2nd Bachillerato Vocabulary: Migration ©Ángela Ruiz 2010-11 BORDER n the official line that separates two countries, states, or areas, or the area close to this line. CHANCE n how possible or likely it is that something will happen, especially something you want. CITIZEN n someone who lives in a particular town, country, or state. CROSS v to go or stretch from one side of something such as a road, river, room etc to the other. DEPORT v to force someone out of the country. EARN v to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do. EMIGRATION n leaving one country to move to another. EMIGRANT n a person who leaves a country to reside in another. EMPLOY v to pay someone to work for you. EMPLOYED adj having a job especially one that pays wages or a salary. EMPLOYEE n someone who is paid to work for someone else. EMPLOYMENT n the condition of having a paid job. ETHNIC GROUP n large groups of people classed according to common racial, cultural or national origins. FLOW v a smooth steady movement . FOREIGNER n someone who comes from a different country. FREEDOM n the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone. GET AWAY v escape HOPE n a feeling of wanting something to happen or be true and believing that it is possible or likely. INMIGRATION n moving into a new country IMMIGRANT n a person who enters a new country from another to take up residence ISSUE n a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people. MIGRATE v if people migrate, they go to live in another area or country, especially in order to find work. MIGRATION n the movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up permanent or semipermanent residence, usually across a political boundary. And you have to remember that I came to America as an immigrant. You know, on a ship, through the Statue of Liberty. And I saw that skyline, not just as a representation of steel and concrete and glass, but as really the substance of the American Dream. Daniel Libeskind


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Page 1: Migration

2nd Bachillerato Vocabulary: Migration ©Ángela Ruiz 2010-11

BORDER n the official line that separates two countries, states, or areas, or the area close to this line.

CHANCE n how possible or likely it is that something will happen, especially something you want.

CITIZEN n someone who lives in a particular town, country, or state.

CROSS v to go or stretch from one side of something such as a road, river, room etc to the other.

DEPORT v to force someone out of the country.

EARN v to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do.

EMIGRATION n leaving one country to move to another.

EMIGRANT n a person who leaves a country to reside in another.

EMPLOY v to pay someone to work for you.

EMPLOYED adj having a job especially one that pays wages or a salary.

EMPLOYEE n someone who is paid to work for someone else.

EMPLOYMENT n the condition of having a paid job.

ETHNIC GROUP n large groups of people classed according to common racial, cultural or national origins.

FLOW v a smooth steady movement .

FOREIGNER n someone who comes from a different country.

FREEDOM n the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone.

GET AWAY v escape

HOPE n a feeling of wanting something to happen or be true and believing that it is possible or likely.

INMIGRATION n moving into a new country

IMMIGRANT n a person who enters a new country from another to take up residence

ISSUE n a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people.

MIGRATE v if people migrate, they go to live in another area or country, especially in order to find work.

MIGRATION n the movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up permanent or semipermanent residence, usually across a political boundary.

And you have to remember that I came to America as an immigrant. You know, on a ship, through the Statue of Liberty. And I saw that skyline, not just as a representation of steel and concrete and glass, but as really the substance of the American Dream.

Daniel Libeskind

Page 2: Migration

2nd Bachillerato Vocabulary: Migration ©Ángela Ruiz 2010-11

PULL FACTORS n reasons people immigrate.

PUSH FACTORS n reasons people migrate.

RAFT n a flat floating structure, usually made of pieces of wood tied together, used as a boat.

REFUGEE n a person who is residing outside the country of his or her origin due to fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion

SEASONAL adj happening, expected, or needed during a particular season.

SETTLE v start living in a place.

UNEMPLOYED adj without a job.

UNSKILLED adj an unskilled worker has not been trained for a particular type of job.

Try to study the vocabulary by reading the definition in English. If you find it hard, translate the words into your language, but TRY IT FIRST!!!

OTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: Social / Political issue Economic growth Domestic and socioeconomic situation Attractive destination Earn a living Go abroad / overseas Poor living conditions Low paid Natural disasters Political fears Seasonal job

EARN suggests "deserve". It may be used to talk about money obtained through work. You earn money, a reward, admiration, respect. Eg. How much money do you earn?

She has certainly earned the prize and also our respect. GAIN suggests "progress, increase, obtain an advantage". It is NOT used to talk about money. You gain advantage, experience, speed, time. Eg. That clock has gained time.

I have won a lot of experience in my job. WIN suggests "victory". It may be used to talk about money not obtained through work. You win a bet, a game, a race, a prize, a war. Eg. The team won the game very easily yesterday.

I have won the lottery!