How your experiences of media consumption illustrates wider patterns and trends Media consumption is formed through the exhibition layer of film creation, however without the production and distribution the consumption of the media product wouldn’t exist, therefore all layers of media creation is important and alters experiences of media consumption. Concerning production, a film may be shot in 3D or with special effects, including green screen which is more interesting to consume and captivates the audience more. For example, Harry Potter, which included scenes of flying on a broomstick which people initially, did not know how it was done. With 3D films the media product also becomes more entertaining to watch, as it becomes more of a unique experience to consume. I have seen Avatar in 3D and I found it a much better experience than watching it 2D at home as I found the was more room to get distracted as opposed to feeling brought into the film and captivated. Therefore if there is a film, which is in 3D, I am more likely to go and consume it in the cinema due to the experience and atmosphere provided, thus profiting in cinema sales. Also concerning production, many films are now shot digitally as opposed to on film, this process is a lot cheaper than using film as prints must be replaced due to the fact they wear down, digital film is consistent. Skyfall used digital filming and due to the fact they didn’t use prints, they had a lot more left of their vast budget to spend on marketing and gaining an audience. The next stage of a film creation is distribution. Films can be distributed in various ways in today’s age as opposed to before when there was just TV and cinema. I mainly consume films via DVD or Netflix as I find I can watch it when I want and with Netflix I can watch it where I want as opposed to physically having to go to the cinema. Skyfall was distributed on DVD and had sales of $95,632,291. However the worldwide box office for Skyfall was $1,108,694,081, which demonstrates that cinema was popular for this film, however I think Skyfall was big in

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How your experiences of media consumption illustrates wider patterns and trends

Media consumption is formed through the exhibition layer of film creation, however without the production and distribution the consumption of the media product wouldn’t exist, therefore all layers of media creation is important and alters experiences of media consumption.

Concerning production, a film may be shot in 3D or with special effects, including green screen which is more interesting to consume and captivates the audience more. For example, Harry Potter, which included scenes of flying on a broomstick which people initially, did not know how it was done. With 3D films the media product also becomes more entertaining to watch, as it becomes more of a unique experience to consume. I have seen Avatar in 3D and I found it a much better experience than watching it 2D at home as I found the was more room to get distracted as opposed to feeling brought into the film and captivated. Therefore if there is a film, which is in 3D, I am more likely to go and consume it in the cinema due to the experience and atmosphere provided, thus profiting in cinema sales. Also concerning production, many films are now shot digitally as opposed to on film, this process is a lot cheaper than using film as prints must be replaced due to the fact they wear down, digital film is consistent. Skyfall used digital filming and due to the fact they didn’t use prints, they had a lot more left of their vast budget to spend on marketing and gaining an audience.

The next stage of a film creation is distribution. Films can be distributed in various ways in today’s age as opposed to before when there was just TV and cinema. I mainly consume films via DVD or Netflix as I find I can watch it when I want and with Netflix I can watch it where I want as opposed to physically having to go to the cinema. Skyfall was distributed on DVD and had sales of $95,632,291. However the worldwide box office for Skyfall was $1,108,694,081, which demonstrates that cinema was popular for this film, however I think Skyfall was big in cinema due to the anticipation for the next film in the James Bond series which dates back to when there wasn’t even a DVD to consume the film on, therefore seeing the film in cinema has become a tradition for fans of the franchise. Unfortunately Skyfall has not been distributed on Netflix and I didn’t want to watch it in cinema, which then limits their sales.