Neurons and Neurotransmi tters How they work and key studies

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  • 1. Neurons andNeurotransmittersHow they work and keystudies

2. I.B. Learning Outcomeand Objective B6- Using one or more examples, explain theeffects of neurotransmission on humanbehavior. I can identify the parts of a neuron I can explain the how neurons communicate I can state that neurotransmitters have animpact on behavior I can explain how Depression can be linked toneurotransmission and how it can be treated. 3. Key Terms Neuron Dendrite Axon Terminal Button Synapse Neurotransmitter 4. Intro to the Neuron The human brain is made up of ~86 billionsof neurons. Neurons: The basic brain cell thatspecialize in transmitting informationthroughout the body. 5. Neural Networks 6. Parts of a NeuronDendritesAxonTerminal ButtonCell Body1. Signal ReceivedIn Dendrites3. SignaltransmittedFrom TerminalButton 7. Communication at theSynapse Synapse: The specialized junctionbetween one neuron and another One neuron releases a chemical that eitherexcites or inhibits the next neuron.Terminal ButtonDendriteSynapse 8. Neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters: A chemical that isexchanged between neurons that allowthem to communicate. 9. Step 2: Reuptake After connecting with the receptors, theneurotransmitters are released, travel backthrough the synapse and are reabsorbed by thereuptake transporter on the original neuron.1. Reuptake2. Dissolved by Enzyme3. Remains in Synapse 10. Neurotransmission Impact onDepression Serotonin: a neurotransmitter that is partiallyresponsible for many psychological andbodily functions. Mood, Appetite, Sexual Desire, among manymore. An imbalance of Serotonin is linked todepression. Anti-Depressants (SSRIs) are designed toblock reuptake of serotonin and keep it in thesynapse longer. How Anti-Depressants Work Video 11. Types of Neurotransmitters GABA: Inhibitory- Stops the brain from becomingtoo overexcited. Glutamate: Excitatory- Associated with learningand memory. Serotonin: Inhibitory: Balances mood, appetite,regulating sleep, and others. Epinephrine: Excitatory- AKAAdrenalineheightens mental and physicalarousal. Dopamine: Controls voluntary movements andcontrols reward mechanisms in the brain. AcH- responsible for stimulating muscles and isassociated with learning. 12. Martinez & Kesner (1991) Neurotransmitter: Acetylcholine (ACh) Aim: To investigate the role of ACh in theformation of memories. Method: Trained three groups of rats torun in a maze. Group 1: Injected with a chemical to blocksAch receptor sites = Less ACh Group 2: Injected with chemical to blockthe production of enzymes that eat ACh =More ACh. Group 3: Controlnormal ACh 13. Martinez & Kesner (1991) Cont. Findings: Group 1 (Less ACh) had problems learninghow to run the maze and made moreerrors. Group 2 (More ACh) ran quickly through themaze and made fewer mistakes. Quickerthan the control Conclusions: ACh plays a role in theformation of new memories. Critical thinking? Ethical? Ecological Validity? 14. Dopamine Neurotransmitter that is associated withreward-related behaviors Pleasure and Addiction Does not create pleasure, rather itmotivates you to seek it.