The women in this picture is pale with various bruises we could possibly use this effect for victims of the killer for example, people who have been attacked by the killer however not killed. We could possibly also use this for the killer himself as it seems much scarier and would make him seem distant from society like he has been effected by something in his life. We could possibly use this makeup to show the injuries which have occurred from the killers actions towards the victims. We could use this when his victims are being attacked by the killer as well as when they have been attacked and are trying to get away. This is a combination of dark coloured eye shadows as well as some special effects makeup which could be purchased. MAKEUP IN HORROR FILMS

Makeup in horror films

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Page 1: Makeup in horror films

The women in this picture is pale with various bruises we could possibly use this effect for victims of the killer for example, people who have been attacked by the killer however not killed. We could possibly also use this for the killer himself as it seems much scarier and would make him seem distant from society like he has been effected by something in his life.

We could possibly use this makeup to show the injuries which have occurred from the killers actions towards the victims. We could use this when his victims are being attacked by the killer as well as when they have been attacked and are trying to get away. This is a combination of dark coloured eye shadows as well as some special effects makeup which could be purchased.


Page 2: Makeup in horror films

How to make a fake bruise:1. Apply black eye shadow to area you wish to become bruised. Make sure it looks light but not too light that you can't see it.2. Add a small bit of purple to the bruise. This will make it more realistic.3. Put some brown colouring on so it looks realistic and blends in more to your skin tone.4. Use your blush brush and add some brown blush and brush it over top of the bruise. This way, it looks more like it is healing.Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Fake-Bruise-with-Makeup

How to make fake blood:This website said how to make fake blood: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Fake-BloodThis can also be done through using syrup with red food colouring


Page 3: Makeup in horror films

This type of makeup could possibly be used to represent our final girl. This can be used after she has been attacked by the killer which results in her surviving however scarred severely. One of the last shots in our trailer will be of the final girl running which is when this makeup could be used.

The makeup in terms of the smeared mascara will be used in our film. This will be useful to express the distress of the killers actions on the victims. This will help us show the upset that the killer has caused.


Page 4: Makeup in horror films

What have I learned from this task?I have learned that make up can be vital by making our trailer more authentic.

Furthermore, this task has shown that make up is one of the most important conventions in horror movies as this is what makes the movie realistic. We will be able to express the victims emotions.

If we do decide to reveal the killer, we could also use makeup to show that he is distant from society.