noon we were driven to the

Postojna cave.

A fantastic web of

tunnels, passages,

galleries and

halls, the


diversity of Karst

features as well

as easy access are

certainly the main reasons for such

popularity of the cave and a large

number of visitors, which has already

reached 35 million in 200 years.

Postojna Cave is the best-known cave in

the world. It is also the greatest tourist

attraction in Slovenia and one of the

world's largest karst monuments. 21 km

of passages, galleries and magnificent


halls offer a unique experience of the

underground world. The Postojna cave is

definitely one of the most diverse cave

systems in the world.

After two hours of admiration of the

underground mysterious world we went

towards the town Bled.

Bled is located in the beginning of the

Julian Alps. It is famous for the glacier

lake which has a small island with the

church on it.. Once, there was a tectonic

basin located at the place of the present

lake, which was later on carved by the

Bohinj glacier. The glacier found itself in

front of an obstacle – a giant rock which

is carved and chaped against for so long

that only the island we know today

remained. The ice melted and the basin

was filled with water, thus creating a

2.12 km long and up to 1.30 km wide

Lake Bled. Its maximum depth reaches

up to 30.6 m, making it ideal for diving


The castle is located on the cliff above

the lake. The history of the castle

reaches back to 1004.

It was a really spectacular view from the

castle! On the west Julian Alps, on the

north Karavanke and on the east and


south there is a big walley with a glacier

lake bellow us.

At the end of the day we were walking

downhill to the lake where we visited the

bakery with the famous Bled Cream

cake. We tried it, of course!

Cream cakes, known to Bled for decades,

are in fact the symbol of Bled. Although

you can buy them elsewhere, those from

Bled are simply the best. Ištvan

Lukačevič, the former manager of the

Hotel Park patisserie, tested recipes for

many years before he finally succeeded.

His cream cakes, which are prepared at

this patisserie and sold in the café

opposite the hotel, are famous.

It was very late when we returned back

to the city of Maribor. We were tired, but

happy because we saw so many different

things in just one day.

This is possible only in Slovenia! Because

there is a huge geo diversity on a

relatively small place.

Thursday, 3rd of October 2013 - Workshop, lessons at the classes, evening

farewell meeting

On Thursday morning we spent time at


Students were at the lessons and at the

Chemistry workshops. As we said in the

beginning, Turkish workshop was

scheduled for this day.

But because we had done the Turkish

workshop on Monday, we decided to

prepare an additional workshop. Our

chemistry teacher prepared some

interesting cemical experiments. The

students performed experiments by

themselves. The students were enjoying

in the experiments a lot.

Meanwhile, the teachers were having a

meeting. We were talking about our

previous work, which had been already

done and about the future work and the



We had a delicious lunch at school.

After the lunch we prepared the meeting

with the mayor's assistant. She came to

the school and we described her the

work and the workshops during our

meeting briefly.

At the end of the lessons, in the

afternoon, the students had a free time.

The teachers were invited to have a walk

on the slopes of 1500 meters high hill

Pohorje which is nearby the city of

Maribor. Actually those slopes are

famous from the Alpine women skiing

competition Golden Fox. Because the

weather was really not nice, we decided

to stay in the hut bellow the Pohorje.



The farewell party with a galla dinner

took place at the hotel Arena (bellow the

hill Pohorje) in the evening. Practically

all the host parents and the teachers of

our school joined the party.


All of them were dancing. A lot of them

were sad, because the meeting was

reached the end.. Grant of souvenirs and

certificates of participation.

Friday, 4th of October 2013 - Farewell, time to say “good bye”

On Friday morning the host parents drove the guest students to the last meeting point

at the Hotel Piramida. Tears flew in the big streams.

Last goodbye.

But surely, it was not the last goodbye. We believe, this is a beginning of a new

friendships which will, almost in all cases, last forever.

And at the end, we are very proud that we were able to host the most numerous

meeting of all, that is, 21 guest students and 16 guest teachers!

Thank you all for being our guests!


Photographs, text and design: Silvo Muršec, prof.

Proofreading: Karina Radoha, prof.

Maribor, Slovenia: September 2014

More info:

All videos of the experiments

which have been made during our project.

All about the 4th meeting at Slovenia

Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility

and European Educational and Training Programmes

The Official Travel Guide by Slovenian Tourist Board