Mood boards Emily Pinder

Mood boards for social actions

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Page 1: Mood boards for social actions

Mood boards

Emily Pinder

Page 2: Mood boards for social actions

Mood board for animal testing

Page 3: Mood boards for social actions

Idea one• My first mood board was for the idea of animal testing. I found a variety of

posters that I liked and a few fonts that I could use as well. • I like the idea of creating a cartoon poster as I feel they look more visually

appealing than a photograph and stand out more. I also feel they are very powerful as they can be a lot more graphic than an image but can get away with it as its not real.

• I also like the idea of using well known cartoon characters such as Bugsy Bunny as this helps to catch the audiences attention as it is something they recognize. I also think it’s a good way to reach out a larger audience without being to graphic towards a younger audience.

• I also like the idea of a scary style text to accompany the image as it helps to get the point across that animal testing is wrong. One of the posters on my mood board has a film poster style which I think is a good idea as it helps to grabs your attention and is a little more light hearted than some other animal testing posters. I would like to experiment with this myself using popular film posters.

Page 4: Mood boards for social actions

Mood board for animal entertainment

Page 5: Mood boards for social actions

Idea two• My second mood board was the use of animals for entertainment, I like the more

unrealistic posters as they grab your attention, get the point across and is a lot more light hearted than the graphic images of animals in pain.

• I really like the poster that shows a tiger as a puppet as I feel it a very strong metaphor that stirs an emotion in the audience as well as being visual interesting. I also like the dark colour schemes that helps to reflect the neglect and torture that animals face.

• Again, with a poster of this style it helps the broaden the intended audience as it makes it more suitable for children.

• I do not think I will make a very graphic poster, especially not using images as I feel some of them are very hard to look and people often avoid these. This means that may campaign would have a very limited audience and would not help spread the word of animal welfare as well as a cartoon/light hearted poster could.

• I also wanted to have text that reflected the use of animals such as the circus fonts as they help the audience to identify where this animal abuse takes place without having to clearly state where.

Page 6: Mood boards for social actions

Mood board for fur

Page 7: Mood boards for social actions

Idea three• For my third idea, I looked at campaign posters against the use of fur.

I like the silly and fun them that some of these posters have as it makes them a lot appealing an audience. However, the serious tone of the poster is still present.

• I like how the images are manipulated in this image to make the posters for example with the coat hanger as these image do look fake but show the seriousness of this trade. Cute animals are also used to create empathy from the audience.

• I again, like the cartoon poster as I feel they are unusual and can be very powerful. I especially like the bear wearing a human coat poster as it is surprising but shows how inhumane this trade is.

• I like the use of fur texture and animal prints on the texts as it relates very closely to the subjects and is another element that can help make the campaign memorable.

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Jeff Hong Disney characters

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General Ideas• I like the idea of using well known cartoon characters to create

posters for my campaign on animal welfare. I like this images created by Jeff Hong showing Disney characters in real life situations. I feel this style would be very good fro my campaign as it would appeal to an audience that are fans of Disney. I feel using well known characters will also make the campaign more popular as it will be more recognisable.

• I think I would make my poster all cartoon instead of having a real life picture in the background but this is something I can experiment with.

• I would want to use popular cartoon animals and place them in a lab setting to create the posters.

Page 10: Mood boards for social actions

More images for idea one