Music Diversity of Popular culture in Europa Fabiana Rodrigues

Music Fabiana Rodrigues

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MusicDiversity of Popular culture in Europa

Fabiana Rodrigues

What music means for a nation?

• Powerful force • Defines social and cultural experience

• Shapes identitiesEx: National Anthems

Music meaning is not static, it mostly changes with time and context.

Language and music Industry.

• English Language pop music- is used in many countries.

Why?Largest music market 1 USA 2 Japan 3 Great Britan 4 Germany

Music In Germany

• Birthplace of:

J. S.Bach

L. Van BethovenR. Wagner

J. Brahans

They have Big Rock Music festival:

• Wave- Gotick- Treffen• M’era Luna Wacken Open Air

• They have many renowned Opera houses.• They enjoy as well Hip Hop Rap

Music In Hungary

Liszt Bartok

Famous festival:Busójárás – carnival in Mohács

Inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the UNESCO

Music in Ireland

John FieldGerald Barry

Classical Music Rock Bands

• Irish Music influenced many forms of music, such as country and root music in the USA.

• A revival of Irish traditional music and dance occurred in the 20th century thanks by the educational system and patriotic organizations.