Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com আনায ফু ক ফা pdf রযডারযয Menu Bar এয View অনরি Ʊে রিক করয Auto /Automatically Scroll অনরি করন (অথফা যারয Ʊমরে Ctrl + Shift + H )এফায up Arrow ফা down Arrow Ʊে রিক করয আনায রায ু রফধা অনুারয Ɔর ƒীড রিক করয রননȚ ভাইররাnjি য়াডƳ একরি Word Processing Package Program. এরক ংরের ফরা MS. Word. MS. Word ভারকƳন মুযারেয Microsoft Corporation কেৃ Ƴক ফাজাযজােকৃ েȚ MS. Word IBM করিউিারয একরি Package মা Windows এয অধীরন চররȚ Microsoft Word এয ভাধযরভ রফরব ধযরেয Ʊরখারখ, Compose Type, Drawing, Project Profile Ʋেযী , রচরি Ʊরখা, অরপরয়াকামƳাফরী িাদন মাফেীয় কাজ কযা মায়Ț এক কথায় ফরা মায়, MS. Word এয ভাধযরভ ধযরেয অরপরয়াকামƳাফরী িাদন কযা মায়Ț অরপরয়াকামƳ িাদরন Microsoft Word একরি অরে জনরিয় নাভȚ Microsoft Word এয ভাধযরভ াধাযেƱম ভƌ কামƳাফরী িাদন কযা মায়; রনরে Ʊদয়া - Ʊম Ʊকান ধযরেয রচরি Ʊরখা; Ʊম Ʊকান ধযরেয Document Type ফা Text Ʊরখা; রফরব ধযরেয Project Profile Ʋেযী কযা; ছাা কারজয জনয Compose ফা Type কযা; রফরব ধযরেয গারেরেক কামƳাফরী িাদন কযা; িথরভক ধারয গারেরেক কামƳাফরী িাদন কযা; রফরব ধযরেয াধাযে Drawing কযাȚ এছারা Microsoft Word এয ভাধযরভ অরনক ধযরেয কামƳাফরী িাদন কযা মায়Ț

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  • 1. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com pdf Menu Bar View Auto /Automatically Scroll ( Ctrl + Shift + H ) up Arrow down Arrow Word Processing Package Program. MS. Word. MS. Word Microsoft Corporation MS. Word IBM Package Windows Microsoft Word , Compose Type, Drawing, Project Profile , , , MS. Word Microsoft Word Microsoft Word ; - ; Document Type Text ; Project Profile ; Compose Type ; ; ; Drawing Microsoft Word

2. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Microsoft Word Program - Answer Wizard Automatic Text Correction Automatic Numbered or Bulleted Lists Automatic Ordinal Number and Fractions New Word Templates Word as an E-mail Editor Advantage of Dialog Boxes Microsoft Word Help Answer Wizard Microsoft Word Word Word - cAT cAT - User Text Cat Cow Spacebar 3. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com - / Text , Text Error Text - - Text-G Automatic Number Bullet 1, 2, 3 ..... Text Enter Automatic Number Simbol (*)-G Text Enter Bulleted - Ordinal Fractions - i) 1/4 ii) Spacebar - 1st 1st 2nd 2 nd 1/2 4. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Microsoft Word-G Template Professional Official Document Microsoft Word Documents E-mail Editor Command E-mail , E-mail Computer-G Microsoft Word-Gi Dialog Box - Microsoft Word Dialog Box-Gi X Close. Microsoft Word-Gi Dialog Box-Gi X ? Question Dialog Box ? ? Answer , Open Dialog Box-Gi Cancel Click Cancel - Hardware & Software Requirements for Microsoft Word : Microsoft Word Window 95 Windows 95 Office Group Software. Microsoft Word Windows 95 Windows 95 Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Hardware Software - IBM-AT Compatible Higher Computer 486-DX Processor To close this dialog box without saving any change youve made, click Cancel. 5. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Windows 95 install 50 55 MB 8MB RAM. Monochrome Graphics Colour Graphics Adapter Card (EGA, AGP, VGA Colour) Mouse Keyboard. m^ Laptop Notebook Desktop Pentium System Unit CPU (Central Processing Unit) System Unit - System Unit Output Device| Monitor VDU (Visual Display Unit) j^v Mouse| Windows Step by Step - ( UPS IPS Stabilizers) Floppy System Unit (CPU) Power On Windows Start Up Logo Windows Screen Desktop| Starting Screen Operation Screen Platform Startup Screen Desktop-G Icon ( My Computer, Recycle Bin ) j^v Start Desktop-G My Computer Recycle Bin Start Desktop (Installed) Desktop My Computer Recycle Bin 6. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Windows Command Desktop Start ; - Shut Down / Turn Off Computer ; Shut Down OK Windows XP-i Turn Off ; Power Switch Off Power Supply SMPS ATX 7. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Microsoft Word Step Mouse ( ) Start Pop Up Programs/All Programs Click Drop Down Microsoft Word Click Microsoft Word Logo Microsoft Word 8. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Microsoft Word Window j^vKwZ I On/Off Microsoft Word Window Title Bar Menu Bar Standard Bar Formatting Bar Ruler Scroll Bar Drawing Bar Status Bar Task Bar 9. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com (Edit) - : : Press Left Arrow : Press Right Arrow : : : Press Ctrl+Right Arrow : Press Ctrl+Left Arrow : : : Press Up Arrow : Press Down Arrow : : : Press End Key : : Press Home Key : : Press Ctrl+Home Key 10. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com : : Press Ctrl+End Key : : Press Page Up : : Press Page Down : : Press Ctrl+Page Up : : 1) Press Ctrl+Page Down gyQv/Delete : Block (Highlights) Delete press Block Backspace Delete Type Over Mouse Block Mouse Pointer Block Block Cursor - Shitf+Arrow Block Edit ; Select All - Block - Ctrl+A Block 11. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com ? Microsoft Word-G File : .. - File-G ;Save-G ; - (- DISIT) Save DISIT Save , Save Save Save Save 12. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Save File Save ( ) Save - File ; Save As ; Save ; Save File : , Document : File-G ; Close-G ; Note: Editing ( ) Save Close Microsoft Word - Yes-G , Save Save Close Save Yes Save As Save Save/Yes , Save As Save/Yes No Save Close Save As Save Close - .. File , Open 13. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Open Scroll Bar-Gi (- DISIT) Open Microsoft Word : Microsoft Word File , New, Open, Close ......... Exit - Exit , (X) Close Microsoft Word Desktop 14. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Word Page Setup Page - , / / Page Setup Paper Size, Margin m^ Paper Size , , , , Margin Page Setup Letter Legal A4 Paper Size - File ; Page Setup ; - Paper Size Letter Paper Size Letter List , Width, Height ; OK 15. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com , , , Word (Right = 1.25), (Left = 1.25), (Top=1) (Bottom =1) - File Kib; Page Setup ; - Margin - Top, Bottom, Left, Right ; OK Click Print Preview : Editing ; File ; Print Preview G ; Or, Ctrl+F2 16. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Viewing - Print Preview Normal View Close , Esc : ( ) , File Print , Ctrl+P : Install On OK : 17. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Current page : - Current page Pages : Pages b^i : , , , , , , b^i Copies Edit : .. Edit Edit Edit , Alt+E - Edit - Block Undo , Undo Undo - Document ; Edit ; Undo Typing/Clear ; Undo 18. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Edit Cut : Block ; Edit Cut Ctrl+X - Edit , Paste : Block Edit ; Copy ; ( ) Cursor - Edit , Paste , Ctrl+V - Paste View Menu : View Click View Open - 19. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Microsoft Word View ^vfvweK Dafault View Normal| Print Layout View Normal - View Normal - Print Layout View Web Layout - View 20. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Web Layout Web Layout view - Web Layout View Print Layout - View Print Layout Print Layout view - 21. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Print Layout View Outline View-G View Outline Outline view - Default Setting Ruler Off window Ruler On/Off - View ; Ruler Note: Ruler On Ruler () - 22. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Page - Header and Footer-G () Header Footer Header & Footer View ; Header and Footer ; Header 23. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com - Microsoft Word , Footer - Switch Between Header and Footer-G - DISIT Close Note : Header and Footer Header and Footer Block Delete ^vfvweK Page Break Page - - Page Break ; Inser ; Break ; Break - Page Break ; OK , Ctrl+Enter Page Break 24. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Cursor bv^vwiK Numbering Microsoft Word Page Number Insert ; Page Numbers ; Page Number - , Page Number ; - Position - ; Top of Page (Header) Bottom of Page (Header) ; - 25. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com , Page Number , ; - Alignment - ; - Right Centre Left , Page Number Roman ; - Format ; Page Number Format - Roman - OK ; OK Page Number Roman Style- G - Page Number Page Numbers Show Number on First Page-G () 26. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com (Top Position) bv^vwis Page Numbering Aej^b - View ; Header and Footrer ; Header and Footer Page Number - Page Number ; Delete Key press ; - Header and Footer Close , Pager Numbering ; - Symbol Symbol Symbol ; Insert ; Symbol ; Symbol - Symbol Mouse ; - Insert ; Close 27. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com - - ; - Insert-G ; Picture ; Clip Art/From File ; Picture ; - Picture Choose ; Back ; Insert ; Picture Close (X) - 28. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com - Word Equation Editor (Equation) Equation - Equation ; Insert Object .... Object Mouse Microsoft Equation 3.0 OK Equation Editor - 2 9 2 1 Equation 29. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Title Word Art Word Art Insert-G Mouse Picture Word Art Mouse - Your Text Here Delete/Backspace DISIT OK - Microsoft Word Font Font - Font Block/Select ; Format ; Font ; Font - Font ; Preview - OK 30. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com , Formatting Bar Font Font Color ; - Formatting or Drawing Bar Mouse Display 31. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Formatting Font Size 8 72 - Bold, Italic, Underline Block Formatting - : : : , , , -; - 32. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com ; - Format ; Font ; Underline Style ; Color ; - OK : Single| - Line Spacing Block ; Format ; 33. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Paragraph ; Paragraph - Line Spacing Single, 1.5 Lines, Double, Multiple ; OK ; Borders and Shading : Microsoft Word ^vfvweK - - Text Select/Block ; Format ; Borders and Shading ; 34. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Boders and Shadding Box - Choose your border style (Borders style ) OK Note: Selected Text Indent Box : ; Format ; Borders and Shading ; Shading ; Choose your Shading Color ( ) OK Note : Borders and Shading Page Border 35. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com English ; , Change Case - Text Select/Block ; Format ; Change Case ; Change Case - Style ; OK , , Drop Cap : Cursor ; Format ; Drop Cap ; Drop Cap ; - Style ; OK ; 36. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com 1, 2, 3 Key-Board bv^vwis Bullets bv^vwis : ; Format ; Bullets and Numbering ; Bullets and Numbering - Style ; OK ; Enter Bullet bv^vwis Numbering Note : Bullets and Numbering None OK bv^vwis 37. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Text Column - , ; - Format ; Columns ; Columns Number of Columns Text Up/Down Arrow press bv^vi Pop Up/Down , 4 Number of Columns ; - OK Spell Grammar Spell Grammar Right Click - Note : , , 38. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Thesaurus (Synonyms), (Anonyms), Noun, (Verb), (Adjective) , Principal () Principle () Spell Principal Principle Thesaurus Principal ; Principal Cursor Right ; Synonyms ; Thesaurus ; , Meaning Synonyms Meanings Antonyms (Antonyms)| Table : Table Table Draw Table Table : Table ; 39. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Insert Table ; Insert Table - , Number of Columns Number of Rows ; OK Column Row : - , b^i - Shift Key (WvDb ) ; - Table ; Insert ; - Columns to the Right Columns to the Left , b^i b^i b^i 40. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Note : Row Shift Key , Rows Above Rows Below ; Table ; Delete ; Column ; Block ; Table ; Delete ; Rows ; : Block/Select ; ; Merge Cells ; - 41. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Cursor - ; ; Split Cells..... ; - 5) ; , ; 6) OK ; 7) Split 42. Want more Updates http://facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks facebook /gmail/skype: - http://tanbircox.blogspot.com Drawing Bar : , , , , , , , , Drawing Bar Drawing Bar - : : : : : , , , , , , , , , - , : Bangladesh Rectangle Fill Color (Green) Oval Fill Color (Red) 43. 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