Media thriller poster

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Thriller posters

Fighting is typical in a thriller movie because it builds suspense and anxiety to the film.

Finger prints indicate a typical thriller movie as it shows how gadgets to get DNA fingerprints are used in thriller movies.

Escaping and climbing down the side of a building is typical in a thriller movie as there is always a chase happening in a thriller movie.

Target this conveys this is a thriller movie as weapons are used and shows how a lot of action happens in a thriller.

Romance can indicate a thriller romance as in this picture the main character is kissing as female however there is another picture behind them which shows how the main character will leave her as he has a mission or someone to run away.

Main character is in all black and looks like he is running away from someone which is typical to happen in a thriller movie also he is holding a gun which conveys violence.

Bourne means a limit or boundary and identity shows who someone is.

Staring actor

Billing block


The title is in bold writing. The o in the title has the target aim in the middle of it.

Bourne is the main characters named Jason Bourne. The target in around him which connotes he is the main target as the target is in his name as well.

The Bourne is in bold which also conveys that he stands out.


He was the perfect weapon, until he became the target.

This connotes how the main character Jason Bourne is important because he was the perfect weapon which suggests without him it wouldnt be easy however just from the slogan it suggest what happens within the film as he could be a spy and know everything until he gets caught and becomes the victims target and he can no longer b doing what he does best.

The main image

This image shows a man who is running. This is a medium shot of him because it shows that he is important.

His facial expression Is serious which indicates that he is serious about something. Also he is holding a gun which connotes he is doing something violent as guns represent violence and danger.

He is dressed in all black which illustrates that he has a dark personality because he is dressed in all black which doesnt stand out. Also the blackness connotes death and danger which connects with the weapon which h is holding a it can cause death.

Also the image of the man is blurry with suggests he is running at a fast speed.

The background

The background illustrates how the film has something to do with spies. This is shown by the images in the back ground o the eye, DNA finger print and the target.

The background is blue which suggests accuracy when promoting high-tech products, which links back to the gadgets in the poster because it is all spy gadgets which are shown.

Also the colour blue is a masculine colour which also suggest ssthe main character is a man


In this poster it shows the main character which is all black, this suggests that the man has a dark side to him. Also we are shown that he is dangerous as there is a image of him fighting another male. Also in the picture the main character is holding a gun. On the other hand the target is directly on his heart which suggest the person which Is aimin gat him wants him dead.

Also romance can indicate a thriller romance as in this picture the main character is kissing a female however there is another picture behind them which shows how the main character will leave her as he has a mission or someone to run away. This conveys how the main character is always on the run and is never set put in one place.

W:\Media Studies\Media Studies\AS Media\AS resources\Thriller coursework\Thriller Film Posters\Thriller Posters\hanna_ver5_xxlg.jpgBilling block shows al the credits of the film.

The title is in bold writing which conveys it is the main characters name

Slogan; illustrates violence

Main image is pictures of a women also another image of a man shoving another man however the main image has a target over the top of it

Main characters, this illustrates that there is two main characters in this film also it connotes that the two people on he poster mare the main characters.


The title Is in bold white writing, this illustrates that this person Is meant to stand out as it is bold and in white and white connotes pure which could also suggest the person is innocent.

The title is a persons name Hanna which conveys how the film will be based on around someone who is important within the film.

The title has a target over the top of it which suggest that that person is a target within the film.

W:\Media Studies\Media Studies\AS Media\AS resources\Thriller coursework\Thriller Film Posters\Thriller Posters\hanna_ver5_xxlg.jpgslogan

innocence can be deadly this the slogan which is placed on the poster next to the woman's face. This suggest that the woman could be the innocence. This links to the title which is in white writing also which illustrates how the woman is innocent however can be deadly.

The writing is in bold white writing which also suggests innocence however it has a black outline around it. This suggest how the person who it is based on is innocent however has a dark side to them.

W:\Media Studies\Media Studies\AS Media\AS resources\Thriller coursework\Thriller Film Posters\Thriller Posters\hanna_ver5_xxlg.jpgMain image

The main image in this poster is of for different pictures which are sectioned of by the target. There is a target which as the title over it which suggests that that person is the main target in the film. The image shows a woman who I pointing a gun and aiming at something, however that links to the target which is on the other females name which is the title. This conveys how the woman's target to get is the woman Hanna.


There are three characters which are shown in the poster. There are two women and one man. The slogan is on the blonde woman's picture which suggests that the slogan is to do with her. This suggests that she is pure and innocent however if she has to she will become deadly, we know this because she has a gun in her hand. also the character Hanna has blood on her cheek which suggests she has been injured. However she is also looking behind her which suggests she is aware that she is the target and someone is coming for her as she watching her back waiting for a appearance from someone trying to attack her.

The other female has a fierce facial expression which suggests she is angry and is dangerous. This links t the weapon she is holding, the gun. The gun s being aimed at something which connotes she is trying to injure or kill someone.

there is a man which has a dark shade over his picture which suggest she is dangerous and has a mysterious side to him. We are shown that he is dangerous as he has a angry facial expression, also he is shoving another man at a force, we know this because in the image his arm is raised and his facial expression suggest she is irritated.

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