By Michelle MY HERO I am here to save the world

My hero, Jesus Christ

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Page 1: My hero, Jesus Christ

By Michelle


I am here to save the world

Page 2: My hero, Jesus Christ

• A hero, to me is someone who is selfless, unique and ethical. It is someone who makes an impact on the world and sacrifices for the sake of others. It is someone who teaches you morality. Overall, a hero is someone who gives out of their way to help others.

• a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble quality.


Dictionary.com My Opinion

Page 3: My hero, Jesus Christ

My Hero Is …


Page 4: My hero, Jesus Christ

Jesus ChristLook in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! Here are 20 reasons why Jesus is the ultimate Superhero!

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No MistakesJesus never made a mistake. He knows all things, created all things and has authority and power over all things.

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FearlessnessJesus never possessed a spirit of fear. His faith was so strong that it allowed Him to willfully submit to the plan of God.

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Even-temperedThough He displayed righteous anger for the misuse of God’s house, He never possessed selfish-fleshly anger.

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No WeaknessIn the wilderness, Satan himself threw his best shot to weaken Jesus and could ‘find no place in Him.’

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His Powerful WordsToday, His very words still cause people’s heart to change toward allegiance with the Kingdom of God.

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Scared DemonsAlthough people didn’t recognize Jesus when He was on earth; the demons definitely knew Him and shuttered with fear at His arrival.

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No Pride IssuesJesus is so secure in who He is as the son of God, He never had an identity crisis or pride in His life. He didn’t need material goods or a flashy life to know He had immense purpose.

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Couldn’t Be OutsmartedThe Pharisees tried hard to bring Jesus down, even using the very Word of God to do so. But since Jesus was the “Word made flesh” it was impossible.

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Didn’t Wear A MaskThere was no hiddenness with Jesus. He didn’t need a mask, a created identity or a double-lifestyle. He simply walked with God.

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Was Never in DangerJesus’ life was never in danger. Even when the angry mob tried to kill Him, they were prevented because He was in control of the timing of everything…including His death.

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Connected With People

Jesus loved people. He didn’t need a bat cave. He loved fellowshipping and spending time with others.

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Both God and ManJesus is Divinity, but He also became human so He could relate to our experience and become Our High Priest.

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Died to Save His EnemiesWhat superhero would do something like this? Only Jesus would die to save the people who wanted Him dead.

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Never SinnedA sinless life. Jesus lived in accordance to the Word of God. He never sinned and lived a blameless, spotless life.

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Control The ElementsSome superheroes may be able to fight in the midst of a storm, but only one could simply tell the storm to calm down and it obeys.

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Universal AuthorityJesus has been given authority over heaven and earth. As His followers. He has transferred that authority to us to act on His behalf in the earth.

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No TechnologyNo tools or gadgets… just the Holy Spirit aiding and guiding Him on the journey that God willed for His life.

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Walked on WaterThis was no big deal for Jesus, just a logical means of transportation. By walking on water, Jesus again shows Himself as the Creator.

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Weapons Not NecessaryWhen Peter resorted to violence in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus corrected Him. Jesus didn’t need to use weapons. He was already God’s ultimate weapon against the enemy.

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Defeated DeathJesus defeated the one nemesis that all other heroes are subject to, death. Jesus hung on a cross and three days later commanded life to come back into His body. He resurrected Himself…now that’s Superpower!

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• Jesus the Immortal -- Although Jesus died on a cross, he rose again and walked the earth three days after his death. More than any other person, Jesus has had a lasting impact on the world over the centuries. The impact he left when he departed to heaven lives on today; the story of his life has been passed down from generation to generation. Jesus truly is immortal, and his return is awaited by those who believe in him.


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jesus I will survive.mp4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa8knpZs82o


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