Mga Alagad sa Dagang | 1 The Constitution Mga Alagad sa Dagang The Order of the Quill Article I. PREAMBLE Section1. We, the students of the University of the Philippines Cebu, conjoin to form a student-based organization that identifies ourselves as Mga Alagad sa Dagang. This organization promotes literature in all its forms and meanings, and presents it in multilingual presentations; introduces creative writing to its members as an avenue to express themselves; promotes and reintroduces Cebuano, Filipino, and English Literature to the students to further help them develop and explore their creativity in writing through different outputs. Article II. NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION Section 1. The name of the organization shall be Mga Alagad sa Dagang, which is a Cebuano counterpart of its English name: The Order of the Quill. The organization concerns mainly on the literature in whatever forms, primarily creative writing, which is symbolized by the imagery of the quill (dagang). The members of the organization identify themselves as disciples of literature (mga alagad). Article III. SYMBOL OF THE ORGANIZATION Section 1. The symbol of the organization is that of Oblation between the laurel branch, which symbolizes eternity, and the quill, which symbolizes literature. This embodies the principle of the organization, literary in its form, that it shall continue to promote literature and creative writing to the student body in the coming years of the university. Article VI. COMPOSITION

Mga Alagad sa Dagang Constitution (draft)

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This is, so far, the Constitution of the organization.Note:This is not yet final.

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The Constitution

Mga Alagad sa Dagang The Order of the Quill


Section1. We, the students of the University of the Philippines Cebu, conjoin to

form a student-based organization that identifies ourselves as Mga

Alagad sa Dagang. This organization promotes literature in all its forms

and meanings, and presents it in multilingual presentations; introduces

creative writing to its members as an avenue to express themselves;

promotes and reintroduces Cebuano, Filipino, and English Literature to

the students to further help them develop and explore their creativity in

writing through different outputs.


Section 1. The name of the organization shall be Mga Alagad sa Dagang, which is

a Cebuano counterpart of its English name: The Order of the Quill. The

organization concerns mainly on the literature in whatever forms,

primarily creative writing, which is symbolized by the imagery of the

quill (dagang). The members of the organization identify themselves as

disciples of literature (mga alagad).


Section 1. The symbol of the organization is that of Oblation between the laurel

branch, which symbolizes eternity, and the quill, which symbolizes

literature. This embodies the principle of the organization, literary in

its form, that it shall continue to promote literature and creative

writing to the student body in the coming years of the university.


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Section 1. The members of the organization are composed of undergraduate

students from different courses inside the university.

Section 2. The Organization’s Executive Committee shall be composed of:

Chairperson; the Vice Chairperson that shall be divided into two

based upon the task of each: Internal Vice Chairperson and the

External Vice Chairperson; Secretary; Treasurer; Auditor; Pluma

Editor’s Circle Head, which is composed of the four editors of Pluma;

and the Adviser.

i. Each course shall be represented by a block representative.


Section 1. Membership requires applicants to submit at least one of the choices

provided: three poems or one short story written in either English,

Filipino or Cebuano language.

i. the aforementioned works must be originally written by the

applicant. Otherwise, application shall be denied.

PLAGIARISM, in any manner, will never be tolerated by the


ii. A portfolio of works, together with the applicant’s bio-data,

will then be submitted to screening of the panel of judges.

Section 2. Chosen members shall be given an official invitation to join the


Section 3. Members will pay an amount of thirty pesos as membership fee per


Section 4. Members are considered probationary during the first month of their

stay in the organization. This is to ensure his/her determination of

joining the organization. After the first month, the bonafide members

will then critic whether he/she should become an official member of

the organization.

Section 5. Members shall be subjected to all rules and regulations of the



Section 1. The organization shall utilize the use of the Internet as the medium in

which the members and the Executive Committee are free to engage

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in free publication through the official blog of the organization called

Pluma. Pluma can be freely accessed by all but, only the members’

creative works are allowed to be published in the site.

1.a) An online communication called Diskusyon shall also be

made. This will serve as discussion boards for future

activities of the organization or any news related to the

organization. Official announcements to the members are

also posted in this site.

Section 2. Pluma shall also be available through an official Bulletin Board called

Tingog posted inside the campus. Only updates and approved

creative works of the members are allowed to be posted here.

Section 3. Pluma shall cater three major languages: English, Filipino, and

Cebuano. Pluma shall have three major genres of literature: Short

Story, Poetry, and Creative Essay.

Section 4. The Pluma Editors’ Circle shall consist of the following officials:

Editor-in-Chief, English Editor, Filipino Editor, Cebuano Editor, and

Page Manager.

a. The Editor-in-Chief shall be the head of the team. He/She

shall assure that all the members of his/her team is doing

their tasks properly.

b. The English Editor, Filipino Editor, and Cebuano Editor shall

be in-charge of the crafts written in the English, Filipino, and

Cebuano languages, respectively.

c. The Page Manager will be task to post every crafts approved

by the Editor-in-Chief. He/She shall also be the one to

maintain Pluma, Tingog, and Diskusyon.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following:

Chairperson, Internal Vice Chairperson, External Vice Chairperson,

Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Pluma Editors’ Circle Head, Block

Representative, and Adviser.

Section 2. The Executive Committee will be in term within the duration of one

school year.

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Section 3. Incase of unavoidable circumstances, such as removal of the officer

from his/her position, re-elected officers will only finish the

remaining term.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall have individual duties as follows:

a. Chairperson—shall perform duties as to uphold organization’s

objectives; shall have the right to coordinate any activities of

the organization provided with the approval of its members;

shall supervise created committees; shall call meetings and

assemblies and emergency meetings.

b. Internal Vice-Chairperson—shall aid the chairperson in

his/her basic duties on the campus; shall act on behalf of the

chairperson incase of absence; shall act as chairperson if

chairperson is incapacitated before the appointment of the


c. External Vice-Chairperson— shall be the liaison and in-charge

of the out-of-school affairs organized by the organization.

d. Secretary—shall keep records of the meetings; shall help

disseminate information within the organization for

upcoming activities or any updates; shall keep an official

roster of the members of the organization; at the end of the

term, shall submit progress report of the organization’s

performance for the whole year approved by the Executive


e. Treasurer—shall keep the monetary funds of the organization;

shall keep and act as collector of the organization’s funds;

shall update financial status of the organization; shall record

financial activity of the organization.

f. Auditor—shall keep the financial activity of the organization;

shall audit all expenditures and shall double check financial

reports done by the treasurer.

g. Pluma Editors’ Circle Head—shall be in charge of monitoring,

managing, updating, and maintaining Pluma and its sister


h. Adviser—shall act as guide and consultant to the members of

the organization.

i. Block Representative—shall act as the liaison of their fellow

course mates in matters concerning the organization.

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Section 5. The Chairperson shall not be in the same position in two successive

years. However, he/she can still serve as the Chairperson after a year

not in the position.

Section 6. An officer may be removed from office by the impeachment, by

resolution in writing signed by at least two-thirds of the total

membership, which shall be certified by the Secretary, and in a

meeting finally concurred by no less than two-thirds of all members

of the organization including those requesting for removal of the

following reasons:

a. Willful violation of the constitution and by-laws;

b. Gross negligence and dereliction of duty; and

c. Any grave offense reflecting upon his/her moral character and


Section 7. The officer charged shall be given at least a week’s notice prior to the

hearing. He/She shall be conducted by the other members of the

Executive Committee.

Section 8. A maximum of seven (7) absences without a valid reason would

mean removal of an officer from his/her office.


Section 1. The Adviser shall be a faculty of the University of the Philippines Cebu.

Section 2. The Adviser shall be the sole person who can appoint the Chairperson of

the organization.

Section 3. The organization can have more than one Adviser provided he/she is

willing to participate in the development of the organization.

Section 4. The Adviser shall facilitate in the technical and moral development of the

organization as well as the members’ creative outputs.

Section 5. The Adviser shall approve the activities proposed by the Executive

Committee provided these activities benefit the organization.


Section 1. The Chairperson will solely be appointed by the Adviser. Members can

nominate any one of them whom they think is eligible to be considered

for the appointment as Chairperson. The Panel, composed of the

Executive Committee and selected members, will then present the final

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list of nominees, together with their credentials, to the Adviser for

him/her to choose the Chairperson of the organization.

Section 2. The remaining positions of the Executive Committee shall be elected

through votations with a two-thirds majority of the members of the

organization present in the meeting.

Section 3. Election shall be held at the first week of the month of March but shall

take effect on June, the next school year.


Section 1. The Organization shall hold general assemblies at least once a month.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a month or when the

Chairperson calls for an emergency meeting.

Section 3. The Organization shall have a Quill Day once a month. On this day,

members are encouraged to present their creative works to the co-

members during an assembly. If agreed by the Executive Committee, it

can be presented to the student body.


Section 1. Members, including the Executive Committee, shall be subjected to the

following disciplinary sanctions:

i. tardiness for more than 15 minutes during meetings and general

assemblies shall be subjected to a fine of five pesos.

ii. absences during meetings and assemblies shall be subject to a fine

of ten pesos. Valid Reasons are necessary in exemption of the

Penalties aforementioned above.

iii. three late arrivals during meetings will be subjected to one


Section 2. Members are required to attend the meetings and assemblies.

Section 3. Conflicts among members that affect the performance of the organization

shall be subjected to open discussion, and immediate action by the

Executive Committee and approved by the members.

Section 4. Problems regarding individual members, especially those concerning the organization, shall be proper attention and due action by the Executive Committee and approved by the members.

Section 5. Confidential matters discussed during meetings and assemblies are to be kept only among the members of the organization.

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Section 6. Activities to be made and those undertaken by the organization should not be taken advantage because of personal benefit of any member or Executive Committee.

Section 7. The organization shall have the right to know the necessary background of each member. Any information denied by the member and is proven to be true shall be subject to necessary action by the Executive Committee.

Section 8. Minority decisions are to be respected and noted but majority decisions always rule.

Section 9. Each member is expected to respect and cooperate with the decisions agreed upon the majority.

Section 10. Each member is expected to fulfill his/her duties and responsibilities as well as his/her obligations faithfully.

Section 11. Rights and Privileges of Members

Members have the right:

1.) To know the affairs of the organization: its projects, policies,

and programs;

2.) To voice out their concerns regarding matters of discussion of

the organization;

3.) To access necessary information with regards to funding or to

any transactions made by the organization;

4.) To avail assistance and services provided by the organization;

5.) To collaborate and coordinate with other institutions for the

benefit of the organization;

6.) To develop his creative writing ability by attending

workshops organized by the organization;

7.) To criticize co-members’ creative works during workshops;

8.) To submit nominations for the position of chairperson;

9.) To nominate probationary members anytime in the year; and

10.) To critic the probationary members whether they shall be

official members.

Section 12. Duties of the Members

Members have the duty:

1.) To uphold and adhere to the principles of the constitution of

the organization;

2.) To abide by the policies of the organization;

3.) To submit creative works monthly for the online publication

of Pluma, however, he can freely submit his other works to

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the Pluma Editors’ Circle Head anytime, which is not

obligatory; and

4.) To show respect and proper conduct not only to the officers

but also to their fellow members even outside the


Section 13. Disqualification of Members

Members can be disqualified in any of the following reasons:

1.) Willful violation of the constitution and by-laws;

2.) Proven to have plagiarized works of other literary artists;

3.) Unable to send creative works in total of three months; and

4.) Any grave offense reflecting upon his/her moral character

and integrity.


Section 1. The Constitution can be amended by at least two-thirds of the

votation of the total number of resident members.

Section 2. Amendments may be done within the executive meeting or with the

presence of two-thirds of resident members.

Section 3. Implementation of the amendments shall be immediately imposed to

the organization upon approval of the Adviser.