Magazine analysis

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Page 2: Magazine analysis

CLASH ANALYSIS• Spatial layout, very simplistic

• Images on the front cover tend to be are taken in a photograph studio• Likes using white text on darker backgrounds

• Close up and medium close ups are used most often • Like the contrast of neat layout and rustic/ old quality photographs or overlap layout of

images • Like symmetrical layout so that paragraphs are same size/ sections of text• don’t use very bold text other than magazine name on front cover

• Don’t overcrowd the page with loads of images• Minimal, neutral colours

• The quality Photographs within the magazine (not cover image) all look as if they’ve been taken with an older camera/ its original compared to most magazines that like to use

• Isn’t that much contextual information or lots of text, its more about the design of the magazine that’s visually stimulating not to inform the reader with masses of information.

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The masthead is very bold and large however they have made it white and placed it on top of the dark image, making the text stand out.

The headline isn’t presented in the usual layout most magazines are . It isn’t very bold but is placed on top of the darkest part of the image which makes , with the contrast of dark and white, the headline stand out without it been a bold font or large size.

The feature article photo is a mixture of bold contrasting colours which the magazine have a trend of doing. It’s a medium close up shot and is quite personal to the main subject of the image. The plug actually stands out

more to the viewer than the headline and is in a more bold font.

Barcode on front- not back

Photo studio set up

Photograph is only in focus on his ear and right eye that’s shadowed.

The shot is a medium close up

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-The colour scheme is very classic with minimal contrast to text.-They use a mixture of different fonts within that go well together.-The word ‘contents’ written at the top is in a completely unique font and style which doesn’t link with any other piece of text on the page. -Page is separated by divisions/ lines that separate the sections of text.

-They have two columns in the middle section with a left text layout and a central text layout for the top and bottom sections. -There’s a mixture of bold and regular font.-Small images of their front covers at the top next to the title that both have a retro feel to them. -Lots of small writing and articles features in the magazine.-Not a lot of white space.

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CLASH DPS“train in vein” is a play on words because they used the term ‘vein’ meaning blood vein which links to the body strain of training and links to the film trainspotting which features a lot of heroin use. -White border- looks formal

-The bottom paragraph lines up with the two column paragraphs on the right page.The headline contrasts well with the dark background image even though it isn’t bold however with it been white it stands out due to the contrast in colour.

Different to most dps in other magazines. The dps goes well with the magazine cover in relation to colour scheme -Two columns- not much text but with small text I really like the layout of this page with the font and size of the writing

-The image is in quite bad quality for a rustic effect to the feel of the magazine and had minimal colours. -The text at top is bigger compared to paragraph at BottomLittle paragraph at the bottom doesn’t line up with columns on other page

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Feature article photograph has very minimal, neutral colours.Menu strip isn’t very bold and has small text however because its white and has been placed on top of the darkest part of the image it stands out and is made noticeable to the viewer.

The masthead is in block colour and provides a huge contrast from the white background. Its in a very minimal style in relation to font and layout of the text.

The headline is in a different font to the master head, its less bold and not block text which makes it looks more dainty and minimalist. However because its black against a pale background it stands out.

The image is taken with a 90s style to it due to the clothing in which they’re wearing but also the quality on the photograph.

The menu strip has been placed on darkest part of the image and it in a neat, structured layout.

The white border provides a clean, structured look that’s minimalistic.

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-The contents page for this magazine is very minimal on the left page with dainty small text and simple colour scheme, much like the front cover. -Images on both pages are small but vary in boldness and style.

-The page number, gap between the number and the headline title of each page are all lined up and look like columns. -The images on the right page are a mixture of really bold images and black and white plain images that matches with the small image on the left page.

-The contents headline isn’t very bold but bring the same feel to the page as the cover.-The layout is simplistic due to monochrome colour scheme and lots of white space-There is a huge difference in font style between the two pages.

-However the right page is very bold, bright and colourful and is showing the advertisement of events the magazine informs the reader about. -Although each page is very different there are small links between them both which links the advertisement of event within the magazine with the actual magazine style, format and design.

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Basic layout- 6 columns of contextual writing columns are separates with lines on In designMixture of fonts from the title and quotation to the actual articles font.

The image is stretched across both pages with more of the image on the right and more writing on the left. image is studio shot of the band in the article.Gap between article and quotation- its important

Front of the title matches up with their quote .For the image they use artificial writing and are all dressed in a fashionable, quirky way that takes inspiration from 90’s style clothing

Always a space in between the bold writingcolours a quite minimal

Not a lot of white space & Lots of small writing

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LOUD AND QUIET ANALYSIS• Mixture of simplistic plain layout with bright, bold colourful pages on double page spread and

contents page• Monochrome theme/ white background/ black writing

• Photographs are usually taken in natural situations/ not studio• Use mixture of different fonts

• Clean layout which makes it look more sophisticated/ lots of white space • Use white borders around every page• Neutral colours/ not bold or bright

• Not very much contextual information/ not block text• Don’t have bold text other than the magazine cover title

• Use small links between pages that bring them together like colours or the styles of photographs on each page

• Use set columns that are same length

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The masthead is very bold and large. They have chosen the font so that its block bold writing however has flecks of the background image running through the colouring of the text gives it a rustic feel and makes the magazine seem more like a younger magazine than a pristine, sharp, minimalist magazine.

The headline of the front cover is a different font to the master head however has the same size text. They have made the headline stand out but not in the same way they have designed the master head to be, instead made the text a neutral plum shade that contrasts well with the background image and places it on top of the darkest part of the image which coordinates the colour scheme of the page and makes it look more sophisticated than magazines such as ‘we love pop’.

The feature article image is taken in a studio set up and has been edited to make it look rustic and as if its been taken on an older camera.

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-This page doesn’t look as sophisticated as the other contents pages I have analysed due to the banners which make it look more crowded.-The paragraph text is small and not very bold.

-The left side of the page is an advertisement cover. -This photograph has used artificial lighting. -The red text on the contents page ties in with the colour of the CD colour on the left-Social media links to advertise - strict layout of text and image position

-The bold black quote gives a feel for what the theme of the magazines content is.-The two pages are linked in different ways that isn’t to do with format or layout but colour scheme.

-The text colour contrast between black, purple and red are very similar to the front cover. -The image on the right page ties in with the text colour and has similar colour to the left pages advertisement image.

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-The actually colour scheme is quiet simple due to the white border, black text and the image been a tie of pastel blue and pink. -The word ‘news’ and the letter ‘D’ both of different block coloured borders. -5 columns- mixture of bold and normal text.-Lots of white space which makes it look more sophisticated.Isn’t any advertisement of events which the other two magazines have.-There is more context and a more visual inspiring layout.

-The colour scheme is mainly pale blue, pale pink and block black which gives a contrast of light and dark, soft and hard.-The article text is small and in small column layout which makes the page look more sophisticated. -Line to separate articles.-Picture is the main focus of the double page -The way in which the photo has been edited is what pulls the whole double page spread colour scheme and context feel. -The picture has been taken in a photography studio and then either edited or lighting in the studio have been used to get the gradient of colour.

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MUSIC AND RIOTS ANALYSIS• Tend to use similar colour scheme for cover and contents page

• Basic, spatial layout • neutral colours

• Mixture of bold and normal text • Photos taken in studio

• Lots of advertisement for upcoming events/ people• Block text titles

• Rustic picture theme• Lots of white space within the magazine

• There isn’t loads of text/ information because the purpose isn’t to inform the reader but to inspire them and give them something that’s visually stimulating

• They use colours that link the cover, contents and double page spread together like the background colour on the cover photo then the pink/red text on the contents

and the pale pink on the double page spread.• Not as sophisticated looking as the other two I have analysed