Multimedia in Education

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  2. 2. MULTIMEDIA MM is combined with the advances of Hardware Software These technologies were able to provide enhanced learning facility and with attention to the specific needs of end-users.
  3. 3. MULTIMEDIA MM is combined with the advances of Hardware Software With the use of MM software, with friendly end- users control, it enables the mind to explore and express or presents ideas in more organized data in its own creative ways.
  4. 4. MULTIMEDIA MM is combined with the advances of Hardware Software It can be used in instruction in a variety of creative and stimulating ways. It helps to gain and hold attention, makes points clearer, stimulates discussion, and in general, enhances the learning process.
  5. 5. Example: Combining text and graphic animation in a more organized data in creative ways. By the use of arrows, it guides the flow or the order of the ideas.
  6. 6. Example: Combining text and graphic animation in a more organized data in creative ways. By the use of arrows, it guides the flow or the order of the ideas.
  7. 7. Multimedia and the Educators To have an effective use of multimedia, educators must have the following criteria: Criteria: Theoretical Framework Multimedia Literacy Multimedia Incorporation
  8. 8. Multimedia and the Educators 1. The teacher must first know the individual: Theoretical Framework Utilization of multimedia helps their teaching strategies considering different types of learners. Theory of multiple intelligences (learning styles) establishes a theoretical framework for using multimedia in instruction. Multimedia resources can help you meet the needs of many different types of learners; Visual learners, auditory learners, and hands-on learners.
  9. 9. Multimedia and the Educators 2. The teacher must have this ability: Multimedia Literacy Being able to understand the media enables people to analyze, evaluate, and create messages in a wide variety of mediums, genres, and forms. Multimedia literacy is a growing concern among educators as societies worldwide continues to depend on image of technologies. This ability provides tools to help people critically analyze messages, offers opportunities for learners to broaden their experience of media, and helps them develop creative skills in making their own media messages..
  10. 10. Multimedia and the Educators 3. The teacher must have this technique: Multimedia Incorporation By incorporating multimedia in their instruction, teachers can capture attention, engage learners, explain difficult concepts, inspire creativity, and have fun.
  11. 11. Multimedia and the Learners Multimedia opens a window to world of visual literacy and realistic learning experiences, which engage the learner in higher order thinking skills.
  12. 12. Multimedia and the Learners Example: A science students observing beyond the content in virtual, real time environment (remote observation).
  13. 13. Multimedia and the Learners Example: Text alone simply does not allow students to get a feel of any Shakespeare's play.
  14. 14. Multimedia and the Learners MM abilities: 1. Provide students with opportunities to represent and express their prior knowledge 2. Empower students to create and design rather than "absorbing representations created by others."
  15. 15. 3. Students work as the ff: a. as RESEARCHER, select the information needed to understand the chosen topic; b. as AUTHORS, consider their intended audience and decide information is needed; c. as DESIGNERS, select the appropriate media to share the concepts selected; and d. as WRITERS, find ways to fit the information to the container.
  16. 16. Utilization of multimedia resources is very essential: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Portability: with multimedia, learning can happen anytime, anywhere. YouTube also contains documentaries and other educational short-clips. Flexibility: todays resources let you demonstrate concepts and lessons in ways that textbooks and classroom lectures alone cant. Students research shows a 3D computer model of a DNA strand.
  17. 17. Utilization of multimedia resources is very essential: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Individualized Learning: multimedia resources can help you meet the needs of many different types of learners; Visual learners can watch an online video, while auditory learners listen to streaming audio and hands-on learners play an interactive game. Students who need extra practice can use these tools again and again. Broader View of the World: With multimedia, students can learn about new cultures and countries in immediate and authentic ways and prepare to interact with that broader community in an increasingly collaborative global job market for practicing psychologist or psychiatrist, they were first presented documentaries of possible abnormal behavior of mentally sick people before exposing them into its real settings with their clients.
  19. 19. ADVANTAGE The aim of multimedia in education is presented in a short video clip entitled 21st Century Education
  20. 20. ADVANTAGE MM is a tool of edutainment: EDUTAINMENT A combination of education and entertainment words refers to education with entertainment.
  21. 21. ADVANTAGE Multimedia enhances the effect of text presentations quality by retaining the attention of the audience in an entertaining and educational presentation. MM enhances the effects of text presentation MM improves the quality of presentation MM retains attention MM captures interest to learn
  22. 22. DISADVANTAGE Presentation factors: Low image/audio quality POVERTY: too much simplicity ILLOGICAL ORDER: Improper organization of presentation or ideas Destructiveness of unnecessary inputs Moving objects Slow transitions Too much text inputs Background: Color, Image and Music
  23. 23. DISADVANTAGE Applications Settings factors: Updates and intervals Time consumptions Charges and Configurations Long term mastery of controls
  24. 24. Sources: Multimedia (2011). Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/Shivam_Tuteja/multimedia-8114447?related=2 Nyirenda, M. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.ippmedia.com/frontend/?l=57601 Multimedia as an educational tool (n.d.). Retrieved from cemca.org.in/ckfinder/userfiles /files/Section2.pdf Benefits of Using Multimedia in Education (n.d.). Retrieved from http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/engramja/gradcourse/ multimedia/benefits_of_multimedia.htm
  25. 25. Quiz: in a sheet of paper WORD HELP: Multimedia Literacy Edutainment Portability Hardware Software Designer Change Poverty Window Flexibility Presentation Applications Settings Theoretical Framework 1-2. MM is combined with the advances of __________ and ____________. 3. Educators ability that helps develop creative skills of the learners in making their own media messages.. 4. Learners work as ___________________ selecting the appropriate media to share the concepts of selected subject.
  26. 26. Quiz: in a sheet of paper WORD HELP: Multimedia Literacy Edutainment Portability Hardware Software Designer Change Poverty Window Flexibility Presentation Applications Settings Theoretical Framework 6. Teaching strategies considering different types of learners. 7-8. Two factors that MM makes disadvantageous. 5. Multimedia opens a _________________ engaging the learner in higher order thinking skills.
  27. 27. Quiz: in a sheet of paper WORD HELP: Multimedia Literacy Edutainment Portability Hardware Software Designer Change Poverty Window Flexibility Presentation Applications Settings Theoretical Framework 9. Essentiality of MM that demonstrate concepts and lessons in ways that textbooks and classroom lectures alone cant. 10. Essentiality of MM that says, learning can happen anytime, anywhere. 11. Too much simplicity is _____________ . 12-15. Would you use MM strategy in your report? Or simply just do the traditional (verbal) way of reporting? Why?
  28. 28. Answer(s): in a sheet of paper WORD HELP: Multimedia Literacy Edutainment Portability Hardware Software Designer Change Poverty Window Flexibility Presentation Applications Settings Theoretical Framework 1-2 Hardware and Software 3. Multimedia Literacy 4. Designer 5. Window 6. Theoretical Framework 7-8. Presentation factor and Applications Settings
  29. 29. Quiz: in a sheet of paper WORD HELP: Multimedia Literacy Edutainment Portability Hardware Software Designer Change Poverty Window Flexibility Presentation Applications Settings Theoretical Framework 9. Flexibility 10. Portability 11. Poverty 12-13. Essay A. 14-15. Essay A.