Teaching Children’s Literature: It’s Critical Responses to “Risky” Texts Jerome C. Harste Vivian Vasquez Andrew Manning Peggy Albers

LRA Risky Texts Presentation 2012

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Slide presentation in session "Children's Literature: It's Critical" called "Responses to Risky Texts" by Harste, Vasquez, Albers, & Manning, LRA Conference, San Diego, 2012

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Teaching Children’s Literature: It’s CriticalResponses to “Risky” Texts

Jerome C. Harste Vivian Vasquez

Andrew Manning Peggy Albers

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Participants: 14 Elementary Teachers(N=42) 19 Secondary Teachers

9 Administrators

Master’s Degree in LiteracyTeacher as ResearchCritical LiteracyMultiple Ways of Knowing2-Year Program

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What are teacher concerns and reservations about using risky texts in theirclassroom? What factors do they take into account when selecting children’sliterature for use in their classroom? Given a better understanding of teacher concerns and reservations aboutUsing risky texts in their classroom, what are the implications for teacher preparation?

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Three Questions: Three Books

Would you use this book in your classroom? If “No,” why not? If ‘Yes,” how do you see using it?

What reservations or concerns, if any, do you have about usingthis book in your classroom?

What factors do you take into account when selecting books foruse in your classroom?

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Woolvs in the Sitee:ˆ How participants thought they might use this book intheir classrooms:

Use it to explore words as toolsHave kids edit the spelling and grammar in the book (“Let’s correct it!”)Call attention to the fact that the author uses first person to express his

ideas and opinionsUse the misspellings to help students understand voice in textUse it to explore voice – difference between how you speak and how you writeUse it to discuss authentic language

Teach an art lessonUse it to teach art – mood evoked through colorUse it to study the relationship between ‘abstract text’ and ‘abstract art’Use it to talk about how images further the meaning of a text

Use it to encourage visualization (dramatize moods/darkness)Discuss point of viewUse the book to develop inferencing skills – What do wolves represent?

Why don’t they have water? Where is his family?Use it to teach main idea (stated evidence) and inferencingLook for metaphors and descriptive language: What do the wolves represent?Use open-ended questions: What do you think is the author’s message? Use evidence

from the text to support your ideas

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Continued: Woolvs in the Sitee:ˆ How participants thought they might use this book intheir classrooms:

Use the book to discuss social issues and to build emotional bridges and understandingExplore the relationship between the boy and neighbor; social issuesTalk about how the book gives hope – boy goes out at the end; he begins to reflect

on past, talk about repressed memoriesHelp students connect the story to their own lived experiences: How does the story

relate to your experiences living in the city?.Focus on self-esteem, independence, maturity, social support networks for childrenIdentify the big ideas: Mental illness, Thugs, Lack of Family Support, Lack of ResourcesUse it to demonstrate compassion – Mrs. RadinskiUse it to teach about bullying and its effects on individualsUse it to talk about loss, depression, wolvesUse it to talk about resurrection – a new life

Discuss who gets to determine why a book can be written with obvious spelling and grammar issuesDiscuss why the book is written in a chaotic fashionTalk about the relationship between language and culture – cultural literacy/

situated literacy

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Would you use this book in your classroom? If “No,” why not? If ‘Yes,” how do you see using it.

Elementary: NoDeath, Duck, & A Tulip: 82% (Maybe: !0%) Probably Means 92%I Am Thomas: 64% (Maybe: 7%) Probably Means 71%Woolvs in the Sitee: 52% (Maybe: 41%) Probably Means 93%

Intermediate/Secondary: NoDeath, Duck, & A Tulip: 3% (Maybe: 6%) Probably Means 9%I Am Thomas: 0% (Maybe: 0%) Woolvs in the Sitee: 26% (Maybe: 20%) Probably Means 46%

Administrators/Staff Support: NoDeath, Duck, & A Tulip: 0% (Maybe: 11%) Probably Means 11%I Am Thomas: 0% (Maybe: 0%) Woolvs in the Sitee: 62% (Maybe: 0%) Probably Means 62%

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What reservations or concerns, if any, do youhave about using this book in your classroom?(76 identified)

Psychological Concerns 52--readiness to discuss topic--sensitivity of topic--emotional impact

Parental Concerns 31--topic best handled at home--inappropriate for school

Educational Concerns 21--lack of administrative support--not comfortable handling topic myself--can topic be explored openly

Religious Concerns 12--doesn’t match the church’s stance

8 participants had no concerns

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Reading and Rereading Responses Resulted in 9 Categories: Is the book age-appropriate? Would students in my class find this book interesting? Would this book promote in-depth student engagement?Is there a curricular tie-in? Am I comfortable handling a discussion around this topic? Would my students find the illustrations engaging? Does this book have literary merit? Would this book support students in taking on a critical stance?Other (Personal taste, access, fun, etc…)

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Book Selection Criteria in Order of Importance (N=40)

Elementary Teachers:Would the book promote in-depth student engagement? (13/14)Would the students in my class find this book interesting? (12/14) Is the book age-appropriate? (10/14)Would the book support students in taking on a critical stance? (5/14)

Secondary Teachers:Would the book promote in-depth student engagement? (17/19Would the students in my class find this book interesting? (17/19)Would the book support students in taking on a critical stance? (11/19)Is the book age-appropriate? (9/19)

Administrators:Would the book promote in-depth student engagement? (7/9)Would the book support students in taking on a critical stance? (5/9)Would the student in my class find this book interesting? (4/9)

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Age-appropriate Elaborations by Elementary Teachers:

“Is it meaningful/relevant for Grade 3 kids?” (Rebekah, Grade 3 Teacher)“I think I need to be aware of my children’s ages in picking books. I find there

are topics that are too mature for my students and I feel they wouldn’t getanything out of it. I wouldn’t get the discussions.” (Amy, Grade 2 Teacher)

“Could I read this to my students and could they take meaning from it?” (Dawn,Grade 3 Teacher)

“This is the primary concern I have when choosing texts and content for myyoungsters. I always consider this. This is my first year teaching kinders; I’mvery conscious of my choices.” (Diana, JK/SK Teacher)

“The subject must be appropriate – it’s not about ‘level.’ (Claire, Grade 2 Teacher)“[Age-appropriate] for the issues they can handle.” (Julie, Grade 3 Teacher)“Is it a topic that students are developmentally able to work with?” (Megan,

Grade 1 Teacher)“Content (maturity level required), level of vocabulary, topic, what kinds of

prior experience are necessary for students to make meaning of the text make connections.” (Meghan, Grade 3 Teacher)

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“Some parents would not feel comfortable with this. I had a parent call thispast week about a story that a child was reading “Losing Grandpa.” They wanted it pulled.” (Amy, Grade 2 Teacher)

“I think it may be difficult for some of my students to make connectionsthat are needed for comprehension.” (Roseanne, ESL Teacher)

“8-year-olds are not mature enough to process /fully understand whatis taking place in the book.” (Rebekah, Grade 3 Teacher)

“My students attention span is no longer than 10 minutes; the bookwould be too long. Just not right. (Diana, Kindergarten Teacher)

“It seems too vague and I am struggling with how it can connect withmy students.” (Anita, Special Education Teacher)

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“How do you explain to parents why you are using a book with grammar andspelling mistakes, when you are, at the same time, teaching correct spellingand grammar.” (Christine, Teacher-Librarian, JK-Grade 8)

“Not written in proper grammatical form/spelling.” (Lucy, Grade 7 Teacher)

Scary – “shadows prowling against pavement”-Is there mental illness?” “Arechildren ready to discuss mental illness/concerns (developmentally, socially)?”(Pat, Junior High Teacher)

“I don’t feel equipped to deal in mental disorders/paranoia,” (Lisa, 11-12 High SchoolTeacher)

“Doesn’t seem like a positive story.” (Lisa, 11-12 High School Teacher)

“I’m not to sure how to present its content (I don’t know exactly the messagebecause it is very vague.) (Josie, Grade 8 Teacher)

“Positioning it as a published piece.” (Paul, Resource Teacher/TeacherRepresentative for Board on Library Policy)

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Interesting Comments:

“Reads as being written by an adult pretending to be a speaker from a different discourse/social culture” (Meghan, Grade 3 Teacher)

“Some [parents] will probably complain, but those will always complainabout something.” (Nicole, Core Resource Teacher)

[You should] “know, at this present moment, we’ve hadstudents cutting themselves. I would have to really question whenis a good time. (Roberta, Reading Recovery/Literacy Leader)

“Also important to me is whether or not the book fits with Catholic valuesor stirs up controversial issues.” (Adam, Grade 8 Teacher)

Jerome C Harste
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Things to Talk About:

Age-Appropriate – seems like a reasonable concern, but can bethe home of a scoundrel. (ALA reports that teachers are thebiggest censors of books)

Parents – In past research I have done, this is one of many teachers’ major concern for not implementing change.

Protect the Innocence of Children – This attitude can reallyhinder opening up much needed conversations

Literature as Positive – We have inadvertently taught teachers that literature addresses should be enjoyableand entertaining.

Not knowing how to talk about important issues.

Books are social. Importance of text sets.

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Reflective Comment on Response Paper

“And now, a few words on Risky Texts. I am wonderingif the risk in these texts might be mitigated somewhat if we don’t presume that the only authority or perspective on the topic is thatpresented by the author. It seems to me that if we make a commitment to offer, welcome and intentionally provoke multiple perspectives in our classrooms, then we have to worry less about risky texts. If students are compelled and know how to question texts, each other, the teacher and themselves, then I think the risk is reduced. I think that we get into trouble when we allow anyone, including ourselves or a text to use our classrooms as a place to promote one ideology.” (Nicola, Resource Teacher)