My Film Trailer Synopsis Callum Sands

Media trailer synopsis

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My Film Trailer Synopsis

Callum Sands

Page 2: Media trailer synopsis


When this project was first announced I knew I wanted to make a trailer for a horror film. I love horror films and I admire the people who work on them. I also wanted to create something new and unique but pay homage to the classic's I grew up on. So I came up with this basic synopsis:

'A group of teenagers are faced with a killer who is recreating scenes from famous horror films over the Halloween holiday. They must band together and outsmart the killer before he takes his next victim'.

There are four main horror films that will be the main horror films that the killer will be recreating as well as making other references to other films and popular culture.

I also wanted to create elements of mystery and comic relief in the film as well but not seem like I was copying ‘Scream in any way.

Then I went on write a more detailed synopsis of the film.

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Synopsis 'On October 29th 2012 two teenagers are at home planning their costumes for a Halloween party that

they will attend on the 31st. They watch ‘A Nightmare on elm Street’ and joke around wondering what they would do if Freddy came in and killed them while they were asleep. Someone then knocks on the door and they open it after hearing that there are trick or treaters outside. As they open the door they see someone dressed as Freddy Krueger. We do not see their face but they then storm into the house slashing the face of one the teenagers as they do so. The other runs back into the room but ‘Freddy’ stabs them in the back. ‘Freddy’ turns back to the slashed faced teenager and then stabs them in the stomach killing them. ‘Freddy then places them in their beds, therefore recreating a death scene from ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’.

The police treat this as an isolated incident but do find the whole murder quite ironic, they watched ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ and end up being stabbed to death in a bed. We are then introduced to the victim’s friends who are left reeling after they learn of the death of their friends. They soon learn that they were watching 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' and they were found stabbed to death in their beds. At first they think it’s quite suspicious and assume that the killer will strike again. The group deal with their loss in different ways. One of the group struggles the most as one of the victims was her sister, with all the drama of being a teenager and the idea of a serial killer on their minds the group find it all too much to deal with. Over the course of the 30th and 31st of October the group is attacked by the killer in different persona's who's also recreating scene's/death's from other horror films. As the bodies begin to pile up they must work together to identify the killer but they soon start to suspect it may be someone amongst them. As they try and out smart the killer by working out which film they will recreate next, they find themselves in a situation where the killer is always one step ahead of them. But with Halloween now in full swing and the party starting everyone in town is in costume which makes it the perfect playground for the killer to move around unnoticed. What would you do if you were in this situation’?

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:

A Nightmare on Elm Street

The opening scene will be the biggest homage and recreation to this film, the two teens found dead in their beds is reminiscent of this film. The opening scene will also pay homage to Scream 4 as the opening victims are two girls joking around about the film they are watching.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Freddy Krueger's look will also be one of the persona's the killer will take on. The hat, glove and jumper will be the elements that my killer will take whilst in this persona.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:

A Nightmare on Elm Street

There is a scene in the remake of this film in which one of the characters appear to have Freddy's gloved hand out of know where, I thought adding this in the film will help throw the audience's guess as to who the killer could be as well as reflecting on the modern spew of horror remakes in today’s society.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:


Michael Myers' costume will also be another one of the killer's personas.

The mask, the boiler suit and the knife will be the elements that my killer will take whilst in this persona.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:


I wanted to have the iconic chase scene as well as the closet scene recreated in the film. Also a scene from the original Halloween ll will be incorporated into my film, where Laurie is stranded outside the hospital screaming for


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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:


Some of the costumes worn in the remakes of this film will also be featured during the 31st night in the film, again reflecting on remakes in my film. Also this film takes place over Halloween just like my film.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:

Scream Franchise

Some of the characters in my film will receive threatening messages as they do in the Scream Franchise.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:

Scream Franchise

The killer’s third persona will be taken from the killer's costume in this Franchise, the Ghostface costume.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:

Scream Franchise

Also some of the character's will take off mask's that the killer’s wear which will again throw the audience off as they try and work who the killer is in the film.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:

This scene from Scream 4 will also be incorporated into the opening sequence of my film as the killer storms into the house.

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Here is a list of the main four films and the scenes that will be recreated:

Friday the 13th

Killer's fourth persona will be similar to that of Jason Voorhee's sack head mask.