MY MAGAZINE Nanette Kilele yr 12

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  1. 1. MY MAGAZINE Nanette Kilele yr 12
  2. 2. how does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? how does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? how did your production skills develop through out the project? how did you integrate technologies-software, hardware and online -in this project?
  3. 3. how does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? My product both uses and challenges the Goffmans theory. Goffmans theory states that men in pictures are more dominant and women are sexually represented in addition they have a blank face. My cover page model is shown to be dominant and the double page spread model shows a blank face. I believe that my product would apply to the hypodermic needle as well, the hypodermic needle stated that the product is influential. The message sent/shown by the product will trigger are response from the audience. The youth group is heavily represented in the magazine as all the models, cover and double page spread model are all still in their teenage years. The articles are also very juvenile as it only talks about my generations type of love. Other social groups such as the older generation are under represented. This is because they are not my target audience and this product was meant to appeal more to the youth rather that them. Social issues such as race, is represented as I used different models with different cultural backgrounds. Ethic groups are represented as culture is associated with this.
  4. 4. MASTHEAD. Orange = catches audiences eye bold & LARGE font =CG times bold Tagline purple Formal font= Classy Cover lines. Same font. Colour scheme - simple Black and White main image for simplicity. More intriguing. It is different. Goffmans theory applied dominant pose. Signifier: ball, arms shown
  5. 5. I used black and white images through out the magazine, because it is simple and the audience, the audience I am aiming for would consume this. I chose this picture firstly because the amount of shadow, light and focus which is appealing. The cover model does not make eye contact with the audience, I had to find other ways of engaging with my audience. I did this with the words YOUR OUR etc.
  6. 6. Continuing with the trend of black and white pictures, I used more than one picture that apply to the articles however are put in a random order. I used the colour maroon as it is more appealing.
  7. 7. Model is in deep thought. She could be thinking of the subject of love. Her hair covers part of her face which shows mystery.
  8. 8. My double page spread picture applies to the Goffmans theory as the model shows a blank face however it also defies this theory as she has not posed sexually and in addition she is not looking at the audience which is not inviting. My double page spread gives into the stereotype of pink associating with love. However the article strongly opposes stereotypes of love.
  9. 9. how does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? I aimed for the younger audience roughly from the older twenties to older teenagers. My cover is what would catch the eye of my potential audience. My colour pallet is rather simple as I used only three colors orange, purple and white. These colours are able to pop and not look like too much. I used clack and white picture as at this age we begin to notice the beauty in simplicity. The font does also appeal to the audience as it is simple yet bold. My research on colours stated that orange is a colour of joy, happiness, attraction, success and creativity. This means that this colour is inviting and will attract a creative audience. Plus orange is a very POPPING colour. The colour purple is associated with ambition and power. White displays purity and innocence. My potential consumers would also read the cover lines which would appeal to both genders. Males and females keep up with fashion trends, cultural attire is slowly becoming fetch once again, since it is they would want to keep up. My generation love to keep current. The use of words engages with the audience, OUR generations definition of love. OUR vocalizes to the youth that its about me and you! The content page does the same thing with the word YOUR. As a teenager a love to expand my knowledge that is why I included Life Hacks especially when they are DIY (do it yourself). I found out that many teenager do like to do this as well. The use of language/text in the article would solely appeal to the age bracket above, simple yet good grammar is used.
  10. 10. Distributing this product as a real media text would mean I distribute this magazine where my audience would be able to access it. Most teenagers these days always find a way of going online so I would make an online magazine to reach them. Expanding on the online idea the magazine would have a website that would keep loyal customers intrigued by releasing previews of the next month edition In order to get this the customer would have to pay for subscription for the monthly issue. The magazine would be advertised on the website and on sites that my audience is on such as facebook or instagram. To reach to wider audience as I am not aiming for a national alone. Another area that everyone goes is the a shopping mall, to increase sales I would to franchise market in Kenya such as Nakumatt or Primark. Magazine are commonly found in Salons or Barbers this is because the customer would have time to spare this a great way of getting your magazine out there.
  11. 11. Progress of magazine.
  12. 12. how did your production skills develop through out the project? This was my first magazine cover and the production is horrible. The amount of light in the picture is too much, the picture cannot be seen. The colours used were too many. The yellow tagline cannot be seen either due to the light situation. The date and the price can barely be seen as well. There was too much happening in this cover, the background is busy and I added cover lines on top of that to make it look even busier! Placing of these cover lines are also wrong. The title of this magazine is not flattering at all, the colour nor the font looks nice according to the background. My skill were laughable then, but this magazine was only the first stop to developing the production skills that I needed to make a presentable magazine.
  13. 13. My magazine has improved. The picture quality is better the amount of light has improved as well. The most difficult thing of making this magazine was 1. PLACING OF THE COVERLINES. -I didnt want the cover lines to overpower the picture. - The cover lines are also meant to spaced out enough and not too squashed. 2. THE COLOURS. - The colours have to be seen. - Not too bright because that can be childish and sometimes cannot be seen. - Not too dull because that will attract a whole other audience. The magazine would look boring. Colours is the one thing I have changed the most. I am not the best in Photoshop skills but I have improved.
  14. 14. how did you integrate technologies-software, hardware and online -in this project? Software The software I used is ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6, this was great to use, I downloaded this from the online store. Photoshop was rather easy to use after watching a couple of tutorials and with the help of a couple of my friends. I tried to use in-design, some of my classmates stated that it is really easy to use. I did try and use it and it wasnt that simple as I intended to use it for my double page spread. Hardware The use of the camera, I used Nikon D3000 camera, I took the pictures in black and white because this black and white looks more enhanced compared to editing it. The laptop, whereby I downloaded the software I used and completed my work. Online. My cover page image I did edit it online to increase the amount of shadow in the picture. I was able to access the software I used online. My research was done online, this helped complete this work. In addition tutorials watched were online as well.
  15. 15. THANK YOU