My ww1 project_denis

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A presentation about WW1

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  • 1. World War 1 by Denis Butorin. The war started in 1914 and ended in 1918.

2. The Main Cause of the World War 1 The main cause of the World War 1 was that Franz Ferdinand the archduke of Austria got assassinated which caused Austrians to be mad which made Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia. The Russians who were friends of Austria got involved and then the Germans got involved because they were friends of the Serbs. Then all of the other empires got involved and then... World War 1. 3. Tank That Was Used In World War 1 This was a tank used by the Germans in the First World War This was one of the first tanks ever used. These tanks were not successful as they would break down and get stuck in the rough Surface of No Mans Land 4. Tanks reliability These tanks were not reliable because the engine for it was only around for twenty or thirty years and it was not yet perfected. In the war most tanks did not work right because mechanical breakdowns not enemy troops. 5. Tanks In The World War 1 6. Tanks Used In World War 1 The first tank was nicknamed Little Willie Tanks were first created by the British These tanks were unreliable and could even kill the people inside The first tank was created at William Foster & co. 7. How it was like Inside A Tank There was tremendous heat in the tank. There were fumes in there that nearly choked the men inside ! The stench of the fuel from the engine could be smelt inside the tank. 8. How were tanks helpful in The World War 1 The tanks were originally used for soldiers to take cover behind because there was no cover in No Mans land ! Tanks were often used by the French and the British This picture is a British tank. 9. Different Countries Tanks British Tank French tank German tank British tank 10. Different Countries Tanks British Tank French tank German tank British tank