Comparative Study: Means of Communication with countries as UK, USA, India, France BRCM Public School Vidyagram Bahal Bhiwani Haryana

Means of communication by S B Ray

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Comparative Study:

Means of Communication with countries as UK, USA, India, France

BRCM Public School Vidyagram

Bahal Bhiwani Haryana

Means of Communication:The roots of the word communication

(communis, or common) accurately portray its

purpose. In communication the speaker is

attempting to “be one” with the listener. In the

process of “being one” we develop a communion, a

transaction, a dialogue. At its foundation,

communication involves a uniting and exchanging of

thoughts. As a result, the speaker is obligated to

create a clear picture of reality to stimulate listeners

to “make common” his or her thoughts.

Means of Communication:

How do we communicate?

“Basically, we communicate by

using the tools available to us, namely

symbols. Verbal and nonverbal

language are essentially sets of

commonly accepted symbols to which


attach meaning.”

Means of Communication:

Means of Communication:

Early Communications:Before human

beings created languages and alphabets, they communicated with both sound and body language.

Means of Communication:

Means of Communication India:

The first Indian media were

established in the late 18th century

when print media started in 1780.

Auguste and Louis Lumière shown

moving pictures in screen in Bombay

during July 1895; and radio

broadcasting began in 1927.Indian

media private media in particular

have been "free and independent".

Means of Communication India:

Means of Communication India:


The 19th century lasted from January 1 1801 to December 31 1900.

In 1850, the first experimental electric telegraph line was started between Calcutta and Diamond Harbor. The construction of 4,000 miles (6,400 km) of telegraph lines was started in November 1853.At that postal services was not so popular.

Means of Communication India:

Means of Communication India:


In pre-1902 the first cable telegraph was

established and in 1902 the First wireless

telegraph station established between

Sagar Island and Sandhead. In 1907 – First

Central Battery of telephones introduced in

Kanpur. 1933 – Radiotelephone system

inaugurated between the UK and India.

Means of Communication India:

Means of Communication India:


In 21ST century we have developed many communication techonology in INDIA. Such as:

TELEGRAPH:All major towns and cities have telegraph

offices that provide good service. These telegraph

offices are run by the Government and provide good

services at affordable price.

Means of Communication India:

Means of Communication UK:

18th Century

Diagram of UK Murray six-shutter system, with shutter

6 in the horizontal position, and shutters 1-5 vertical.

St Albans High Street in 1807, showing the shutter

telegraph on top of the city's Clock Tower.

Optical telegraph in the harbour of Bremerhaven.

Means of Communication UK:

Means of Communication UK:Top 10 Greatest mean of communication the

19th Century:

The nineteenth century was the era in which the advances in

technology and science and communication occurred.







Means of Communication UK:

Means of Communication UK:

20th Century

Print (books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, etc.)

from the late 15th century

Recordings (gramophone records, magnetic tapes,

cassettes, cartridges, CDs, DVDs)

from the late 19th century

Cinema from about 1900

Radio from about 1910

Television from about 1950

Internet from about 1990

Mobile phones from about 2000

Means of Communication UK:

Means of Communication UK:

21st Century

The 21st century is the current century of the Anno

Domini era or the

Common Era, in accordance with the Gregorian


It began on January 1, 2001, and will end on December

31, 2100.

It is the first century of the 3rd millennium.


Genetic Engineering

Hypersonic Transportation


Human Cloning

Hydrogen Powered Cars

Means of Communication UK:

Means of Communication USA:

STUDY IN 18TH CENTURYThe 18th century lasted from January

1, 1701 to December 31, 1800 in the

Gregorian calendar.

Joseph and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier

were two French bothers who made the first

successful hot-air balloon.

The Printing Press

The Telegraph

The Steam Engine

Means of Communication USA:19th Century

The19th century included the years from 1800-1899.

During those years, improvements in transportation,

communication, and technology were so rapid and great that

we call them a revolution.

In the early 1800's communication, the sending and

receiving of messages or information, was difficult and very






Means of Communication USA:

Means of Communication USA:20th Century

Now cell phone use is booming.  In the decade from

1990 to 2000, cell phone use increased by 20 times.  As

the cost of having a cell phone decreases, more and more

people around the world are enjoying the convenience of

owning one.

In the late 1920's, the idea of "radio movies" was

demonstrated before a large audience in New York City

and television was born. 

Radio changed the way Americans received information

and the way they were entertained.

The computer is a 20th century technological wonder.

Means of Communication USA:

Means of Communication USA:21st Century

Bluetooth technology-The Bluetooth

technology was introduced to the market

first in 2002.

Roomba the robot vacuum cleaner.

In the 21st century iPhone became one

of the most popular gadgets, bringing the

term "smartphone" to a new level..

Web inventions and sites that changed

our lives.

Google's Driverless Car

Electric-Car Charging Stations

Means of Communication USA:

Means of Communication France:

18th Century

Eighteenth Century Inventions 1700 - 1799

Optical Telegraph by Claude Chappe in 1792.

Modern pencil by Nicolas-Jacques Conté in 1795.

Paper machine by Louis-Nicolas Robert in 1799.

1745- E.G. von Kleist invents the leyden jar, the first

electrical capacitor.

1733- John Kay invents the flying shuttle.

1712- Thomas Newcomen patents the atmospheric

steam engine.

Georges Louis Lesage patents the electric telegraph.

Means of Communication France:

Means of Communication France:

19th Century

Is from 1801-1900 – is the Nineteenth Century.

The 19th century was the age of machine tools.

The Hall Braille typewriter (also called a

Braillewriter or Brailler) was invented in 1892 by

Frank Haven Hall.

To begin, technological strides were made in

electromagnetism and wireless communication that

led to the invention of the telephone and radio during

the latter decades of the 19th century.

Means of Communication France:

Means of Communication France:

20th Century

The first working airplane was invented, designed,

made, and flown by the Wright brothers, Wilbur Wright .

Primitive assembly line production was first used in

1901 by Ransome Eli Olds .

The first automatic analog cellular phone was made in

the 1960's. Commercial models were introduced in Japan

by NTT on December 3, 1979.

An integrated circuit (IC) or chip is a wafer of material

to which impurities have been added (in just the right

patterns) so that the entire chip is a circuit composed of

many transistors.

Means of Communication France:

Means of Communication France:

21st CenturyApple iPod (2001)- The device's large internal

storage capacity meant it was no longer necessary to

carry around CDs or cassette tapes, and the sleek

design made it a desirable item to own.

Mozilla Firefox (2002)-Firefox was the first web

browser to challenge the dominance of Microsoft's

Internet Explorer, after Netscape Navigator was killed

off in the 'First browser war'.

Skype (2003)- Skype has transformed the way

people in different countries communicate.

Facebook (2004)-Facebook was not the first social


Means of Communication France:

Means of Communication in Graph( Over-all):

Means of Communication in Graph(Class-XI):

Creativity TechniquesInternet Skills Presentation

Computer Literacy

G - 1 89 85 100 99 95

G - 2 98 89 100 100 96

G - 3 78 90 100 100 99

G - 4 80 86 100 98 96

G - 5 98 98 100 99 99

Means of Communication in Graph(Class-XI):

Means of Communication in Graph( Class-XII):

Creativity TechniquesInternet Skills Presentation

Computer Literacy

G - 1 89 75 100 76 100

G - 2 97 83 100 78 100

G - 3 80 56 80 85 100

G - 4 76 49 70 86 100

G - 5 86 72 68 56 100

Means of Communication in Graph( Class-XII):

Thanking U………..

Prepared By:

Sibabrata Balabantaray