ARMY INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Assignment On Characteristics of SEO, Accessibility & Usability Course Name: Management Information System Course Code: MIS 1201 Prepared by Zulfikar Pasha Dipto ID- B3160B024 BBA- 3 Supervised By Afzal Hossain Assistant Professor AIBA, Savar

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Assignment On

Characteristics of SEO, Accessibility & Usability

Course Name: Management Information SystemCourse Code: MIS 1201

Prepared byZulfikar Pasha Dipto

ID- B3160B024BBA- 3

Supervised ByAfzal Hossain

Assistant ProfessorAIBA, Savar

Date of Submission: 7th Nov 2016

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SEO, Accessibility, & Usability are the most important characteristics of an ideal website. We should make sure that the content is simple because if we make the site very complex, it will be more complex to access the site. And it is optimized in search engine so that it can be found easily when searched.

Characteristics of SEO

Opportunist All SEO’s have one very similar characteristic in common. We are opportunists. We want to get the most out of every online occurrence. If we spot a brand citation we want to turn it into a link. If we spot a link we want to tweak it. It would be no exaggeration to say that the average SEO will always have the opportunist thought ‘How can I get a link out of this’?

PersuasiveTo work in SEO you need to be persuasive. Why? We are constantly selling. Selling products, ideas and tactics is part of the day to day duties of an SEO. Not only do we have to be persuasive in person but we also have to be persuasive in text.

AnalyticalSEO is analytical by nature and we constantly make informed decisions on the data we analyze. It’s very rare you will find an SEO that doesn’t have an analytical trait. We look at traffic data, keyword data, financial data, backlink data and technical data (to name a few). SEO’s love to make informed decisions and by being analytical we can justify our choices.

Foresight“Foresight is essential in our industry and any good SEO will have stacks of the stuff. Keeping ahead of imminent algorithm updates will stop you suffering from a Google penalty. You don’t have to be an oracle to work in SEO but you do need to be proactive. Add the Google Webmaster Guidelines to your RSS feed so you are immediately updated if they tweak their guidelines.

CompetitiveAll top SEO’s are fiercely competitive. They are naturally competing with thousands (or even millions) of results for a taste of the top spot on Google. Search marketers also tend to be very self-competitive by putting pressure on themselves to constantly improve their skillset.

AggressiveWhile a search professional is never likely to be aggressive, an industry can sometimes prompt aggressive tactics. We often hear the term ‘aggressive link building which can be common in a competitive industry like Poker. Overly aggressive tactics will often fall under black hat techniques and negative SEO but ultimately all SEO is slightly aggressive in that we are trying to improve our own results and are not sitting idly waiting to get ranked.

PatienceThere is no doubting that you need a great deal of patience to work in SEO. The rewards are not instant (like Google Ad Words) and to achieve sustainable results you often have to play the long

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game. A comprehensive SEO strategy should be at least 6 months long and you often have to play the waiting game. In SEO, patience is a virtue and if you plan your strategy you will reap the rewards.

AdaptableSEO has gone through radical changes over recent years and the need to adopt new tactics is essential. If you can be receptive to change and embrace new algorithm updates you will excel in the industry. Penguin and Panda updates are just a few examples where Google have forced internet marketers to change their approach to online marketing.

CommercialA huge misconception is that SEO is a free source of marketing. A top SEO needs to be commercially aware of the time they are investing in a project. Time is money and SEO professionals constantly have to evaluate the ROI of the activity that is being undertaken on a project.

EducatorAs an SEO you are constantly thinking of new ways of generating traffic and backlinks. More often than not you will need to educate marketing managers and stakeholders on the benefits of your actions. An SEO strategy will need to be justified and the best way to do this is to educate the decision makers of the benefits.

NetworkerTop SEO’s and savvy content marketers are both huge fans of networking. Content marketers will constantly be outreaching to find new sources for credible content. It’s an important task for SEO’s as more often than not a quality link will need to be earned through some form of communication.

Characteristics of Accessibility

Page layout & background should be simple, consistent with enough contrast Textual description should be included for graphical presentation Design uncluttered pages Use the latest HTML Resizable fonts Descriptive link test Skip navigation link

Characteristics of Usability

Clear, Consistent, Responsive, Familiar, Attractive, Efficient, Concise, Forgiving