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Music Video Ideas

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Ideas for our A2 Media Studies Music Video.

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Music Video Ideas

Nikki J – The Way You Do

Narrative Music Video – We see the main

characters, a husband and wife, outside at

night, the stars above them. The video would

trace the love story of the two characters and

how they are perfect for each other. The

video could even break the fourth wall, using

a direct mode of address while singing to feel

connected with the viewers of the video. The

narrative style of the video would also be in

keeping with genre conventions as usually

R&B videos contain a narrative side to their


Narrative and Conceptual Music Video - The

character is in love with a boy who does not

feel the same way. We see several drawings

from the female character as she pictures the

memories she dreams of having with her ideal

partner. As we see these drawings, the action

cuts to real life footage of these moments

played out on camera. However, at the end of

the video we see the character shut her

notebook and walk away, a symbol to show

she realises her dreams will not come true.

The drawings could make this a Conceptual

music video which could be very interesting to

make, there are not many conceptual music

videos around so this will give us a very

interesting challenge to produce successfully.

Narrative and Performance Music Video - We

see a young woman busking on the street

which before long gets noticed by a big shot

music producer. We see her rise to fame from

her humble beginnings to a superstar ending.

The music video ends with a fade out after

seeing her performing at one of Britain’s

biggest venues, The 02 Arena in North

Greenwich. This would be a narrative based

music video as we follow a story of her career.

However this could also be described as

performance based due to the stage nature of

the video. Performance based videos are very

rarely seen in R&B Music Videos so this could

be a good way to challenge the typical

conventions of the genre.

Performance Music Video – We could see the

female artist singing on stage in a concert

environment. This could involve the artist

breaking the fourth wall and singing directly

into the camera on several occasions. The use

of choreographers in the background and

lighting would add a great atmosphere to the

scene and bulk out the background so it didn’t

look to plain. The use of choreographers and

jewellery on both the dancers and the singer

would match key genre characteristics. The

concert environment would also add a

performance based edge to the music video

which would challenge the typical genre

conventions as this feature is not usually

displayed in R&B music videos.

Narrative Music Video – The artist has been

involved in an accident and is rushed to

hospital. We see her partner rush to her

bedside. The video cuts to memories that the

couple have had in the past and all the good

moments they have shared together. The

music video ends with the female character

finally waking up in hospital and smiling at her

partner, who she now realises has stayed with

her the whole time. The narrative music video

would be following the typical genre

expectations; however the use of no

choreographers, lighting or jewellery would

be going against the genre expectations,

giving us a fantastic chance to break the

typical stereotypes of the genre and adding

our own unique twist.

Intertextual References and Conceptual Music

Video – We see the artist sitting at her bed

reading a fairy tale to her daughter. We then

cut to the different scenes in the fairy tale by

playing scenes from a Disney Princess film, a

theme which will match the song we have

chosen. This will add an element of

intertextual reference to our Music Video,

following Andrew Goodwin’s Media Theory.