Morphology of Honey Bee

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THE HEADHead of queen bee and worker bee is triangular while that of drone bee is anterio posteriorly flattened in all the three caste. The head consists of :- EYES Seeing apparatus consists of compound eyes and 3 small simple eyes called ocelli. Compound eye made of light sensitive cells called ommatida. FUNCTION- Compound eye distinguish light and colour and to detect directional information from sun rays Simple eyes determine amount of light present in environment. EYES OF WORKER & QUEEN BEEEYES OF DRONE BEECompound eyes do not meet at the vertex.Compound eyes are large, black, kidney-shaped and unite at the top of head.

ANTENNAE Pair of sensitive receptors placed in socket like membrane in head. FUNCTION- Feel or to touch and to smell , thus guides the honey bee Also measure flight speed. MANDIBLES Pair of jaws suspended from head and parts of the bees mouth FUNCTION- Help to eat the pollen , cut and shape the wax, clean the hive, groom themselves and fight. Thus, act as grasping instrument. PROBOSCIS / TONGUE FUNCTION- Help in drinking water or lapping nectar, honey. Exchange of food between the bees. It is a temporary organ formed by assembling parts of maxillae and the labium . It is released only when required to draw liquids such as nectar, water, honey and sweet juices.

THE THORAXArmour plated mid section of honey bee. Composed of 4 segments namely prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax and propodium.It supports 3 pair of legs and 2 pair of wings.Thus, thorax acts as the locomotory organ of honey bee.

LEGS Each pair jointed into six segments with a pair of claws at the tip to help the insect to cling to surfaces. The three section of legs are:FORELEG / PROTHORACIC LEGS- 3 important structures present on it are :- a. Eye brush- constituted by hairs on tibia b. Antennae cleaner- further consists of vellum/ fibula & antenna comb c. Pollen brush- bristles on basitarsus form pollen brush.

ii. MIDDLE LEGS/ MESOTHORACIC LEGS- 2 important structures are:- a. Pollen brush- formed by stiff hairs on basitarsus , collect pollen from mid body parts. b. Tibial spur- movable spur present at distal end of tibia, loosen pollen pellets from pollen basket on hind legs and clean wings and spiracles.iii. HIND LEGS/ METATHORACIC LEGS 3 important structures are:- a. Pollen basket/ corbicula- enable bee to carry loads of pollen and propolis. b. Pollen packer / pollen press- consists of pecten ( row of stout bristles at distal end of tibia) and auricle ( small plate fringed with hairs at basal end ). c. Pollen comb WINGS It is 2 layered, born on mesothoracic and metathoracic segment. It function in worker bee is both flight and ventilating the hive. 2 types of wings in honey bee are:- i. FOREWING larger than hind wing and used for flight and cooling mechanism. ii. HINDWING- at times attach with forewings by hooks called hamuli to work together.

THE ABDOMEN Adult honey bee has 9 segment whereas the larva has 10 segments. First abdominal segment fused with metathorax and known as propodium. Second abdominal segment is constricted and is called petiole / pedicel. Subsequent segments are known as gaster.A pair of wax glands are present underside of 4th -7th segments. Scent gland present in between 6th 7th segment meant for communication. 2 important organs present on the abdomen are the sting and spiracles. STING It is modified ovipositor and serves as instrument of defence. SPIRACLE Breathing pores present on sides of thorax and abdomen .