A webquest for Mr. Roads’ World History Class (1 st , 3 rd & 8 th per.) Designed by David Stoll [email protected]

Mr Roads World History Africa Webquest

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It is often said… that in order to know where you are going, you have to know where you have been.

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A webquest for Mr. Roads’ World History Class (1st, 3rd & 8th per.)

Designed by

David [email protected]

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It is often said… that in order to know where you are going, you have to

know where you have been.

Are you ready for…

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These are the six main elements of the Webquest:

Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits

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Congratulations! You are racing against the other teams on this season’s Amazing Race! Your goal is to complete all of the tasks and reach the welcome mat first.

On this leg of the race, you are racing through the continent of Africa. Africa is an extremely diverse continent ranging from lush rain forests to the hot, dry Sahara desert. There are many different people groups with generations of traditions and culture. The history of Africa and its inhabitants have impacted the world for several millennia. Africa is the second largest continent on the planet and is waiting to be explored by YOU!

There are several tasks that your team must complete in order to successfully make it to your next pit stop. Some of the tasks you may need to complete by yourself.

After you have completed each task, you will be given your next clue. There are a total of five clues that plug into a famous quote.

The tools that you will have to work with include: brain power, computers with internet access and your cell phones.

If you are ready for the challenge you may advance to the TASK phase, but remember, this is a Wild African Safari and not for the faint of heart.


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The Task

1. Your job is to work as a team to choose a country in Africa about which you wish to learn.

2. You will then focus on becoming an “expert” on your country’s geography, history & culture.

3. This will help you as you explore and understand the current issues your country faces.

4. Finally, you will choose one issue and present a well-researched solution to your country’s US ambassador.

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The Process

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Begin by choosing a country in Africa that you are interested in researching.To do this: 1.Go to the class blog: http://wcsroadswhaw.blogspot.com/2.Each group member must read one of the news articles located on the side of the blog.3.Click on the link: http://www.africaguide.com/afmap.htm and select the country you would like to research.

• NOTE: Pick TWO so you have a “back-up” in case you do not get your first choice.

4.TXT your choices to 61493571155.Wait for my confirmation TXT and clue before you may continue on to Stage 2.


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Geography1. As you explore the unique aspects of your country’s geography, in what ways

has the terrain affected its history, culture, commerce and education? Consider these additional questions:• First, use Google Maps to view a topographical map of your country.• Are there any major water ways or bodies of water that may have

impacted commerce and/or communication?• Are there any mountain ranges, valleys or plateaus? How have these

land structures played a role in the development of agricultural practices? Precious resources? Habitat and dwellings? Architectural wonders?

• What other countries surround its borders and how does effect its relationships between tribes and those other countries?

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History2. Your country has a wonderful story to be told. Find out what that story is and

what makes your country unique.• Find or create a timeline. www.google.com (keywords:

history+timeline+your country).• Trace the development of your country’s civilization from the earliest

records to the 21st Century.• Understand the roots and migration patterns of the various people groups

that comprise current demographics. Also consider how has this impacted language?

• Consider the political, economic and social aspects that have helped to shape your country’s development. Consider unique characteristics such as the role of government, religion and language as well as the impact of imperialism and their struggle to regain independence.

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Culture3. Your country has a unique heritage and culture that has been uniquely shaped by

Geography and History. In this section, take time to explore in depth:• Language- In what ways has language developed and changed throughout its history?• Religion – How has religion impacted or fueled the political/economic/social climate?• Cooking & Recipes – Discover some of the unique foods that the people eat.

Remember that this is affected by agricultural, geographic and socioeconomic factors.

• Music – In every culture, music is a means of personal/religious/social expression. Find out how these factors have played a role in the evolution of your country’s music.

• Art & Craft - Your country has been very resourceful and it is important to celebrate the distinctive arts and crafts as both a means of expression as well as financial independence. Other key insights into this section include: Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing, Products for Export.

*Keyword: Gross Domestic Product

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Important People4. Your country would not be as great as it is today had it not been for people who

sought to make a difference, a contribution, a change. Find out who these people were/are and what they have accomplished. Finally, you will need to evaluate how their accomplishments have impacted their country, continent and world. Some types of people to look for include:

• Artists• Politicians• Philosophers• Religious leaders• Military leaders• Poets and writers• Social activists

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Putting It All Together5. Whew! You are almost to the end of this stage. There are just a few tasks left for you

to do, but pay close attention, these are critical steps: Compile, sort, evaluate and synthesize all of your research so that your

information can be posted to the blog in a crisp, neat, concise manner. TXT your information to 6149357115 Wait for my confirmation TXT and clue before you may continue on to Stage 3.


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As you have discovered, your country has a very interesting history. Now that you have a better understanding of where that country has been,You will have a much clearer vision for where it needs to go in the future.Unfortunately, much turmoil has been left behind in these African nations. But, you can make a difference!

1. Choose one current issue that your country faces today and research multiple aspects to that problem. • Start by going here: http://www.usembassy.gov/• In order to dig a little deeper, visit Gale’s Opposing Viewpoints & the *new

Global Issues.2. Compile, sort, evaluate and synthesize all of your research so that your

information can be posted to the blog in a crisp, neat, concise manner.3. TXT your information to 61493571154. Wait for my confirmation TXT and clue before you may continue on to Stage 4.


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For your final stage, you will need to develop and present a solution to the issue you have researched. It will be presented in two different forms:

1. Write a formal letter to the US Ambassador to your country. To locate this contact information, go to http://www.usembassy.gov/ If you need help writing a formal letter, go to http:// Write your letter in MS Word and attach it to an email to

[email protected]. Mr Stoll & Mr Roads will take care of the mailing. Make sure to include the names of everyone in your group.

2. Condense your solution in a crisp, neat, concise manner so that your information can be TXT to 6149357115 & posted to the blog.

3. Wait for my confirmation TXT and clue before you may advance toward the finish mat.


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Wow, what a race!You are almost finished. There are

just three things left to do:1. Evaluate each other2. Reflect on the learning3. Be evaluated by Mr. Stoll & Mr. Roads.


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Evaluate each other1. Go to the class blog: http://wcsroadswhaw.blogspot.com/2. Choose another group’s project and 3. Evaluate its content and solution.4. Provide constructive feedback by posting at least one

comment.5. Peer evaluation criteria:

• Information is clear, concise and condensed.• Solution is well-researched, well-defined and realistic.


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Reflect on the learningTake a moment and a deep breath and THINK. In what ways has this activity helpedyou learn about the rich history and culture of Africa? True learning has a way ofchanging a person. How will you be different now that you have learned about specificissues that many countries in Africa face every day? How do you feel knowing that youhave tried to help make a difference in your country? How will you carry on this workyou have begun? What are your thoughts on the way this lesson was constructed (useof technology, cell phones etc.)?

1. When your team has finished, you may email me, leave voicemail, print or hand-write your reflection to me.

2. Wait for my confirmation and FINAL Clue!3. Complete the quote and race to the welcome mat!


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Group grade All information provided 5 pointsOrganized/Neatness 15 pointsOverall Presentation 15 pointsFinal Group Letter 15 points

--------- 50 points

Individual grade Individual Participation 10 pointsResearch Material 15 pointsMaterial in own words 10 points Followed Directions 5 pointsPeer Blog Eval. 5 pointsReflection 5 points

--------- 50 points

The project is worth 100 points

*Everyone can easily earn all points by participating and contributing in a meaningful way.


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“If there are _______ about a beautiful _______________, there are also ______

that lead to their goal. Two of these roads could be named

______________ and _______________.”


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Congratulations!You are now experts in international African

affairs. You have learned valuable lessons about how history impacts the future. You have also become problem solvers.

Take what you have learned and apply it to the world around you.


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• http://www.izea.net/images/africa.gif• http://www.sandbach-baptist.org.uk/pics/africa.jpg• http://media.gapadventures.com/media-server/photos/

south_africa_destination.jpg• http://benpeterson.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/nelson-mandela.jpg• http://thinkingmakesitso.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/desmond-tutu-01.jpg• http://lostatsea.net/LAS/archives/features/cinema/invisiblechildren/

invisiblechildren_ban.gif• http://www.usembassy.gov/• http://www.sdst.org/shs/library/africawq.html• http://www.globalissues.org/article/84/conflicts-in-africa-

introduction#ManyConflictsThroughoutAfrica• http://www.slideshare.net/Molls633/genocide-in-darfur-webquest• http://teacherweb.com/CA/NationalUniversity/WestAfricaWebQuest/index.html• http://www.bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.us/webquest/social/safari.html• http://users.erols.com/sespec/webquests/imperialismafrica/



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Teacher Pages

• Ohio Academic Content standards• Technical Requirements• Project Management Tips

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Ohio Academic Content standardsSocial Studies : Grades 9-12

• 02. People in Societies– Students use knowledge of perspectives, practices and products of cultural, ethnic and

social groups to analyze the impact of their commonality and diversity within local, national, regional and global settings.

• 20th Century Conflict / 13.– Examine social, economic and political struggles resulting from colonialism and imperialism

including: – Independence movements in India, Indochina and Africa; – Rise of dictatorships in former colonies.

• 03. Geography– Students use knowledge of geographic locations, patterns and processes to show the

interrelationship between the physical environment and human activity, and to explain the interactions that occur in an increasingly interdependent world.

• 07. Social Studies Skills and Methods– Students collect, organize, evaluate and synthesize information from multiple sources to

draw logical conclusions. Students communicate this information using appropriate social studies terminology in oral, written or multimedia form and apply what they have learned to societal issues in simulated or real-world settings.

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Ohio Academic Content standards (CONTD.)

Technology Benchmarks: Grades 9-12 • Standard 3: Technology for Productivity Applications

A. Integrate conceptual knowledge of technology systems in determining practical applications for learning and technical problem-solving.B. Identify, select and apply appropriate technology tools and resources to produce creative works and to construct technology-enhanced models.

• Standard 4 Technology and Communication ApplicationsA. Apply appropriate communication design principles in published and presented projects.B. Create, publish and present information, utilizing formats appropriate to the content and audience.C. Identify communication needs, select appropriate communication tools and design collaborative interactive projects and activities to communicate with others, incorporating emerging technologies.

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Technical Requirements

• In this web quest, students are encouraged to use their cell phones to text their information to the teacher. The teacher then posts their information to a class blog.

• Initial surveys of the classes helped with flexible student grouping based mainly on cell phone functionality. Students without cell phones can use a partner’s or use another mode of communication such as email.

• Although this creates tedious work for the teacher, there are several advantages:1. Students forced to summarize information rather than “cutting &

pasting.”2. Great mode of formative assessment. Monitoring on-task behavior

rather than “policing.”3. Teacher can extend student’s thinking one-on-one.

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Project Management Tips

• Develop a theme:– First, I decided what my “big ideas” or educational outcomes were

going to be.– Then, I chose the “gimmick” of the Amazing Race that I thought would

be fun and motivational.• Decide on mode of student communication.

– As I worked to include technology familiar to most students such as personal cell phones and blogs, I consulted the school’s teacher/student communications, student cell phone and blogging policies and then notified parents.

– Cell phones and email allows 24/7 communication which promotes student engagement and on-task behavior.