The image is mid shot of yasmin a young singer from the uk and she's not really that known the pose is quite seductive and she’s holding the glasses below her eyes this represents her revealing herself to the uk music scene instead of her covering her eyes. The Glasses correspond with the very bright and distinctive colour scheme they are also 3d glasses which are quite trendy these days so it represent popularity amongst the youth. The image appeals to the young boys because it makes look like she is looking straight at you trying to attract you. The colour scheme is quite bright and colourful it consists of the colours blue red yellow green and purple which makes it appeal to the young female teenagers. The colours represent the genre she does which is r&b this type of music is considered as more of a happy genre so it makes sense it being represented by loads of colours. The cover lines are white and yellow. Drakes name is a bigger font which shows that he is considered as the biggest artist in the list and represents his status in the music scene. The font is quite childish this shows that although she is a woman she still has a young side which appeals tot he audience because although people at that age are growing but they always have a childish side and no one can deny it but yasmin isn’t afraid to show it. This is also shown through the paint splats on the cover, most children are considered as messy and unruly. They placed the cover lines at the upper right side of the page because that was the only place to put it with obscuring the image. Which personally I think is quite unorthodox because they usually place it on the left hand side because people read from right to left so it catches their eye instantly.

Media coursework 3 cover analysis’

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Page 1: Media coursework 3 cover analysis’

The image is mid shot of yasmin a young singer from the uk and she's not really that known the pose is quite seductive and she’s holding the glasses below her eyes this represents her revealing herself to the uk music scene instead of her covering her eyes. The Glasses correspond with the very bright and distinctive colour scheme they are also 3d glasses which are quite trendy these days so it represent popularity amongst the youth. The image appeals to the young boys because it makes look like she is looking straight at you trying to attract you.

The colour scheme is quite bright and colourful it consists of the colours blue red yellow green and purple which makes it appeal to the young female teenagers. The colours represent the genre she does which is r&b this type of music is considered as more of a happy genre so it makes sense it being represented by loads of colours.

The cover lines are white and yellow. Drakes name is a bigger font which shows that he is considered as the biggest artist in the list and represents his status in the music scene.

The font is quite childish this shows that although she is a woman she still has a young side which appeals tot he audience because although people at that age are growing but they always have a childish side and no one can deny it but yasmin isn’t afraid to show it. This is also shown through the paint splats on the cover, most children are considered as messy and unruly.

They placed the cover lines at the upper right side of the page because that was the only place to put it with obscuring the image. Which personally I think is quite unorthodox because they usually place it on the left hand side because people read from right to left so it catches their eye instantly.

Page 2: Media coursework 3 cover analysis’

Head and shoulders shot of “Kano” is quite dark because of the effects, this makes him seem more mysterious and dark which also corresponds with the genre that he’s promoting which is Grime, this type of music is more underground and not as big as this music we see on TV now days but the image shows a light shining down on him which represents the mainstream side of music which he also does and how he’s breaking down the barriers between grime and mainstream. Kano is also seen as one of the big shots of grime so he is one of the best people to represent it, everyone who listens to grime knows Kano so by him being on the front it makes it more genre specific. He is also wearing shades which is quite ironic considering the background is dark, but this is to show that he maintains his superstar image even whilst doing grime (underground genre).

Link for competition to win free tickets to the biggest grime event this appeals to the audience because as grime fans they would want to attend this event to see their favourite artists live it’s placed in a bubble so it stands out more in order to stop the reader from just over looking it.

The colour scheme is a simple black grey and white which symbolises darkness which is to do with the genre grime which is a darker type of music compared to the pop music we hear.

The font looks unique futuristic and it stands out . This is to represent the artist on the front being Kano he’s seen as futuristic and unique one of the reasons why he is where he is in the music scene.

Page 3: Media coursework 3 cover analysis’

The headline is the next biggest font on the front cover after the masthead. It has a bright colour and it’s centred in the middle of the front cover to catch the readers eye and draw them into reading the magazine. Since Beyonce is on the front cover you'd expect her to have the most important article in the magazine that's why she's involved in the headline. Also the

magazine is aimed at particularly young people so in order to keep them interested you wouldn’t use small and dull fonts.

A big bright circle is used in order to highlight one of the magazines main events which is “5 years at the top” it is useful because it is a contrasting colour to the text and background which therefore makes it stand out even more.

Mid shot of Beyonce is blown up and made the centre of attention of the front page, so much that she is even over the magazines masthead. This is used particularly to attract the young boys as she is seen as attractive by males world wide. If a boy does see a beautiful woman on the front page they’ll be more interested in the magazine. The image of Beyonce is quite seductive almost as if the picture is luring the audience in. But it’s not just appealing for males because Beyonce is seen as an iconic figure for what she has done and her success in the industry, a lot of young female singers want to be like her.

Informal language in the strap line implies that the magazine is for young people and they use the language to appeal to them and make it seem like they are actually speaking out to that intended audience.

The layout and design is slightly contradictive as the background is blue which is usually considered as a boys colour but the image is a mid shot of Beyonce which I personally think means that they are attracting boys with the colour and Beyonce, so these two contrasting factors go together to appeal to their intended audience (young people) and the colour orange is very vibrant and could represent youth as it is a fresh bright colour. Also a simple colour scheme of blue white orange is used, not too many colours show that it is for young people but not too young they still want teenagers to read as having too many colours is quite immature and usually used to entertain small children and that will slightly patronize the readers which the magazine has cleverly avoided.

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