Magazine front cover decon

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Page 2: Magazine front cover decon

Masthead- The masthead is big and bold, this makes the magazine stand out to the reader. The colour of the masthead is black, this goes with the colour scheme of the magazine. The masthead has a gradient effect , so it fades, this helps bring more attention to the cover image of the model. Another reason to why the masthead is at the back is due to the magazine brand is largely known so people can guess what magazine it is by looking at the few letters which can be seen.

Cover image- A full body shot is used, the model is wearing no clothing, this sexualises the model on it. This may be seen for the male gaze or for more mature audience members. She is crouching this is a revealing pose making the image adding to the sexualisation of teh artist. The image is in front of the masthead this brings more attention to the model on the cover. The model on the cover is Ciara, fans of this artist may pick up this magazine as she may be their favourite artist.

The colour scheme of the magazine is black white and red, the black could have come from the models black hair and shoes. There are not too many colours on the magazine, this makes the magazine look more professional as the cover is not clouded with too much colour.

A barcode is on the bottom right of the magazine, on it is also the price and date of them issue, is follows the stereo typical conventions of a magazine.

Pull quote- The pull quote is in bold, capitals this may entice reader to want to pick up the magazine and buy it. It reads ‘I’m not gonna hold back too much’ This quote may have been used to slightly contradict the cover image as the artist is wearing nothing but shoes.

Header- The header shows the audience that this magazine is a music based magazine. ‘R&B goes soft’ This can show the audience the genre of music may be r&b this may attract people who enjoy this genre of music to pick it up.Artist names such as John Legend

and Ne-yo are used to show to the audience that there may be articles about them within the magazine. The colour of the font is black and white, this goes along with the colour scheme helping the magazine look clean and professional.

Cover lines- This shows the audience the articles that may be within the magazine. The colours correlate with the rest of the magazine. The writing is bold making it more eye-catching inticing the audience to read it.

Angle of gaze is towards the cover lines, this may lead to the audience looking at what is written on the magazine.

Page 3: Magazine front cover decon

Pull quote- This quote reads ‘I am not body confident’ this may have the target audience (young teen girls) feel as if they would have something in common with the artist as teenagers are known to have some body confidence issues. The quote may result in them wanting to pick up the magazine This quote is within a pink circle graphic, this makes it more eye-catching.

Graphic- A bright pink circle is used to hold the pull quote, the bright bold colour is eye-catching, this makes audience members want to look at what is said. The colour of the graphic also correlates with the mast head colours.The graphic is places in the middle right hand side of the magazine, it covers some of the artist body but not the face, still allowing for the angle of gaze to be at the audience.

Plug-The magazine has a quiz, this may entice readers to want to purchase the magazine to take the quiz. ‘are you a flirt?’ Some readers may want to know their results again leading them to buy it.

Cover image- The cover image is a mid-shot of Lady Gaga, she is wearing a low cut dress, this may demonstrate to readers that she may be more mature compared to other artists. Her green dress goes with the colour scheme as green words are also used on the front cover. The angle of gaze is towards the audience, this may lead to the reader wanting to pick up the magazine as the artist is looking directly at them. She is front of a white background, this bring more attention to her.

Masthead- The ‘top of the pops’ logo is in bright pink, this makes the magazine stand out against the white background. The title is big and bold this conforms to how mastheads usually are within magazines, the letters are in all capitals, again helping bring more attention to it. The letter ‘s’ is curvaceous, this makes it look informal, linking to the fact it is a teen magazine, so girly and fun.

Buzz words- ‘wow!’ ‘instant’ ‘omg’ these are used to make the reader pick and see what is that interesting within the magazine

Header- On the banner there are famous artist such as Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, the use of these artist shows that this magazine is a music based one. This also demonstrates that there may be articles about these articles, again making the reader want to buy it.

Sub images- On this cover there are other images, this shows the reader what other articles may be within the magazine. Here a group image of One Direction (music band) is used . This shows how this is a music magazine as artists are used on the cover. But near the top left printed is ‘103 new trends’ this is followed by images of clothing and accessories, this shows that this magazine is also a lifestyle magazine for teenagers.

Page 4: Magazine front cover decon

Graphic- There is a circle outline graphic used, this brings attention to the words within the circle.

Cover images- This is a mid shot of the artist, the image of her is in front of the masthead, this makes her stand out more. The artist is Lady Gaga and by making her stand out it may result in fans of her picking up the magazine. The artist is not wearing a lot of clothing, this sexualises the model. The model is wearing heavy eye makeup this brings more attention to the angle of gaze.

The angle of gaze is towards the audience, this may entice them to pick up the magazine as it looks like the model is looking directly at them.

Masthead- This masthead is in the top left corner of the magazine, The colour is red, this goes along with the colour scheme of the magazine. The title is behind the model, this helps bring more attention to the model. This also shows that the magazine branding is so well known that it is recognisable even if the whole title is not visible.

The banner on this magazine states ‘the uk’s biggest music magazine’ by placing this on the cover it can suggest to the audience that there may be articles worth reading since it is claimed to be the best selling.

I have deconstructed two different music magazines, which have the same artist on the front cover. The way an artist is presented on the front cover links to what genre of music and the audience the magazine is for. The artist portrayed on the covers is Lady Gaga.For ‘Top of the Pops’ Lady Gaga is wearing more modest clothing, it portrays the artist in a more girly way, compared to the Q magazine which places the artist in a sexual light. I have learnt that R&B magazines market female artist in a sensual way, this is seen continually within different magazines. For my music magazine I want to go along with the idea of women being seen as independent and strong but I want to go against the stereotype of women being portrayed in a sexual manner.