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I figure watching this movie is pretty darned close to getting a shot of adrenaline through the chest and it’s all but impossible to not wince, cheer and applaud throughout.

The plot is very basic — a SWAT team goes to a tenement to shut down a vicious gangster only to become trapped in a in a fight for survival against his seemingly endless army — but it gets the job done and Director/Writer Gareth Evans even manages to work in a few twists you probably won’t see coming.

Jaka (Joe Taslim) leads his 19 team members, including the rookie Rama (Iko Uwais), into the building to once and for all take down the crime lord, Tama (Ray Sahetapy) and his lieutenants Mad Dog (Yayan Ruhian) and Andi (Donny Alamsyah). Joining the assault is Lt. Wahyu (Pierre Gruno), who’s looking to settle an old grudge with Tama.The Raid Redemption Jaka vs Mad Dog

My only regret was watching “Dredd” a few months before as it featured a somewhat similar plot of police officers fighting for their lives in a slum ruled by an evil crime lord. Thankfully, the films take different approaches in getting through the henchmen gauntlet.The-Raid-Redemption- machete lunatic leader

This will resonate most strongly with the 25 to 39-year-old male demographic weaned on marathon sessions of Nintendo and Sega Genesis beat ‘em up video games. There’s definitely a sense of battling the swarms of bad guys on a stage and then having to tangle with the boss to advance to the next level with even more overwhelming odds.


Rating: 9.5 out of 10

From the machete wielding lunatics to Mad Dog, it won’t be easy for Jaka and Rama to get the team out safely. Ruhian may be 5 feet, but he makes Mad Dog one of the most intense, deadliest bad guys you’ll find.

Evans shows a great sense of how to stage fight scenes and is very reserved in quick cuts or shifting perspectives. It makes the fights seem more brutal and an actual matter of life and death and less the product of a film editor carefully splicing away in tune to a soundtrack.

I’m not so much recommending “The Raid: Redemption” to action fans as I am saying you really have an obligation to see it to witness what has a legitimate claim of being the best action film of all time.

If 3D technology is ever going to become mainstream across both television and cinema then film director James Cameron will be one very important person to thank.

The multiple Oscar-winner, who brought mega movie hits including The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, Titanic and Avatar to the big screen, is in the vanguard of 3D research and development most recently in sports with plans to shoot the biannual Ryder Cup in 3D and via his recent deep-sea exploration work in the seven-mile-deep Mariana Trench. He is also about to start shooting the next instalment of Avatar, which will of course be in 3D.

The 62-year-old Canadian is best known as a director – he holds the record for the top two highest-grossing films ever with Avatar and Titanic – but he is also a crusading evangelist for 3D; he is part-owner and co-chairman of the Cameron Pace Group (CPG), a company that builds 3D rigs and 3D cameras both for Cameron's own productions as well as for a host of different broadcasters including National Geographic and ESPN. CPG recently created a China-based subsidiary to bring its expertise in 3D filming and

production to one of the fastest-growing 3D markets in the world.

"All things are better in 3D," enthused Cameron backstage after a presentation about his dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench delivered at the IBC broadcast technology exhibition in Amsterdam. Navigating to the ocean's floor in a specially designed submersible built over seven years, Cameron filmed in 3D with nano-cameras developed by CPG that can be held in the palm of your hand and are able to withstand pressures of 16,000 psi at 36,000ft underwater. "What's the point of setting the world's depth record if you don't shoot it in 3D?!" quipped Cameron. In addition to being a film director and technology pioneer Cameron is also a keen adventurer and is a National Geographic explorer in residence.

This month CPG will work for the first time with the UK pay TV operator BSkyB on the Ryder Cup, using 26 3D cameras for the bi-annual event this year staged in Chicago. This follows CPG partnering with ESPN on the Aspen, Co.-staged X Games over a number of years. "Symbolically the deal with BSkyB shows that we are a go-to partner for Europe as well as in America and the idea is to get close to Sky in the UK

3D: vivo o muerto

and also to Sky in Germany and Italy as they roll out 3D," said Cameron.

Cameron's allegiance to 3D is unswerving and he believes this style of filming will only increase in popularity among broadcasters because the modern 3D cameras can simultaneously broadcast a 2D feed, if necessary, and also the issue of viewers having to wear cumbersome glasses is close to being resolved. In fact at IBC there were prototypes of glasses-free 3D screens – TVs, smart phones and tablets – developed by Dolby Laboratories and Royal Philips Electronics that drew crowds. "What will cause a breakthrough is the move to TV sets and other devices where you don't need to wear the glasses," said Cameron. "That will cause the (adoption) curve to elbow up."

Cameron also has a more personal agenda. "Even a 3D movie like Avatar which is made for the cinema will enjoy the greater part of its lifespan on video seen on the home TV screen," said Cameron. "We can't make movies in 3D fast enough to justify the wide adoption of 3D TVs so in my enlightened self-interest as a film-maker I want to see the broadcaster market expand rapidly so everyone is watching in 3D." Cameron believes that TV shows like CSI and Game of Thrones and other glossy TV dramas should all be shot in 3D. The idea is that the more programming there is in 3D, the more incentive there is for the consumer electronics companies to make 3D sets and other devices. "It's a positive feedback loop," he explained.

To support his 3D commitment, Cameron is working on three follow-up Avatar movies, all in 3D, of course. In fact, Avatar 2 is set to start shooting this autumn and could be in cinemas by 2015 and yes, Sigourney Weaver, who played the chain-smoking scientist who died at the end of the original Avatar, will be back for Avatar 2. According to Cameron, one of the biggest problems with getting TV productions shot in 3D is the higher cost, but he says that although 3D shoots can be 20% to 30% higher on a single-programme shoot, that for a bigger, multiple-episode TV series these costs fall to only 2% to 3% more than a standard 2D shoot.

"For Avatar there was no additional camera shooting in 3D," said Cameron. "Most of Avatar was one camera or two cameras if we were blowing something up. But most of it was one camera handheld on my shoulder or on a dolly or a steady cam. And that is basically the same way a scripted series is shot: two shots, two overs, two close ups and then you move on."

Cameron calls TV drama series the "low-hanging fruit" for 3D development. "Where you get into

big additional costs in 3D is when you add the visual effects," said Cameron citing Martin Scorsese's 3D kids fantasy Hugo and Ang Lee's forthcoming Life of Pi, both of which have lots of computer-generated images or CGI.

China is one market where Cameron sees very big 3D potential. CPG has recently opened a China branch for both 3D cinema and TV productions. He says the China business will likely double the size of CPG over the next year because there is such huge demand there, with a new 3D screen cinema opening almost one a day. "China is adding new TV channels in 3D every day. They want to take 3D to scale as rapidly as we can do it. We've been working to be able to do hundreds of hours of 3D at CPG but now we are working to be able to do 6,000 to 7,000 hours of 3DTV because of China." In China, Avatar, Titanic and Transformers – all in 3D – are the three highest-grossing titles, said Cameron. "The Chinese audience loves 3D. They see it as a premium brand and they are very brand conscious now as they flex

their economic muscle."

La película más esperada del 2015

James Cameron dice “el futuro del cine está en el 3D”.

Les traemos muy buenas noticias a todos los fans de la saga de Rápido y Furioso, ¡ya hay fecha de estreno! Rápido y Furioso 7 se podrá ver a partir del 10 de abril del 2015; la película se atrasó debido a la muerte de uno de los protagonistas, Paul Walker.

Esta será la última película donde aparecerá Brian O'Conner, papel interpretado por el fallecido Paul Walker. El director dice que el atraso de 9 meses les ayudará a mejorar el guión y hacer algunos cambios, pues unas cuantas escenas no habían sido grabadas por completo.

Esta noticia fue confirmada por Vin Diesel: "Hubo una sensación de haber completado algo, algo único, un orgullo que Paul y yo compartíamos en la película que ahora estamos terminando. La magia capturada y en todo lo que hemos recorrido".

Al parecer, esta también será la última película de la saga. Además, se rendirá un homenaje especial a Paul Walker y su familia en la película

Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Dwayne Jhonson a listándose para la película del año 2015 Rápidos y Furiosos 7.

Electro has the potential of being the most explosive and visually stunning

character in Spiderman movie history. With his electric blasts and sheer power

he can level a city block. Explosions, Explosions Explosions, Electro is going to

bring fiery damage to his opponents. I see Electro exploding buildings and walking through the fire with glowing eyes and

electricity hands coming for his next

Of course Spiderman will dodge the blasts listening to his spider sense(Or the

sheer feeling of his hairs on his body standing up underneath his costume before Electro hits him with a blast. If you don't like Spiderman getting his

costume torn,get ready he is going to be burned ravaged.I visualize a scene where

by his sheer power he blacks out New York City and the only light you see is his

Billon Billon Billon0






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