Synopsis • Traumatic childhood. • Escaped his Soviet-run orphanage. • Voyaged to Paris to unite with his aunt, Lady Murasaki. • Obsession of avenging his sister’s death consumes him. • Hunts down the Lithuanian Hilfswillege.

Movie analysis part 2

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  • 1. Synopsis Traumatic childhood. Escaped his Soviet-run orphanage. Voyaged to Paris to unite with his aunt, Lady Murasaki. Obsession of avenging his sisters death consumes him. Hunts down the Lithuanian Hilfswillege.

2. Video link Hannibal rising 3. Hannibals Victims 4. Mise en scene Literally means putting on stage or staging What appears in front of the camera Set design, lighting, character movement (Monaco, J., 2009) 5. Composition Framing of shots & camera angles Tight framing- 03:57- 04:08 (every 1 second with different angles) (12seconds,13 different angles) (Johnson,2004) 6. Tight Framing 7. Scene 1: BCU of Lecters facial expression Lecter singing Das Mnnlein im Walde to taunt Dortlich. 8. Scene 2: ECU of Dortlichs eye Dortlich is seen to be in excruciating pain. Theres a blood streak below his eye which one can infer to as being caused by extremely poor blood circulation. 9. Scene 3: BCU of Lecters facial expression Lecter is portrayed emotionless when interrogated by Inspector Popil, here though, the BCU shot magnifies the many emotions playing across his facial features. 10. Scene 4: MWS of Lecter and Dortlich Lecters torment of Dortlich, the singing of Das Mnnlein im Walde continues . The MWS shows the full force of Lecters brutal and violent torture against Dortlich. 11. Scene 5: CU of Lecters facial expression Lecter pulls the rope even tighter. The CU shot tells audience how close he is to tasting his revenge, literally speaking. 12. Scene 6: CU of the horse The horse is seen as a tool in facilitating with the murder of Dortlich. 13. Scene 7: CU of horses hoofs The horse is moving on command, each hoof fall creates unbearable suspense for the audience. How much longer can Dortlich suffer this torture? 14. Scene 8: ECU of the tighten rope around Dortlichs neck ECU of the rope tightening around Dortlichs neck highlights the high degree of violence shown in this movie scene, audience will be stirred into feeling dread for Dortlich. 15. Scene 9: MCU of Lecter The maniacal smile shows Lecter is very close to taking the first step in avenging his sisters death. (Dortlichs impending death) 16. Scene 10: ECU of the rope wound tightly against the tree trunk This suggest brute force is applied in the strangulation of Dortlich.