19 April 2011 1 Nancy Proctor, [email protected] From Headphones to Microphones Mobile 2.0 Nancy Proctor, Smithsonian Institution Powerhouse, 19 April 2011

Mobile 2.0: From headphones to microphones

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Nancy Proctor's presentation at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Australia, 19 April 2011.

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  • 1.Mobile 2.0
    From Headphones to Microphones
    Nancy Proctor, Smithsonian Institution
    Powerhouse, 19 April 2011

2. Housekeeping
Ways of staying in touch:
[email protected]@nancyproctor
Hashtags: #mtogo#SImobile
Unanswered questions? http://wiki.museummobile.info/museums-to-go/mobile-faqs
3. Are museums a fad?
Nancy Proctor, [email protected]
4. What is the Museum
in this Web 2.0 world of information on demand?
5. The Smithsonian Institution
The worlds largest museum & research complex
6. A Network for the Increase & Diffusion of Knowledge

  • 19 Museums

7. 156 Affiliate museums 8. 9 Research centers 9. And a ZooMore than 30 million visitors in 2010
& 180 million virtual visitors
10. Our audiences now access the Smithsonian through a wide range of platforms beyond our walls and websites
Photo by Mike Lee, 2007;
from the American Art Museums Flickr Group
11. The Museum is transforming from Acropolis
Nancy Proctor, [email protected]
12. into Agora
13. The Museum isa Social Network
14. The Multiplatform Museum
15. The Multiplatform Museum
16. More than multiplatform
17. The Museum is a Distributed Network
Edward Hoover, 2010, from Flickr.
18. Is mobile a fad?
What is mobile?
19. 20. Mobile includes both:

  • Pocketable(phones, iPods, gaming devices)

21. Smartphones(apps and mobile web) 22. Podcasts(video and audio) 23. BYOD(bring your own device) 24. Mobile web sites 25. Portable(tablets and eReaders) 26. Dumb phones(voice calls and txting) 27. otherdownloadable content (PDFs, eBooks) 28. mobile devices provided on-site (audio tours etc.) 29. Large-screen websites on mobile devices