From Junipero Serra to the Jesus People: Southern California in the History of Christianity

Mission San Luis Rey

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From Junipero Serra to the Jesus People:

Southern Californiain the History of Christianity

February 15:

California as a Mission Field on the Far Side

of the World

Feb. 22: Mission San Luis Rey

and the Luiseño Indians

March 1: Progressive Protestants:

The Ethnic Mission at Home

Occidental College in 1910

March 8Progressive Protestants:

Christian Liberal Arts in Southern California

Aimee Semple McPherson , Angelus Temple and Life Pacific College , founded as

Evangelistic and Missionary Training Institute

March 15:

Southern California’s Leadership in Holiness and Pentecostal Movements

March 22:


Pasadena, Pepperdine,

andRonald Reagan

March 29:

The Jesus People

Movement In

Southern California

February 15:

California as a Mission Field

on the Far Side of the World

San Bruno 1683-84Loreto 1697La Paz (Santa Cruz 1520-30s) 1596

Eusebio Kino (1645-1711)Juan María de Salvatierra

The Pious Fund of the Californias (Fondo Piadoso de las Californias) -Begun in 1697 to fund Jesuit MissionsMisión de Nuestra Señora de Loreto (Founded 1697

José de Gálvez Visitador of New Spain: 1764-1772

-"Occupy and fortify San Diego and Monterey for God and the King of Spain."

1768 Franciscans take over Jesuit Mission in California Junípero Serra (1713-1784):[J. Wesley: 1703-1791; B. Franklin: 1706-1799]-”Junipero” was Francis’ “Jester for the Lord.” Serra was beloved leader of Los Condiscipulos (Francisco Palou, Juan Crespi, and two others) who were students and professors together at the University of Raymond Lull in Palma

Serra:Highly Educated,

Spiritually Focused,Dogged Determination

Very Bureaucratic

US National Statuary Hall

Maria de Jesus de Agreda (1602-1665)“Congregation of the Immaculate Conception”

Main Missions (Many more Asistencias)

1769-1823Mission San Diego de Alcalá (1769)

Mission San Carlos Borremeo de Carmelo (1770)Mission San Antonio de Padua (1771) Mission San Gabriel Arcángel (1771)

Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa (1772) Mission San Francisco de Asís (1776) Mission San Juan Capistrano (1776) Mission Santa Clara de Asís (1777)Mission San Buenaventura (1782)

Two Failures on Colorado River—not Serra’s

Mission Santa Bárbara (1786) Mission La Purisima Concepción (1787)

Mission Santa Cruz (1791) Mission Nuestra Señora de la Soledad (1791)

Mission San José de Guadalupe (1797) Mission San Juan Bautista (1797)

Mission San Miguel Arcángel (1797) Mission San Fernando Rey de España (1797)

Mission San Luis Rey de Francia (1798)Mission Santa Inés (1804)

Mission San Rafael Arcángel (1817) Mission San Francisco de Solano (1823)

The Plan:“Foster Parent” to Indians and Indian Land

Temporary –ideally 10 years (?)Membership: Neophytes/Baptized then Confirmed

Goal: Self-governing Indian Pueblos

with church on plaza: Indian priests and multi-racial congregation

Plan for more MissionsIn Central Valley and Channel Islands--BUT

Serious epidemics:-1802 Pneumonia and diptheria at SLO, Soledad, and San Carlos. “5 or 6 dying each day at Soledad.”

-1806 Measles kills as many as 1600 throughout the mission system. At San Francisco mission every Indian under ten died.

-Missions populations grow as inter-tribal fellowships of suffering

-In 1830s there is a massive dying in Central Valley.

-Matthew 10: The Commissioning of the Twelve Disciples as Missionaries-“Go to the Lost Sheep….”-“If now welcomed, shake the dust off your feet.”-“A student is not above his teacher.”-”Do not be afraid. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed.”-”Don’t be afraid. God watches over the sparrows and more so over you.”-”Be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.”-"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. “-“Children will rebel against their parents. Brother against brother” -“I came to set a man against his father and daughter against her mother, and a daughter- in-law against her mother-in-law.”-”He who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” -”He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.”

Expect Problems, Tensions, Suffering!

“The Great Dying” -San Diego 1775Murder of Padres

-Channel Islands 1824 -Estanislao 1829

Mission San Gabriel Arcángel (1771)

Feb. 22: Mission San Luis Rey

and the Luiseño Indians

Pablo Tac 1822-1841-Born at Mission San Luis Rey-Along with Agapito Amamix is taken by Fray Antonio Peyri in 1832 to College of San Fernando in Mexico City-Enter the Urban College in Rome on September 24, 1834 (12 years old)-Studying for priesthood, but both die of small pox.-Writes Conversión de los San Luiseños de la Alta California while in Rome.

Layers of History in San Pasqual Valley:-Indian Rancheria-Indian Pueblo—Mexican -Battle Site—Mex-Am War-Wild Animal Park-San Pasqual Academy for foster care of older kids.

Santa Margarita Indian Pueblo

San DieguitoIndian Pueblo

Three Indian Pueblos set up by Gov. Figueroa

San Luis Rey River Topography Romona

Lake Henshaw

Wild Animal Park