Potential Models Emily Kennedy


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Potential ModelsEmily Kennedy


A fashion student living in Brighton, I feel that Emily will be a perfect model for the front cover of my magazine as she has star quality aura. I will mot likely cast her as my ethereal pop



Harrison is a music student and part of many bands including: Red Shores, Aftercare and The One Siders. I feel that he’d be perfect for my more alternative indie artist as this is the style

he’s going for.


Lauren is a Psychology student at Manchester Uni. Musically she plays both trombone and violin. I feel that she’d be best

suited for my natural artist.


Leah is an art student living in Brighton, her hobbies include listening to music, photography and circus skills such as

trapeze. She’d be most suited for my more obscure artist as the music genre would revolve around circus music. Her background in circus and style will be fo use in this area.