MAC Furniture On basis of .Net Technolgy

MAC Furniture by Sonu Vishwakarma

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MAC FurnitureOn basis of .Net Technolgy


• Project Analysis

• Review main point in .Net a) .Net Environment

b) Java vs .Net

c) Variables in C#

• About MAC Furniture

• Module used• Creating a master page• Creating a Registration Page• Create connection to the

DataBase• Creating the login form

• See the Galary in Project.• Logout from the Project

Project Analysis

• Requirement analysis

• Market analysis

• Technology analysis

• Language Analysis

• Feasibility Analysis

.Net Environments

C++ CVB Java

VC++ VB.net F# J#

C# Project

Java vs .Net



Native or Machine




Native or Machine Code


• Value Type Variable

• Reference Type Variable

• Boxing & Unboxing



About MAC Furniture

• MAC Furniture is a name of an organization that manage all things related to furniture.

• MAC stand for Multiple Access Corporation.

• It will show all designs of latest furniture and consult with customer and provide facility according to requirement in corp.

Module Used

• Customer• Admin

• Worker

Creating a Master Page

Choose Ist table and code

Now choose II table & code in <td> of Fist table

Now choose III table & code in Fist table <td> footer row

Now choose IV table & code in II table II column <td>

Finally MasterPage in Home page

Now create the Registration page

Connection to the Database

• Create database and tables in SQL Server Management R2

• Connect server to the project.

• Now code in web.config file of .net project.

• Now code in C# page on submit button double click.

• Set namespaces as using System.Configuration; using System.Data.SqlClient;

Web.config file connection code

• <connectionStrings>

<add name="constr"


data source=sonu\sqlexpress;

initial catalog=[databaseName];

integrated security=SSPI;"/>


Login form creation

